(Cassius Methyl) 80 students were ordered out of class recently in Minneapolis, Minnesota because they didn’t provide evidence that they received vaccines.
Related Health Freedom Under Attack: 134 Vaccine Bills Introduced in 35 States Supporting Forced Vaccinations
Source – The Mind Unleashed
by Cassius Methyl, March 5th, 2017
According to a local CBS News article:
“Rochester Public School Board members voted last week to enforce a state law that requires students be immunized or be officially exempt for reasons such as health or religion.
Students had to submit the proper paperwork to the school district in order to prove they are exempt by Wednesday.
The Rochester School district said the decision to prohibit students from attending class that did not have official documentation that they received their vaccines is simply enforcing a state law.”
It sounds like the school had a choice to comply with the law or not. Even if they were told by the state they don’t have a choice, they do.
The school has chosen to comply with coercing students into getting measles, tetanus, mumps, and chicken pox vaccines, which contain things such as mercury or aluminum and cause more injuries than can be easily summarized in one article.
This crosses the line from being mildly invasive to coercive, and it’s getting worse in other places, like California.
California is afflicted with people such as Senator Richard Pan, who passed SB277 to mandate that California school children receive about 40 doses of nearly a dozen federally mandated vaccines or not attend school.
Related Americans Wake up to the Dangers of Vaccines and Begin Rejecting Dangerous Medicine
While a simple solution to this is, avoiding sending children to government run schools, he didn’t stop there. His new bill SB18 hints at taking children away from parents for not subscribing to their allopathic medicine.
Pan’s bills are only details in a sweeping, nationwide and even international move to enact mandatory vaccination laws.
Some have compiled lists of these laws, as documented in a February 2017 article from Health Impact News (Vaccine Impact) titled “30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines.” Reading from that article:
“We have only finished the first full month of the 2017 legislative session, and already we are tracking 103 vaccine related bills across 30 states on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. To put the sheer volume of bills in perspective, we tracked a total of 106 bills in the entire legislative session last year. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your rights (states listed in red are new since our last update): AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, VA, and WA.
Congratulations to the families in Virginia for recently stopping 3 bad bills! Virginia NVIC State Director Kathi Williams expresses her gratitude for everyone who came together to educate legislators.
Both HB 1533 and SB 1519 would have mandated meningitis vaccines. Fortunately an education of legislators by NVIC and Virginia families from around the state helped contribute to failure of the meningitis vaccine mandate bills to move forward. Currently, the following states have bad bills to mandate meningitis vaccines: IN, KS, KY, ME, and OR. Two things that may help residents of those states to fight these meningitis vaccine mandate bills are 1) NVIC Handout on Meningococcal Disease and the Vaccine 2) The NVIC Advocacy Team Action Alert against (Found on https://NVICAdvocacy.org on the Virginia State Team Page under Expired Alerts).”
As you can tell by the tone of that article, there exist some very persistent, hard working parents turned activists who are opposing mandatory vaccination laws across the US and the world.
A person might think it’s innocuous or even essential to get a vaccine, but once you open the floodgates and really research them, from the MMR vaccine to HPV vaccine Gardasil/Cervarix, you realize it is not just a small mistake to accept them, but often fatal.
People have died instantly, been paralyzed, gotten cancers, and been afflicted with a wide variety of illnesses from vaccines, and the VAERS government vaccine injury reporting systemproves this. People like Richard Pan ignore the existence of VAERS reports, and have the audacity to say water has killed more people than vaccines.
Related De Niro & RFK, Jr. Hold Press Conference To Expose Massive Corruption in Vaccine Industry
We should be sharp and oppose coercion with persistence every single day.
(image credit: WN, BA, LP, TS)
About The Author
Cassius Methyl
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