(Chandra Loveguard) In our age of advanced CGI or movie effects, how do we know what’s real anymore? How can we be sure that anything is real when it comes to what we see on TV, the news, or our cell phones? Buckle up because what we are about to discover below is going to make us question everything we’ve ever seen through a computer screen.
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by Chandra Loveguard and Justin Deschamps, February 19th, 2021
Discernment is key in our current fake media age! What is going on in this older video currently recirculating on social media? A well-known actress pulls off a partial face- and body-suit to reveal her seeming actual identity.
Double Deep Fake Video with Emma Watson
At first glance, it appears she was wearing a bodysuit to appear as a different well-known celebrity. Was the revealing actress really wearing a suit to pretend to be a different person? Or is it a deepfake video where there were actually two actresses present who pretended to be faking the revealer’s identity?
Before watching the clip, check out this definition of “deepfake” from the Miriam-Webster Dictionary:
Definition of deepfake
: an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said
Many commenters on the recently recirculating video believe the revealer is actually wearing an incredibly convincing fake identity suit. Many more feel it is a “faked fake” though it can take a few views to suss this out.
Now, watch the short video clip and see what you notice. Do you believe it is real at first? Do you catch things that cause you to question whether it is doctored up or not on the first pass? On the second pass? Or do you still believe it after watching it two or three times?
Parental Note: Fake nudity appears in this video clip
Emma Watson and Sofia Vergara in a popular 2014 video gif by curveballbe
After repeated views, comments on the recirculating clip make it clear that viewers start noticing a couple of strange things.
- Where does her shorter, darker hair go?
- Why does there appear to be a man’s shadow on the wall instead of the shadow demonstrating first her short hair, then her longer hair and different features between the body-suit and the actual person?
- Where does the makeup on her fake-face disappear to?
As researchers, we have to keep asking questions and keep noticing. We need to be willing to admit we were wrong about something to stay in integrity with ourselves and others.
A Deeper Look at the Deep Fake
For example, upon further viewings of this particular video, it is noticeable that there is a slit in the top of the body-suit in the head area. Could the fake hair have been pulled out to the other side, becoming invisible to the camera? But why and how did it appear so neatly? Did the now-hidden wig get placed on the outside of the suit, and then pulled entirely through without a single trace of dangling hair as she removed the head? Or do we revert to our idea that this is simply an entirely photoshopped piece of double deepfake trickery?
In the photo clips from within the video above, the makeup entirely disappears by the end. Also when looking closely at the still frames, the markings on the face and other visual clues make it possible to see how the video could have been doctored to appear as if there was one person wearing a body-suit rather than two actresses present.
The idea that someone would be faking a video about someone faking us out to make us think they are someone else is truly logic-defying.
Is someone trying to get us to pay attention? Or is there some more nefarious reason for these double deepfakes?
Viewers have been commenting on this clip again recently because of strange things going on with our current day politicians that make people wonder “what is real.” What on earth would be the reason for someone to fake a video of faking out an identity? And why is all this super relevant right now?
Some commenters suggest this kind of “double deepfaking” is being used to discredit researchers who are looking into supposed masked and hidden identities, or outright CGI renditions of political leaders making public appearances.
Here’s how the discrediting theory could work:
- At first, most people “buy” that this video clip is real.
- And then it gets circulated as “proof” that other politicians and celebrities could be doing the same thing.
- It becomes obvious it’s a fake, and those who say “anything” is a fake get ostracized, criticized and made fun of, discrediting their research and attempts to discover “what is real.”
Are there actors posing as some of our political leaders to fool us into thinking it’s the real person on stage or at an event? Or is this a bunch of bunk as “proven” by such an obvious double deepfake?
And whether or not these nefarious notions have any merit, what are we learning about Media Discernment here? Uplevelling our ability to detect media fraud and image manipulation could become a new priority for news watchers around the world.
How to Make Sense of This and Not Lose Your Mind
Now we are not going to leave you hanging. We realize it can be unsettling to think we might not be able to trust the reality of modern-day media.
Some of the most brilliant minds on earth such as the brains in the military and intelligence services have ways to handle this, as you can imagine. They need to be prepared in case of any possibility!
The question is, how does one distinguish between what is true and real, and what is false and an illusion? The first step is to accept the reality that we don’t know. As people, we like black and white concrete answers. But the truth is, there is a lot more uncertainty than certainty. If we resist this uncertainty by staying in denial, this may offer a temporary feeling of safety. But what if the opposite of what we want to believe turns out to be true?
One solution to this conundrum is to accept that things are uncertain and there could be multiple possibilities for what actually happened or is happening.
The next step is, to use our imagination to treat different possibilities as valid.
Here’s an example. What if you were in a restaurant and you overheard the waiter telling one of their co-workers that the food might be spoiled and toxic. What do you do? You don’t know if it’s true or false. The answer is to deal with each possibility. If the food is toxic, what would you do? If the food isn’t toxic what would you do?
This is called contingency planning. Since we can’t know which is real in that moment beyond a shadow of a doubt, we could temporarily treat both possibilities as being potentially real. Then we would be prepared for whatever ends up being right.
This is one way the pro’s deal with the uncertainty problem. When it comes to fake news and the world of uncertainty about modern life, military and intelligence operatives often use this contingency method as one way to handle the uncertainties and be ready for anything.
One of the issues here is, as soon as we start to admit that things we currently think are black and white may not be so cut and dry, the number of possibilities we have to contend with grows exponentially. Now we are not just dealing with this versus that.
We now have one-hundred and one possibilities to sort through. And that might feel totally daunting. But take a page out of the book of the masters here and use the technique of focusing on one possibility at a time:
- When you come across a fact or story in our lives that you aren’t sure about, the first step is to map out the possible interpretations of what could have occurred.
- Then, take each one and work out more details about what might be at play.
- What would you do in response to each scenario?
- Take your time. Be methodical. Keep a journal.
- And if possible, do it with a friend. Many hands make light work.
Brain Trusts and Think Tanks are types of professional teams that gather for various purposes. Sometimes, the main reason for them gathering is so they can:
- work out what something is, ie, determine whether it is representing something that is true or if it is presenting a false idea as true
- determine the possible ways of dealing with these things
- if the info /media represent disinfo, misinfo or totally faked things these lies could have a certain impact
- if the info / media represent things that are true, they would also have an impact
- knowing the difference can be the key to good outcomes, bad outcomes, success or failure in certain situations that these groups may be considering and holding
In closing, while it can be shocking to realize how uncertain things are in our current media-driven reality, the good news is we are more equipped than we think to deal with it. This is a skill we can master the more we practice. In time, we will be surprised how readily we can discover new truths and deeper wisdom by daring to contend with the uncertainties of life.
In the next part of this new series on how to debunk reality, we will discuss how military and intelligence operatives and even investigators and detectives utilize the technique of double-blind Remote Viewing to discover things they might not otherwise be able to comprehend.
And here are two more Stillness in the Storm articles along these lines that might help in this process of learning deep discernment. Happy discerning to you!
- Deep Fake Technology Will Soon Be So Advanced That Reality Won’t Be Distinguishable Without A.I.
- Everything Wrong With Ashli Babbit Shooting – a Hollywood Stunt (Video)
And be sure to scroll down to our standard link below that follows every story, to grab our free e-book containing an essential guide to discernment.
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About The Authors
Chandra Loveguard is a researcher, seasoned writer and Patriot who questions everything, envisions the best for our communities and families, our country, and our world. She also holds The United States of America dear and acknowledges the vision of the Founding Fathers for this country to be a beacon of light and freedom for all the world.
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @justinstillness, Follow on Parler, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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Robert B says
It is very simple.
There are two main methods of faking the appearance of someone like a political office-holder.
(1) The common-place latex mask a la Mission Impossible Tom Cruise.
This is effective in a very specific domain of viewing. That means, the latex mask method is only effective in fooling people who are some distance away from the actual person
(2) Advanced real-time video manipulation software that changes your appearance to make it appear that you look like someone else. DEEPFAKE is an example of this. No doubt there are now many more advanced software techniques far beyond that demonstrated in DEEPFAKE. Go and watch a DEEPFAKE video. There is one circulating on the interwebs involving Tom Cruise, Jeff Goldblum, George Lucas, Ewan McGregor. It is also quite funny.
This software cannot be used in person and thus is most effective in the television broadcast medium.
Why use two distinct methods ?
Each of the above two methods have different advantages and disadvantages.
By combining both methods, you get the best of both worlds.
Finally let me state unequivocally that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have all been replaced by body doubles and actors.
The Joe Biden double is easily noticed and you can read about it from Jim Fetzer’s excellent analysis of the fake actor Joe Biden. Simply search for Jim Fetzer the real Joe Biden and the fake actor Joe Biden.
You will also find that Bill Gates used a body double for his vaccine shot. This is because he has already been arrested and is no longer available.
Sean Harris says
This deepfake technology is impressive. This video is a thought-provoking, it contains an interesting approach that makes people think seriously about how these technologies will impact their lives. This is an entertaining, thought-provoking video. Thank you