The system must gain our consent for many reasons which we described in the post:
How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats
The method for gaining our consent ranges, but is always a working on the mind to box it into a corner of compliance. This is a form of external control, which means we can create a defense against it by learning to be self governing. Knowledge is the shield against all forms of subtle control because they are illusory. And like any illusion, once we gain knowledge of how it works, there is no mistaking what is really happening. method for gaining our consent ranges, but is always a working on the mind to box it into a corner of compliance. This is a form of external control, which means we can create a defense against it by learning to be self governing. Knowledge is the shield against all forms of subtle control because they are illusory. And like any illusion, once we gain knowledge of how it works, there is no mistaking what is really happening.
Related History of Mass Mind Control – The Century of Self Full Video
3. Selecting the Right Anchors, Casters and Presenters
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