In the U.S. this process is accelerating as well.  Here “flipped” Senator Lindsey Graham is now chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he is expected to “expedite judicial nominations and crack down on deep state crimes,” they say.  The previous Senate, while ostensibly Republican-dominated, was blocking the appointments of new judges and prosecutors and thus delaying the long-awaited arrests in the U.S.

Furthermore, the new Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, is “poised to crack down on Wall Street fraud, crimes, and corruption,” they say.

The Khazarian mafia, losing power in Washington, D.C., is making futile attempts to prevent further prosecution by attacking California with Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs.  See the definition below from a Global Research article (that now appears to have been deleted, but others are available by searching this website).

A DEW is a system using a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy (including but not limited to lasers and high power microwave systems), or atomic or subatomic particles primarily as a direct means to kill, injure, disable, or temporarily incapacitate people or destroy, damage, or temporarily incapacitate property or materiel.

Acoustic weapons use sound across the entire frequency spectrum to kill, injure, disable, or temporarily incapacitate people.  Acoustic weapons, although outside the Joint definition of DEW, have effects and hazards more similar to DEW than to conventional weapons.

Buy Book Directed Energy Weapons on the Battlefield: a New Vision for 2025

There is overwhelming evidence that such weapons are being used against California by the Khazarians.

Not only that, whistleblower Deborah Tavares is providing evidence that blames these attacks on the Rothschild family and their company Pacific Gas & Electric.

A clear sign of how panicked the Rothschilds and their servants are came when California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell threatened to attack American citizens with nuclear weapons if they refused to disarm.

What these high-level criminals fail to realize is that they are no longer operating in secret or with impunity.  In particular, we are hearing that the French branch of this family is being held responsible for many of these crimes.

This means roles have now been reversed and they are now the ones under threat.  This can be seen in the desperate calls from their French slave president Emmanuel Macron for a European army (as we mentioned last week) to protect the EU from “China, Russia, and the U.S.”  What he really meant was to protect the Rothschilds and their slave regimes such as Germany and France from the anger of the world.

First, though, Macron needs to save himself from the French people.  Last week over 280,000 motorists blocked roads at over 2,000 locations in France in a protest against his regime.  These protests were supported by 73% of the French population.

With David de Rothschild hiding from French Police, Alexandre Guy de Rothschild is now the official head of the French Rothschild branch of the family.  His photo can be seen here:

Japanese right-wing sources say he is married to the daughter of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso and that the wedding took place at the castle seen in the link here:

The fact that Japan’s water resources are being sold at a deep discount to the French water companies has led to the conclusion that Aso and his French in-laws are responsible, the Japanese right-wingers say.

We can also report that the French branch of the Rothschilds contacted this writer immediately after they carried out the March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass-murder attack on Japan to issue further threats to attack Tokyo itself.  It was also the French Rothschilds who financed anti-Japanese riots in China a few years back, Asian secret society sources say.

The French Rothschild control over Japan will end soon, though, multiple sources say.  The Iwasaki family, who control the Mitsubishi group that in turn controls the regime of Shinzo Abe, is suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say.  The Japanese industrialists are asking for WDS protection for the roll-out of cold fusion and other paradigm-changing technology that has been hitherto suppressed by the Khazarian mob, the sources say.  Protection has been offered and a demonstration of this technology is being arranged, they say.

The WDS will be also meeting with representatives of Asian secret societies this week to discuss the future of Japan and the Abe regime, among other things, WDS sources say.

Also, Asian and Western secret societies are continuing preparations for setting up and financing a Western future planning agency.  The agency would work in harmony with the massive Chinese One Belt One Road development project.  An agreement on this issue is expected to help ease the big power friction now taking place in public between the U.S. and China, according to sources close to the negotiations.

As mentioned last week, a basic agreement to save the planet has already been reached, so now it is time to make concrete plans.  This is expected to take a big amount of time, though, so please be patient.  Turning around a planet is like turning around a supertanker in mid-ocean.  It means that even if a decision has been made to change course, so much momentum has been built up that things must proceed slowly in order to avoid tipping the ship.