(Ryan DeLarme) It’s still hard to say where we are at exactly in this not so “quiet war”. We have a bumbling Joe Biden(?) in the Whitehouse undoing Trump-era policies and fast-tracking the derailed deep-state agendas that would have been put in place during the first four years of Hillary Clinton’s thwarted administration. Though it appears that folks like Mike Lindell and Lyn Wood seem moderately confident that our guys are still running the show, how easy will it really be to undo the damage that’s been done?
Related Is This Trump’s Plan to Impeach Biden and Harris? (Video)
by Ryan DeLarme, April 13th, 2021
The fog of war has been thicker than molasses since the inauguration, uncertainty is the very nature of this weird, psychological war game the human family is playing out with itself right now. The fight, as we understand it, is between patriots of all nations and the “shadow men” who manipulate the markets, geopolitics/foreign policy, entertainment industrial complex, “counter-culture”, even huge swaths of the “alternative” media.
These shadowy, unelected leaders and their control matrix have turned this world upside down and inside out. An alarming number of our population is suffering from a severe form of Stockholm syndrome, and truly believe that we (the Trump Supporters, Patriots, Disillusioned, or “conspiracy theorists”) are the real enemy and not the institutions who have historically acted solely out of self-interest.
Book Shadow Men: An Encyclopedia of Mind Control (Secret History, Tactics, and Methods of the NWO)
This isn’t a new game either, Aldous Huxley was aware of this predicament almost a century ago:
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”
― Brave New World Revisited
It is an old game indeed, but for the first time in ages, it would seem that the old guard is losing its grip. Take Joe Biden for example, there has never been a more obvious puppet in the oval office and every nation in the world has dirt on his family. It’s all out there, the only reasons the NPC’s haven’t dug into the evidence regarding Burisma and Moscow quid pro quo (among other less savory things) is the susceptibility to confirmation bias and a subconscious fear of ostracization.
The Hunter Biden Saga
The New York Post reported last year that a laptop computer abandoned at a Delaware repair shop contains emails between Hunter Biden and various foreign actors offering him money to have access to his VP daddy Joe. According to The Post, the computer repair shop owner contacted the FBI and gave them Hunter Biden’s laptop in December of 2019.
After the media got ahold of the contents a handful of outlets and pundits began talking about it. Besides a trickle of watered-down reporting at Fox News, none of the legacy institutions would touch the story, it wasn’t in their marching orders. The 4 am talking points were already directing the talking heads to call it a “hack” or “Russian disinformation”. Soon any outlet that mentioned the laptop (and/or election interference) was purged from the dominant big-tech platforms (Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc). Even the PC repairman who discovered the laptop went missing amid death threats at this time.
The truth stayed obscured due to the big media conglomerates’ NEED for a Biden Administration and the psychological bullying from snarky commentators toward anyone who was still willing to talk about the laptop and its incriminating contents. If you haven’t heard or seen much of what was found then a disclaimer is in order: what the FBI discovered on the “laptop from hell” would be considered less than wholesome.
We will focus more on the corruption aspect and omit the gratuitous videos and images depicting acts of extreme hedonism (which you should still be able to find, especially if browsing overseas), but we will mention and observe some of the more shocking things written in Hunter’s personal diary.
Before we jump into what has occurred this week regarding America’s favorite play-boy crackhead, a refresher may be in order since the powers that be did everything in their power to squash the “laptop from hell” story as it was unfolding.
The New York Post reported last year that a laptop computer abandoned at a Delaware repair shop contains emails between Hunter Biden and various foreign actors offering him money to have access to his VP daddy Joe. According to The Post, the computer repair shop owner contacted the FBI and gave them Hunter Biden’s laptop in December of 2019.
Shortly after the FBI took possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the New York Times (presumably a leak from the IC) ran a story claiming the Russians hacked Burisma searching for “potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens.” The New York Times offered zero forensic proof Burisma was hacked — they cited a Democrat security firm in Silicon Valley.
A brief timeline of events:
- April 2019: A drunk Hunter Biden stumbles into a Delaware computer repair shop and drops off his MacBook Pro damaged by water
- June 2019: Computer repair shop owner takes legal ownership of Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro after several failed attempts to reach Hunter and contacts Senator Mike Lee’s office
- October 2019: Hunter Biden resigns from Burisma Holdings
- December 2019: FBI takes possession of Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro (as Democrats launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump)
- January 2020: New York Times publishes an absurd “Burisma hacked by Russians” story (presumably a leak from the IC) in order to run cover for the Bidens knowing the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop would be leaked.
- Rudy Giuliani said the computer repair shop owner made copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drive and gave them to a couple of his friends just in case he was killed.
Shortly after the initial laptop was discovered, a Ukrainian lawmaker claimed that a second laptop had been recovered.
The “laptop from hell” coming out before the election caused the deep-state press wizards to work overtime in order to bury it. This is when Trump and the Patriots brought out Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, who Trump even invited to the second debate.
Bobulinski sat down to participate in a very revealing interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson:
In the interview, Bobulinski laid out in detail how everything went down. The response was that it was all simply disinformation, and that explanation was enough for most leftists. However, an email from Hunter’s laptop provides proof that the Bidens were paid to make the investigation of Burisma go away.
Joe Biden even bragged about this to his CFR cohorts after he had the prosecutor removed in Ukraine:
The email from Burisma leaders says the ultimate purpose of the Bidens’ work is to “close down for any cases/pursuits against Nikolay[Burisma] in Ukraine”:
According to Yaacov Apelbaum at The Illustrated Primer:
In intelligence analysis, a diary ranks supreme to most personal communications. It’s one of the best sources for primary material. A diary—in contrast to letters, emails, IMs, or phone calls, which always go through some form of refinements, filtering, and self-censorship—captures a person’s raw inner thoughts and feelings. Hunter wrote various such notes and recorded voice memos on a variety of topics and these are helpful in reconstructing his psychological profile and shedding some a light on Biden family dynamics. The topics he discussed range from his relationships with and opinions of his family (including his father, uncle, aunt, cousins, step mother, etc.), to sex, drugs, and money.
The picture that emerges from these composites is of a family that resemble a pack of ravenous wolves; cold blooded, calculated, and manipulative predators on an expedition of lies, abuse and binges of vice. If Caligula or Nero ever managed to get their hands on a time-machine and landed in the Biden household, they would have nodded in approval and felt right at home.
In one entry in his diary, Hunter shares this about his dead brother’s wife Hallie whom he was having an affair with while his brother was still alive:
… I believe from what I know that she (Hallie) was taken advantage of early in her life. I think the way she handled that experience that a 28 man subjected a 12 year old to is to take back her power and tell the story as a seduction on here part. She wasn’t t taken advantage of in her mind she was the seducer she was the little girl who had a special secret power over men. And it wasn’t wrong because it was exciting and it was dangerous and it was all hers and no one else had any access to that part of her because she loved being the opposite of you. She said nothing told no one and while you needed the attention she knew that yours was nothing compared to the attention she could draw out of any man she set her eyes on. Kermit would have never noticed Hallie if Hallie hadn’t wanted to prove to herself that she was more beautiful and desired than Jen Knox and Devon.
In another post Hunter talks about the size of his private part:
… she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. “I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones.” I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn’t reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassing time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I’ve now told her 100 times to stop implying that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. F***ing sadistic- and I really was going to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) f***ing sick mean f***.”
Apelbaum notes:
Analyzing Hunter’s network linkages and imagery shows that Hunter’s binges, in addition to cocaine, were fuelled by prescription drugs that he regularly obtained legally. These ‘legit’ sources kept him well provisioned and ready for action.
In one especially abusive sex scene involving a prostitute, she can seen taking an ampule and a syringe in preparation for injecting it into his butt. Shortly afterword he passes out.
So, if you are curious about how our political, social, and media aristocracy gets their Rx fixes, check out the sample composite below. Apparently, they don’t have to buy their stash from some sleazy drug dealer at filthy bridge underpass, instead, they get it called-in by a celebrity MD at the local pharmacy.
David Harris Jr had more:
Do you know what the best source of evidence is> It’s not letters. It’s not email. It’s not even texting. It is called a diary. The reason for that is because a person is writing for their own benefit. They don’t expect anyone to ever see it. Therefore they don’t bother filtering it for the other party. In Hunter Biden’s case, the diary is indeed a great source of evidence into his soul.
He is a drug addict who doesn’t need to be worried about money since he has made a fortune off foreign countries when his daddy was vice president. He seems to be a sex-crazed loony as well as being a drug addict. One or the other would be bad enough but combine the two and you really have someone who is totally messed up.
The Illustrated Primer had the details and contents of Hunter’s diary:
Here are a few examples:
In an entry date to 07/12/2018, Hunter writes about his father abandoning Beau at the hospital shortly after he had his stroke. He references a related conversation that he had with Hallie (his brother’s wife (with whom he was sleeping when his brother was still alive):
She (Hallie) used to tell the story of how when Beau had his stroke and Pop couldn’t deal and she didn’t want to decide a lone she told me she turned to me because that’s what Beau would have wanted. I told that story to someone I think Rob’s friends in the Hamptons and when I finished the story and said “and when she told me that I knew I would love her forever” she said to the group- “actually the reason I turned to you was because there was no one else right there and Pop was totally out of it…”
In another entry he writes about sexual abuse in the Biden family, detailing a relationship between a 12 year old girl and a 28 year old man.
“… I believe from what I know that she (Hallie) was taken advantage of early in her life. I think the way she handled that experience that a 28 man subjected a 12 year old to is to take back her power and tell the story as a seduction on here part. She wasn’t t taken advantage of in her mind she was the seducer she was the little girl who had a special secret power over men. And it wasn’t wrong because it was exciting and it was dangerous and it was all hers and no one else had any access to that part of her because she loved being the opposite of you. She said nothing told no one and while you needed the attention she knew that yours was nothing compared to the attention she could draw out of any man she set her eyes on. Kermit would have never noticed Hallie if Hallie hadn’t wanted to prove to herself that she was more beautiful and desired than Jen Knox and Devon.
In another entry discussing his fixation with the size of his penis he wrote:
… she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. “I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones.” I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn’t reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassing time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I’ve now told her 100 times to stop implying that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. Fucking sadistic- and I really was going to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) fucking sick mean fuck.”
Analyzing Hunter’s network linkages and imagery shows that Hunter’s binges, in addition to cocaine, were fuelled by prescription drugs that he regularly obtained legally. These ‘legit’ sources kept him well provisioned and ready for action.
In one especially abusive sex scene involving a prostitute, she can seen taking an ampule and a syringe in preparation for injecting it into his butt. Shortly afterword he passes out.
Fast forward to this week.
Hunter Biden is in the public eye once again. The controversial son of the current sitting president has recently made public appearances and released a book called “Beautiful Things”. Despite this “good guy” marketing campaign from the usual suspects, there seems to be new information coming that runs contrary to how the mainstream is trying to paint it.
Remember the “laptop from hell”? Remember when the legacy media claimed it was “hacked” material, and their big-tech counterparts banned anyone who thought it worth reporting on? While this laptop business was making the rounds through media outlets and NOT being reported on, Hunter remained suspiciously absent from the public eye until he was asked in his first interview post-election, where he claimed the laptop “could be” his. He makes this claim despite the existence of signed receipts for the laptop’s repairs.
The truth keeps creeping closer, which explains why Biden has remained silent, telling a reporter: “I have no response!” to the Hunter Biden influence-selling story, which very clearly involves him. He’s hoping to pull a Clinton, making the story of “the big guy” and his bagman son all go away.
Maybe that’s because, as Hunter’s emails say, he’s “the big guy,” taking his fifty percent cut. A recent IBD/TIPP poll is showing that it’s a scandal that’s taking off for real on his presidential bid, with rapidly falling public support. It is, after all, classic high-level, and very naked corruption that can be explained in a sentence or two — Hunter Biden sold access to Joe Biden’s office for millions of dollars, payable in advance. He wants that out of the news entirely.
Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, though, same as he did during impeachment, claims it’s Russian disinformation, assuming he can go to that well more than once. His New York Times media toadies are following.
Other members of the leftist press are, with JournoList-style echo-chamber talking points, calling it a “garbage fire.” See here and here.
Some leftists are claiming Photoshopping. Others are yelling partisan dirty tricks. Salon called it a “complete fabrication.”
These attempts to steer the narrative are often successful, but recent evidence is making the spin much harder to manage.
Now we have come to find out that with the emails on the Harddrive (as well as the Secret Service travel logs) pointing to evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement with the now infamous and lucrative Burisma dealings.
The corpo journo’s immediately began claiming that the meeting at the Whitehouse (WH) was for an “art project” but that narrative has been proven to be shotty damage control. As the emails and their attached files show, Hunter Biden and his former business partner/ whistleblower Devon Archer began receiving huge checks from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma after then-Vice President Joe Biden took a trip to Ukraine. Oddly enough, neither Archer nor Hunter Biden has any experience in energy, this looks like a blatant quid pro quo which is exactly what they tried to pin on Trump multiple times.
It looks like there is far more to this laptop than the legacy media institutions would have you believe. Oddly enough, even the DailyMail (the UK’s highest-circulated daily newspaper) is now reporting on what is quickly morphing into a huge story. Looks like the Book deal and marketing campaign weren’t enough to dissuade folks from looking any further, the fake narrative is being blown to smithereens.
And another piece via “Insider”:
It is likely that there will more damning evidence to come, updates will be provided.
Border Disaster
Never a dull moment at the southern border these days, the very same border that Kamala Harris refuses to acknowledge since becoming point man on the issue. The latest tidbit on the immigration crisis is that Joe Biden is now sending unaccompanied migrant children from Central America to a former Japanese Internment Camp. I think it’s safe to say that if Trump had made this decision, it would be widely sensationalized.
Press California reported:
The Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, one of the places Japanese Americans were held during World War II, will serve as an emergency shelter for unaccompanied children who have crossed the border into the United States, L.A. County has announced.
Hilda Solis, chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, said the decision was made after discussions with the Biden White House.
The Biden administration has contacted communities throughout the nation to find space for undocumented children being sheltered in Border Patrol facilities. It even urged, unsuccessfully, that NASA employees go to the border to volunteer in the overcrowded camps.Also known as the Pomona Fairplex, the mega-facility in the city of Pomona is the third in Southern California to serve in that capacity.
Read the rest here.
Back to the topic of Kamala Harris…
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich invited the new “border czar,” to make an actual visit to the border, he hasn’t yet received a response.
“I guess if you were a philosopher you would say no response is a very loud response because we’ve not received any response,” Brnovich said in a Fox News interview on Thursday. He said the purpose of his invitation was to make the VP “look into the eyes of people being smuggled across the border, being exploited by the cartels and realize this is a humanitarian crisis on so many levels.”
Brnovich continued, “It’s not fair to the migrants that think they’re being promised things, it’s not fair to the people—the hardworking taxpayers of this country who are going to have to subsidize and pay for health care and child care and other social services for these migrants.”
As The National Pulse reported, Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border crisis in March by Joe Biden.
“U.S. authorities caught more than 171,000 illegal immigrants along the U.S.–Mexico border in March, the highest monthly total in two decades,” according to recent reports.
The reversal of “Trump-era immigration policies” and the Biden regime’s messaging on immigration are widely accepted as the “root causes” of these recent surges, though Team Biden maintains climate change is the key rationale.
While she has not yet visited the border nor responded to Brnovich, Harris reportedly spoke via telephone with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador this week. Harris, according to a US statement, “thanked him for his cooperation on immigration issues” and agreed with him that they would cooperate to address “the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—including poverty, violence, and lack of economic opportunity.”
A statement from the Mexican president said the call concerned efforts to “promote orderly, safe and regular migration” and to ensure protections for minors.
The Biden regime, instead of directly addressing the crisis at the US southern border, is looking to provide aid to the countries from which the illegal immigrants are coming, claiming this will cure the “root causes” of illegal immigration.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) made an announcement on April 6th, claiming: “The United States, through USAID, has provided approximately $112 million in life-saving humanitarian aid—including emergency food assistance, nutrition services, safe drinking water, shelter, programs to help people earn an income, and disaster risk reduction programs. Of this, $57 million is for people in Guatemala, $47 million in Honduras, and $8 million in El Salvador.”
Symone Sanders, the spokesperson for the vice president, said on March 26 that Harris has no plans to visit the southern US border “in the near future.”
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said on “Fox and Friends” Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris had been given the task of dealing with the ongoing border crisis because “she wouldn’t do anything” about it.
“If you look at a piece of history, sometimes the obvious is accurate,” Gingrich explained during the segment. “They wanted Harris to be in charge of the border because they knew she wouldn’t do anything. This is not a mistake, this is why they refuse to call it a crisis.”
“They want the border to be open. Go back and look at the presidential primary debates. They are all in favor of open borders. They are all in favor of eliminating ICE. They are all in favor of eliminating any threat to sanctuary cities,” Gingrich said.
Gingrich: Kamala Harris put in charge of border 'because they knew she wouldn’t do anything' https://t.co/7zzsMtbj7T
— Fox News (@FoxNews) April 12, 2021
“So from their perspective, the next ten or fifteen thousand people [who come in] are good because it further increases the number of illegal immigrants in the United States, which is what they want,” Gingrich continued. “Of course, it’s working. What if your goal was to have the maximum number of illegal people in the United States? How would you do better than Biden?”
April 12th marked 20 days since Harris was appointed her position but had not yet made a visit to the southern border.
Corporations Unite Against the People
The story first broke on Sunday: almost 100 CEOs from America’s biggest corporations had a conference call to discuss using their market power to force states with election ID requirements to ditch them and those without such requirements to maintain the status quo. By Monday, that list of roughly 100 major corporations had turned into a website boasting over 1,000 companies, all pushing to end election integrity. We need to push back.
It started with a phone call that you can read about here. The phone call has now turned into a shiny website called “Civic Alliance.” The first sentence on the web page laughably claims that the “Civic Alliance [is] a nonpartisan group of businesses working together to build a future where everyone participates in shaping our country.” False! These are Democrat party operatives, so they really mean those who are here illegally, unregistered voters, dead voters, and imaginary voters.
The reality is that, when elections are limited to legal voters who are properly registered and provide identification at the polling booth or along with their absentee ballot, elections tend to have conservative outcomes. When the Democrats jettison all rules for election integrity…well, that’s when they win.
It’s clear that your grandfather’s Democrat Party, the one that represented the working man and fought socialism, is gone for good. In its place are companies helmed by woke management that yearns for the good old days of fascism.
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a Yale School of Management professor who helped organize the meeting, told The Washington Post that the corporate leaders on the call “felt very strongly that these voting restrictions are based on a flawed premise and are dangerous.”
“There was a defiance of the threats that businesses should stay out of politics,” he continued. “They were obviously rejecting that even with their presence. But they were there out of concern about voting restrictions not being in the public interest.”
Corporations including Citibank, Coca-Cola, Delta, and Microsoft criticized Georgia’s new election integrity bill, SB 202. The law expands early voting opportunities for most counties while expanding voter ID requirements to include absentee ballots.
What’s even more important — this is where the fascism point comes in — is that the bigger the company, the more it’s interested in jettisoning free-market principles and having the government as its partner in obtaining profits. Conservative Treehouse’s Sundance explains:
Multinationals want control; some call that corporatism…. but the names are moot. Multinationals want control, and capitalism does not allow them control; that is why multinationals do not want capitalism. Multinationals use lobbyists to generate regulations that stall competition.
Multinationals do not want competition; they are, by nature of their interest, anti-capitalists.
In other words, they are fascists. Fascism, shorn of the race-hatred that Hitler infused, is nothing more than an alliance between the state and corporations to exert complete control over citizens. As Mussolini explained, “everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
BANNED VIDEO: Shocking Truths About Masks, Covid And Why Everything’s Upside Down
Masks are far more dangerous than we’ve been led to believe. And the science is clear. Discover what’s been kept from you and how to get your life back.
I made this version to share with friends. I edited out the references to conspiracy and the cabal so you can share just the facts and research to help them realize what’s really going on. NORMIE EDITION https://rumble.com/vfitml-shocking-truths-about-masks-normie-edition.html
Sidney Powell: “A Demented Pervert – Who Can’t Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is” – Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (Video)
(Jim Hoft) Attorney Sidney Powell joined radio host Rose Tennent to discuss her ongoing efforts to expose the fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
During the interview, Sidney Powell predicted that Maricopa County’s upcoming audit will reveal over 100,000 fraudulent ballots in Arizona.
Maybe that explains why Democrats sent their top Attorney Mark Elias to stop the audit before the fraud is revealed.
Sidney then took a swipe at Joe Biden in her own colorful way.
Sidney Powell: “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party. A vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state. And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”
This was an excellent interview with Rose Tennent.
Where’s the Hope?
Hopeful news coming out of New Hampshire where a voting machine audit is reportedly coming!
On April 8th, the New Hampshire Senate passed a bill to mandate an audit of the Windham, New Hampshire election results. All that remains for the audit to take place is a signature from the Governor. At a press conference, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R) said he will sign the bill, we’ll see if he keeps his word.
The Washington Examiner reported:
The governor of New Hampshire announced on Thursday that he intends to sign a bill allowing an audit of voting machines used in the town of Windham for the 2020 election.
Gov. Chris Sununu said he supported the bill, which is meant to address count discrepancies there, during a press conference on Thursday.
“I think they designed the bill very well,” he said. “And I fully intend on signing it and moving that forward as soon as we can.”
A hand recount in Windham found that machines shorted every Republican candidate 6% of their total votes. Each GOP candidate lost nearly 300 votes. Republicans flipped the New Hampshire House and Senate in the 2020 election — yet somehow Donald Trump lost the state.
About 2 months ago we recirculated a piece by a video of The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray from 100% Fed Up where they spoke with Tom Murray and Ken Eyring from Windham, New Hampshire. Ken and Tom were election witnesses in Windham in November and then, again, later during a hand recount in the New Hampshire enclave.
A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes. The Dominion-owned machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by almost 6% of their vote totals. Dominion Voting Systems owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote machines used in New Hampshire.
UPDATE— This is breaking news — via activist and reporter Ken Eyring at Granite Grok — The Windham Act SB 43 was SIGNED INTO LAW Today!
Governor Chris Sununu signed the bill into law on Monday.
From the Governor’s Desk:
Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement after signing SB 43 into law, authorizing an audit of the Rockingham County District 7 state representative race.
“New Hampshire elections are safe, secure, and reliable,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Out of the hundreds of thousands of ballots cast this last year, we saw only very minor, isolated issues — which is proof our system works. This bill will help us audit an isolated incident in Windham and keep the integrity of our system intact.”
The New Hampshire Senate voted 24-0 to pass the bill last Friday and sent it to Governor Sununu’s desk for signing.
In a HUGE WIN for We, the People, and for New Hampshire election integrity, the NH Senate voted 24-0 just minutes ago to concur with the House amended version of SB43. This Bill was championed by Senator Bob Giuda and will validate election integrity in our state by mandating a forensic audit on Windham’s 11/3/20 general election ballots and voting machines as configured on November 3, 2020.
The forensic audit will determine the huge discrepancy between the election day results and subsequent recount of Windham’s November 3, 2020 State Rep. race where a difference of 1,363 total votes from just 10,006 ballots was uncovered.
New Hampshire lawmakers were scheduled to vote on the Windham Amendment SB43 this week, and now it has passed the New Hampshire House and Senate.
Patriots are winning at the state and local levels!
In Mike Lindell News, we have the new free speech website “Frank” set to come out this week:
He also appeared on TGIF with Os Hillman:
And then we had attorney Sidney Powell joining radio host Rose Tennent to discuss her ongoing efforts to expose the fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
During the interview, Sidney Powell predicted that Maricopa County’s upcoming audit will reveal over 100,000 fraudulent ballots in Arizona.
Maybe that explains why Democrats sent their top Attorney Mark Elias to stop the audit before the fraud is revealed.
Sidney then took a swipe at Joe Biden in her own colorful way.
Sidney Powell: “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party. A vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state. And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”
Let us know what you think in the comments.
The Hope we crave is all around us if we only dare to embrace the truth with a whole heart and discerning mind.
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– Ryan
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About The Author
Ryan DeLarme is a creative writer, Journalist, Poet, and self-described “fool”, Founder of the Underground Newswire, and managing editor @ Stillness in the Storm
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Where’s the Hope Newsletter #22: Biden Crime Family, Kamala Ghosts the Border, New Hampshire Audit) first appeared @ StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
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– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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