This is a compilation of developments for the first half of 2015 lending credence to the notion this year will be a major nexus point of change. This was prophesied to some degree by the Blood Moon Tetrad which we reported on earlier this year.
Related Blood Moon Tetrad Suggests World Changing Events for 2015? | Let This Be Our Year For Change
Related Elite Now Evacuating – A Time Of Change Is Upon Us
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proving that the US Government played a central role in creating ISIL. Interestingly, the mainstream media failed to cover this story. A few weeks later, ex US Intelligence officials confirm the report.
of crimes by certain government officials. More on that further down.
David Wilcock has previously written a detailed document stating that Anonymous is working with certain patriotic US Military forces to legally take down the banking elite.. This aligns nicely with what the whistle-blower journalist, Benjamin Fulford, just wrote this week about the Pentagon and BRICS Alliance in the previous story.
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