The Cross Roads
We are at a cross roads One People. For myself, I have grown so much over the past 6 months, learning about trust law, contract law. Learning about Now we have a serious conceptual problem to solve: how do we Underwrite our DOV’s for a Bank to accept.
After listening to the show The One People 17/18 June 2013 and reading a lot of discussion threads on Facebook I have noticed a consistent reaction from the banks: Bank cannot accept Infinite Value as the “underwriting” for a DOV.
We are trying to deposit a DOV, a portion of our Infinite Value for conversion into cash, but what is the thing which gives a DOV its value? For those who have been following this movement (not that I like that word) we are the source of the funds and it is our Infinite Value which underwrite the DOV’s, but the banking system has a major problem with that, as I will explain.
Lets put this in terms of a Contract so we an empathize with our new friends in the banking world, and see it from their perspective.
Contracts are Methods of Exchanging Value
I posted recently in the facebook group The One People: Shifting Banking Discussion Group the following and which summarizes the points at hand:
JD- Another point. A loan is a contract, wherein the bank “lends you money” and then you “work to pay it back” – in any contract there is value being exchanged between two parties.
In the present paradigm, we the borrowers are a party to the contract, for which we bring nothing to the table;
Underwriting is a Limitation
Underwriting Definition: Underwriting refers to the process that a large financial service provider (bank, insurer, investment house) uses to assess the eligibility of a customer to receive their products (equity capital, insurance, mortgage, or credit).
Limitation, as we will discuss later, is a way for us to create and manifest. It is the Actual rendered from the Potential, and the system ‘underwrites’ your value by evaluating your ‘Actualizations’ your DOing to determine if your potential Labor in the future has value. Underwriting evaluates the past to “predict the future.” As we can plainly see this underwriting process is only applied to your labor.
What we need is an underwriting process or technology that evaluates your potential against the Truth of what IS, your Eternal Essence Embodied, the Secured Assets in Trust, the 5 billion, etc.
Limitation is Not a Dirty Word
We hope Heather is working on is some way of Underwriting our DOV’s so a banker can understand how the value can be LIMITED in order for it to be converted. Yes we must “render” our infinite value into a limitation for conversion into other forms. This is how creation works, we pull from the Eternal INfinite withIN and pull these pure energies threw the lenses of our spirit, body, and mind to bring forth our manifestations in the the world.
The system at large only seems to value one thing, your labor or creative potential; which is another way of saying your energy or labor. Remember the elite do not need your money (by and large) they need your energy; to keep you slaving away. I suspect this is why most bankers are trained subconsciously to scoff at the idea of a service fee in exchange for the DOV, and why the system only recognizes labor as a form of value; the other form being Collateral or assets.
How Limitation works in the Current Paradigm
The name of the game here is to limit you and what you bring as much as possible so as to give favorable bias to the other party to the contract; the lender. This is also the piece of technology which Underwrites your value via evaluations and limitations. As we all know these contracts are not transparent and the entire process is filled with Deceptive Acts and Practices.

Empathize with Your New Business Partner!
Put yourself in their shoes, try to understand what is needed from their end to “make the deal work.” Remember we are all in this together (including the bankers) and brokering these new relationships with banks should not be an adversarial process if we want to win them to our side. As we hear about a lot these days, try to free yourself from expectations about the outcome and just “follow the energetic trail” and “your highest excitement.” Here are some questions I thought of to ask:
“What pieces of technology does the current system process we can use to deposit my DOV; how do we underwrite them?”
“What underwriting processes are available to recognize the UCC fillings and the CVAC systems?”
Thank you for the info stated here but what I do not get Is why we have to ask anyone to accept us in order to access our value. Since the people working in the banks, the tellers and loans officers and managers have the same value as the rest of us. Why don't we show them their value and let them deal with the higher ups. Everything will be digital, there will be no need for workers in the banks since we will be each doing our own business with each other using our bank cards and accounts. The banks will be transaction centers, a tool to do business that is it. All will have their 10 billion as a number remember because there is no money other than paper as an instrument that is used to make the numbers tangible that are in the computer. Even the crooks will have their own ten billion to use as they wish. The only thing changing here is no body will be in anyone else's business as long as you harm no one else. So what is all of this false drama of having to convince anyone of anything??
I am not personally experiencing drama related to getting banks to accept DOV's. However, as the article discusses there is a conceptual difficulty on the part of our bankers. IMO education is the key, and there isn't any magic bullet for the job. Its not so much that we need to ask for their permission, its that we need to co-create this with them. We are listening to the music, walking up to our dance partner with our hands extended.
Your idea sounds like a good one, why not try it and see how it goes.
Why use banks when we ARE our own banks if we choose to be? Cannot my bank receive a deposit from Justin Deschamps and his from mine? Can't we underwrite each other? Or is the problem that other banks won't accept my funds from the Deschamps Bank even though it is underwritten by that bank?
What about using North Dakota banks that are not part of the Central Bank (now defunct) system? Or, consider this; The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:
North Korea
Perhaps one of these countries could help. Or Iceland might help, I believe that they have a government bank that is not part of the Central Banking system. Is there anybody that understands these things who can guide us?
Banks are a private Banking Group like a club. You have to play by there rules if you want yo to do business with them. It just like all cartel/ monopolies. They take over the entire ecosystem for which they assert themselves, and then prevent any alternative from developing by challenging the logistical methods of the new system.
your right the Bank of Justin can trade with the Bank of Trish. But will the cartal banks trade with the bank of Justin and the Bank of Trish? Probably not. THe other thing they offer is "ease" it is far "easier" to conduct your affairs with bank who is a part of club. then to try and use your value in a system which is not part of theres.
BUT that doesnt mean its hopeless. Its all about critical mass. Each person who opts out, and creates their own collective trading agreement will create their own "club" and as this new "club" gains mass, eventually they will be forced to negotiate to maintain their businesses.
the former OPPT/I-UV croud is one such club. Cohesive agreements between parties interested in change will win the day IMO. critical mass is the key.
Justin Deschamps their system was shut down but no criminal charges have been enforced. Why? Because the people have not takin the time to "reconvene" the courts with judges and lawyers enforcing Common Law in each community. If we do this these banking people will have no choice but to resign their positions they are aiding the slavery system which is a crime. The Courtesy Notice is rendered mute with out enforcement of Common Law. Your thoughts please?
That makes sense. Part of the 'problem' is that people KNOW THE path, but do not WALK THE PATH.
IF we took up our full free will we could convene these courts as you say. Thats why inner work and Self Mastery is so important right now.
ALthough ENforcing the Courtesy Notice, does not seem to be an option right now, it is helping with the greater whole, and it does send a message to the system.
If we truly want to get the system to recognize the foreclosures, IMO, we need to continue the inner work of personal education, and self mastery, IN CONJUNCTION with educating others by sharing our truths.
Eventually a critical mass will be reached and the system will be forced into compliance. hopefully threw INforcement.
A common law process would be a great start because it has president and it will help the individual become aware of their personal free will involvement.
We tend to forget that the PTW are legally and lawfully foreclosed! And the OPPT has been reconciled back to the ONE PEOPLE! Which means any and everything we want to do, we can do in love, honor and transparency, without fear! Now take that into account along with the quote from Benjamin Fulford, "The American people, however, are totally free to re-establish the Republic of the United States of America and start issuing American government currency other than the misnamed US dollar. The existing US dollar will be renamed as simply the dollar. Other currencies like Bitcoin, the Japanese yen etc. are independent". Keeping in mind we are the bank, what do you see??