(Jeff Thompson) Regular readers of world events have long since understood this fact – that Australia has turned into a fascist state reminiscent of The Children of Men.
Related Soros Funded District Attorneys in Cities With Highest Crime Rates
by Jeff Thompson, December 4th, 2021
We are witnessing the death of free speech
Throughout the course of the past two years, we’ve witnessed the death of free speech in what was once a (relatively) free nation. We’ve seen pregnant women arrested in front of their screaming children for Facebook posts which organized ACTUAL peaceful anti-slavery protests. Police entered her home, told her she had broken the law for doing so, and took her away an hour before she had her ultrasound. You can see the video of it below. Your blood will boil.
Australia has taken things even further
We’ve covered this at TOP before, but it bears repeating. It is within Australia that police can now “legally” change one’s social media posts to say anything they feel to.
With this kind of law MORE pregnant women could be arrested for posting about taking their dog to the groomer. All police have to do is go in, change the post to some violent diatribe, and voila – you’re a criminal. A very convenient excuse to be able to arrest literally anybody for anything, is it not? What is the purpose of this if not to exert complete control over a populace? To instill fear against all for ANY level of speaking out whatsoever. The message is clear: sit down, shut up, and let us do what we want, or we will ruin your life.
Keep in mind, the cops can do this “legally”
Laws were changed to give an air of legality to violating human rights. Where have we seen this before in history? In what other time periods can we find a series of “laws” which were given to allow people to commit egregious acts against others?
If you need a hint, below is some picture help from when Hitler took over Ukraine. And it was all perfectly “legal”.
What goes through a mother’s mind as she holds onto her little one in such a situation? Are her last words “I’m sorry”, as she whispers into her little one’s ears for the last time, an apology for not being able to protect them? Or is it perhaps one last ‘I love you’, the last words that little one will ever hear, as just one more hug is shared?
History is being echoed
Do you think I’m being over the top here? Consider that it was just a few months ago it was “rumored” that Australia was building camps to which they could remove its own citizens. This was widely blasted as a “conspiracy theory” by anybody who brought it up.
“No, that can’t be true. It’s too far-fetched. That’s not really happening,” replied the TV minds.
Then we received further confirmation. It is irrefutable now. Melbourne is building a camp called the “Centre for National Resilience”, a location built for people to sleep until “they are no longer deemed a threat to public health according to government standards.” [source]
It doesn’t appear as if it’s just the police that are involved in all of this either
Here, you’ll see the military in action:
Reports state that both confirmed cases and their close contacts in an aboriginal community in Australia were “physically transferred” from their homes to a quarantine facility in Darwin. Don’t worry, though. The government is just “helping” the “vulnerable.” The police were dispatched to round up and arrest three teenagers who “escaped” from the locked-down facility.
“Escape.” “Rounded up.” “Transferred.”
The state is now your daddy
Even one’s children aren’t safe anymore. Authorities in Australia have conveniently decided they now have the authority to take peoples’ children from them as well. This, in an effort to combat what? What do we call it when children are taken from parents against their will? Whatever happened to government deriving its power from the consent of the governed? Is this not the entire purpose of a government? A collection of representatives who have been elected to protect human rights? To protect life, liberty, and property?
Perhaps I’m missing something here, but I neither see how forcibly pulling children out of homes nor firing into the backs of running protestors does any of this. Americans go to prison if they use a firearm against somebody fleeing – even if they’ve just committed rape or murder. Yet in Australia, a peaceful, anti-slavery protestor’s back is fair game as they run back home. Even if they are “just rubber bullets”.
- HERE is a video of cops shooting anti-slavery protestors before rolling down the street in an armored personnel carrier of some sort.
- VIDEO “The new police tactic is to not try & diffuse or control things. They now rush & open fire at unsuspecting crowds to scatter them.” -Voice For Victoria (@Voice4Victoria)
- HERE is another angle of the shooting.
Evidence that Australian children are no longer safe
Reports are coming down of children being held down and force-jabbed against their will. Here Aboriginal elder June Mills tells the stories of the reports she hears. America must pay heed to these stories coming from Australia. We cannot simply sit back basking under the notion that “It can never happen here.” Just two years ago, Australians were thinking the same thing. In fact, many Jewish people had the same response in the beginning stages of the Holocaust.
“My mother used to tell us not to listen to those stories about German crimes….She told us the Germans were intelligent, cultured people and they would never do such things.” – Sulia Rubin, Holocaust survivor upon hearing remarks of the Holocaust from escaped Jews. (source)
Fighting for Freedom
Interviewer : Why are you here today?
I am here tonight for the essential freedom of human beings. The same reason I went to East Timor. The same reason I served there. I served with the people of East Timor Australia for their independence and their freedom. And if you think back to the 1990s, the East Timor Marines were screaming for freedom. They fought, and they fought, and they fought, and they go their freedom. I was more than happy to go. After I served my time, I thought I would relax. I suffered a lot as a result of my service. But I thought I’d relax and retire. But this is something we cannot…we can no longer ignore this. It’s garbage.
I was at the first march, proud to be there. The second March, people we’re afraid. That fear just means False Evidence Appearing Real. Or Face Everything And Recover. A World War 2 Veteran told me that. And that is what fear is. There’s nothing wrong with fear. There’s nothing wrong with anxiety. Courage is just having pain, but still doing what you know the right thing to do is even when you’re afraid. That’s the simple definition of courage. Even when I’m shaking and scared, I still stand up for FREEDOM. We all need to do that.
These metals don’t mean anything without these Australians: US as a team. We are a brotherhood. A sisterhood. I have a wife. I have children. I’m a human. I don’t care what color your skin is…don’t care if you call yourself Afro Martha. I don’t care what’s between your legs. If you’re a human, and you want freedom, and you don’t want to be caged, then come with US.
Event update from SOS Australia Site: #SOSfromAustralia
Our Human Rights Are Gone ~ #SOSfromAustralia
It’s time for our international friends to recognise that Australia is at war with its’ government and we need help.
Please, international friends…hear our cries for help and apply economic and political pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path we are on. Provide a way for citizens who no longer feel safe here to come home. Offer a certain number of Australians asylum, many of us need it!
Video Player
The mainstream media is doing little to nothing to cover the crimes against humanity happening in Australia. However, you can help by sharing this information far and wide. Everyone needs to know what can really happen. And don’t think the fact that we’re armed will save us. We, with our arms, just watched our entire economy destroyed in a year as we were locked down, our businesses closed, and our jobs lost. #SOSfromAustralia
Will the tyranny stop at the Australian border?
If you had told anybody that there would be nationwide curfews, reports of young children being held down and jabbed by police, a ban on being outside, and thermal-imaging equipped drones flying around the sky monitoring the population, nobody would’ve believed you.
And yet, here we are.
America can just as easily witness the same. Perhaps Ronald Reagan had it wrong: tyranny isn’t just a single generation away. It appears as if it only needs a year.
Do you think the tyranny will stop at the border of Australia? Or is this a testing ground for just how far people can be pushed in the name of “public health” and “safety?” Share your thoughts in the comments.
About The Author
Jeff Thompson
Jeff Thompson is an avid fisherman who likes to spend time sailing on his boat and reading while at sea.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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ABC says
That’s because they waited and waited, sounding the alarm, posting, texting to one each other but they didn’t do something major to stop this. And of course at some point they realized… oops now is too late. This is the lesson to need learn here in Western countries, just drawing the alarm on TV or posting doesn’t solve anything.