(Jim Hoft) Back in May 2017 The Gateway Pundit first reported on the 2017 David Brock Media Matters Playbook that was accidentally discovered and leaked online.
Related BREAKING: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram And WhatsApp All Down
by Jim Hoft, October 5th, 2021
The Soros-funded Media Matters revealed in their post-election playbook that they have access to the raw data of numerous social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Google.
They also admitted they have the connections and power to influence their understanding on what is and isn’t “fake news.”
Then they went to work.
Inside the 2017 playbook Media Matters admitted they already secured access to raw data from the tech giants. For some reason Republicans ignored this.
“Media Matters has already secured access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. We have also put in place the technology necessary to automatically mine white nationalist message boards and alt-right communities for our archive.
We will now develop technologies and processes to systematically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”
Media Matters goes on to describe how they found a way to manipulate these social media platforms into thinking that they need their help. In fact, the following excerpt from the #BrockGate document speaks to this concern with precision:
“Out lets that push fake news are completely dependent on Facebook to spread their lies, and ad networks like Google to fund them.
Media Matters has unique insight to help fix the problems in this part of the media landscape.
After Facebook responded to our campaign by acknowledging the problem of fake news and agreeing to do something about it, we began a dialogue. It became clear form these conversations that Facebook needed our help in fully understanding the problem and identifying concrete solutions. Further, it also became clear that we had information and insight that they didn’t have that was helpful in educating them on the full scope of the problem. For example, Media Matters had a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news – as well as insight into the food chain of fake news and how it was moving through the Facebook ecosystem.
Similarly, after Google revised their terms of service in order to prohibit so-called fake news sites from using their advertising network, it was Media Matters that had the information necessary to identify 40 of the worst fake news sites to which this policy applied.”
Facebook then went to work against the top Pro-Trump websites on the internet with tremendous success.
GOP leaders are oblivious to this fact TO THIS DAY — That the tech giants, with guidance from far-left groups, eliminated much of the conservative content online today.
In February of 2018 Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on their social media platform.
The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) did not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.
Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions saw 75% to 95% drop in traffic since the 2016 election.
Many of these top conservative and Pro-Trump Facebook pages from 2016 ARE GONE today. The rest were censored and had their traffic decimated.Young Cons,
Western Journalism,
Chicks on the Right,
Independent Journal Review,
Right Wing News,
The Gateway Pundit,
Infowars (banned completely),
Pamela Geller,
Laura Loomer (banned),
100% Fed Up,
and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic and influence since President Trump won in 2016.
Many of these websites shut down. This is what the left wanted. It was part of their plan.
Facebook uses Soros-funded Poynter to fact-check on their platform — The same group that listed EVERY prominent conservative publisher as fake news.
Facebook has been shutting down traffic to conservative websites since the 2016 election.
In March 2017 Columbia Journalism Review published a study of the 2016 election that found conservatives had abandoned the liberal mainstream media in 2016 and went online and to social media to get their news.
Harvard University published a similar study months later.
This slide shows the online influence map on Facebook before the 2016 election.
(Columbia Journalism Review)
After this study was published Facebook went to work and started censoring conservative content through a series of algorithm changes.
By the Summer 2018 this is what the Facebook influence map looked like.
Facebook was on a mission to delete traffic to conservative websites.
Most prominent conservative publishers from the November 2016 election were hit hard or eliminated.
This is something President Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale and the Republicans never took seriously.
Facebook with the guidance of far-left groups wiped out President Trump’s top supporters on their platform. They did this years ago and got away with it.
Today the top conservative influencers with millions of page views-a-day are gone. And Republicans did nothing.
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About The Author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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