(JD Rucker) “Like sheep led to slaughter.” It’s a variation of a phrase used multiple times in the Bible to describe the righteous willfully accepting their own sacrifice for the sake of others. In modern times, it’s more often used to describe ignorant people being ushered towards their own demise than as a Biblical reference. Unfortunately, what we’re seeing today is the epitome of the modern iteration of the phrase.
by JD Rucker, September 13th, 2021
This has happened many times in history, though rarely to Americans. The “vaccine society” that is being built around us is one that has far too much support from those who are being most harmed by it, namely the vaccinated. These are the people who need to hear from the unvaxxed as well as those who are now regretting getting their jabs. The fight for our freedoms requires more than just the “anti-vaxxers” of America. We need everyone, including as many “normies” as possible, to join the battle.
It isn’t going to be easy. We’ve entered the confirmation-bias phase of the vaccine push. The data is crystal clear: The so-called “vaccines” are not doing what was originally promised. We were told before the first American was vaccinated that the shots would bring back normalcy, remove the need for lockdowns and face masks, and rejuvenate the economy.
Instead, there is no normalcy, lockdowns are still in place along with face mask mandates, and unemployment is still through the roof. Inflation is skyrocketing along with crime, poverty, and homelessness. And that’s with 3/4ths of the country having taken at least one Covid injections.
We need to convert as many of these people as possible. It may be hard to convince them the vaccines are terrible, but we can and should try to convince them that vaccine mandates represent medical tyranny. In the United States of America, such things should not exist, and it will require the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike to fight the Biden regime as well as lower government bodies if we’re going to turn this around.
One of the biggest objections to this logic coming from the vaccinated will be that they have no skin in the game. Why should they care about medical tyranny if they’re already vaccinated? The answer is already being projected by our government and many other western governments around the world. Today, these people are considered “vaccinated” and can enjoy the “freedoms” such a status bestows. But in the future, their status will change.
Boosters are already being pushed around the globe and are available to some vulnerable Americans. They will eventually be available to all Americans. Shortly thereafter, they will be mandated just like the vaccines. Those who have taken the jabs will not be able to continue to enjoy their status unless they get the new shots.
At first, they will likely be required every eight months to a year. Then, the goalposts will begin moving. It will be necessary every six months, then quarterly, then monthly. Daily pills are already being developed, as are machines to “enhance” the effects of the “vaccines.”
Below is an article written by Ryan McMaken from Mises. It details some of the arguments we can make to show “normies” they need to join the fight for our freedoms and eventually for their own. After that, I will add additional commentary.
Biden’s Vaccine Mandates: It’s about Power
The Biden administration on Thursday announced sweeping new mandates. The new mandates require that all employers with more than one hundred workers require workers to be vaccinated or to test for the virus weekly. The mandates also require covid vaccinations for the 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid. Moreover, vaccines are mandated for all employees of the federal government’s executive branch, and for all contractors who do business with the federal government. There is no option to test out in these cases.
The new mandates extend an earlier mandate from this summer which required vaccinations for nursing home staff to other healthcare settings, including hospitals, home health agencies, and dialysis centers.
Clearly, this represents yet another dangerous frontier in using a perceived or real crisis to justify an immense expansion in state power and state control over the population.
The Vaccinated Still Spread the Disease
The reasons given for the mandate continue to shift. Some supporters of vaccine mandates continue to claim that the continued spread of covid-19 ought to be blamed on the unvaccinated.
Yet the facts do not support this position. We know that the vaccinated spread the disease freely, even if the vaccinated do not suffer the effects of the disease to the same extent as the unvaccinated. The infected vaccinated even carry a viral load similar to the unvaccinated. In fact, health officials so freely admit that the vaccinated spread the disease, that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends mask mandates for the vaccinated.
Some other advocates of mandates, recognizing the incoherence of the “stop the spread” position, instead have reverted to the same rationale behind the old “flatten the curve” slogan of 2020. In this case, it is asserted that the unvaccinated are more likely to need hospitalization and thus are using up “too many” beds in intensive care units. That is, it’s no longer about stopping the spread of the disease, but about limiting use of medical resources.
The Return of “Flatten the Curve”
As with the old “flatten the curve” claims, this raises the question of why only covid patients are the target of federal mandates and public shaming. If failure to get vaccinated constitutes an “unhealthy choice” that must be punished with threats of losing one’s job, why are other unhealthy choices ignored?
Hospital beds are frequently filled with patients who overdose on drugs, chain smoke, or allow themselves to become morbidly obese. In fact, type 2 diabetes—which is entirely preventable—increased by 95 percent from 2001 to 2017, especially among the young.
If one mentions the unhealthy choices that sent these patients to intensive care, one is likely to be accused of “fat shaming” or blaming the victim. On the other hand, singling out vaccine-hesitant Americans for financial ruin should they refuse the vaccine is greeted with cheers and applause.
Abandoning Limits on Government Power
These arguments in favor of mandates, of course, are all premised on the idea that the federal government should be unrestrained in its ability to impose “solutions” to various perceived or real crises.
The question of legal authority for such acts seems almost academic at this point. It has become abundantly clear that the federal government—and especially the executive branch—regards legal and constitutional limits on federal power as mere inconveniences to be ignored. Debates over constitutionality are now, for the most part, a relic of an earlier age.
Just as the Trump administration invented a new federal power to regulate evictions at rental properties—with little political opposition—the Biden administration’s vaccine dictates for all private employers of a certain size are remarkable in their scope and unprecedented nature. The notion that a single person—a president—can regulate, with a stroke of a pen, the terms of employment for countless private sector employers is striking, even in this era of nearly untrammeled federal power.
Using Federal Spending to Get Compliance
Moreover, thanks to the growth of government spending and subsidies—such as Medicare and Medicaid—which now extend into so many American institutions nationwide, the federal government doesn’t even need to directly force compliance. The federal government can simply say, “If you want our money, do what we say.” After decades of conditioning America’s institutions to become addicted to federal money, this method becomes easier every year.
The Triumph of the Technocracy
Rather, the vaccine mandates represent merely the latest example of how the ruling class and much of the public supports a utilitarian technocratic state unrestrained by old classical liberal limitations on state power. In the minds of countless Americans, second thoughts about granting governments vast new powers is an old-fashioned and contemptible habit. What matters now is granting kind-hearted government agents the prerogatives to “do something.”
The groundwork for all this has been laid for decades in universities, public elementary schools, and in the media. The advent of “covid policy,” with its lockdowns and vaccine mandates, is simply the latest manifestation in the tradition of the PATRIOT Act and the War on Drugs. This thinking been embraced by both Left and Right, as both sides have sought federal action for their pet projects.
Yet the danger of the current “war on covid” is that it is nearly inescapable for the population as a whole. The intrusiveness of these policies—combined with the repugnance of a policy designed to force medication on millions of Americans—place them at a level above other government “wars” in the name of safety or “public health.”
But until Americans begin to deny the moral permissiveness of “federal mandates” altogether, little progress will be made. As Ludwig von Mises repeatedly pointed out, only the power of ideas is sufficient to provide real limits on state power.
Who Do You Trust?
This may be the best way to persuade “normies” they need to be more skeptical about the vaccine agenda. They need to join the fight. The questions we need to ask them are about trust.
Do they trust the government? Do they trust mainstream media? Do they trust Big Tech? The answer to all of these questions should be variations of a negative response. The last question to ask is, “If you don’t trust these people, why do you trust them about the vaccines?”
Their answer will be predictable. They will say they trust doctors and/or science. They will say so thinking they won the debate. They did not. This is when you ask them if they trust Big Pharma. They shouldn’t. Assuming they do not, then it must be made clear to them there are two reasons many (though not all) doctors and the publicly available science seem to favor vaccines.
Big Pharma exerts tremendous control over our healthcare system. Hospital cannot operate without direct assistance from Big Pharma. Companies like Pfizer and Moderna have so much control over most medical institutions and organizations that none of them would dare to get on their bad side. The same can be said about medical scientific research foundations, most of whom are funded in whole or in part by Big Pharma.
The reason nobody should trust government, mainstream media, Big Tech, most doctors, or scientific studies that pertain to Covid-19 is because the power of Big Pharma exerts extreme pressure on the corporate structures of all involved. Anyone who gets a paycheck from these corporate structures are beholden to them completely. They have to back the narrative that’s driving Big Pharma’s agenda or they will not be able to continue doing what they’re doing.
That’s not to say that there are no doctors, scientists, politicians, journalists, or academics are who true believers. In fact, it’s likely a majority in these groups actually believe in the efficacy of universal vaccinations. Dissenting voices have been silenced and will continue to be silenced. The true believers are either willfully ignoring the real science or are too ignorant to recognize it.
Keep Fighting
It can seem futile. Every morning I wake up with a sense of dread that comes over me before I start checking my news feeds. I wonder what the powers-that-be are doing every day to promote The Great Reset and bring an end to modern society as we know it. But this exposure to the bad gives me insight into why we must keep fighting and why we can expect victory.
Those who believe in Bible prophecy know there are only two possibilities right now. Either we’re in the end times or we’re not. If we’re in the end times, then we can rejoice because we will soon be home. If we are not in the end times, than we can rejoice because we know we will overcome today’s challenges. Either way, our path forward is to continue to fight, to spread the truth, and to spread the Gospel message.
The vaccines appear to be the biggest step towards the new normal they want to create. Neo-Marxism, totalitarianism, and universal destitution for all but the elites are components of the post-truth society they’re building around us. This is why we keep fighting. If you cannot imagine life like that, then you must fight to prevent it from becoming a reality.
A time may come soon when all hopes seems to be lost. We must all do our part to prevent that from happening, and that requires the truth to be spread far and wide.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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