() The Earth may be a perfect place, but our world, the world people have created for themselves on this beautiful celestial body, is far from that.
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Throughout our history, we have created a lot of problems for ourselves, but we have also solved a few. But one problem has plagued us since our earliest beginnings.
I like to think that this problem arose when a group of early humans gathered around a meal and somebody tried to take the last hunk of mammoth meat. A fight broke out between two members, and one of them grabbed a big stick. This person won the fight was ultimately put in charge of the group. Whoever held onto the biggest stick held power, and our never-ending problem of being divided began.
The past two years have changed so much.
With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the last two years have been rough. Arguably, a lot of things that have happened over these last two years aren’t new.
Viruses have been around forever. People have always struggled with illness. Sometimes they get better. Unfortunately, sometimes they do not. We have seen supply chain issues before. Governments overstepping boundaries is nothing new, nor is a population of people becoming divided.
People have always been able to work through the above examples because, well, what other choice is there? We realize the reality of the situation, assess the options, and move forward. But the last two years brought on so much change so rapidly that a lot of people were taken off guard. It has also been exceedingly difficult to move forward with the flip-flopping of information, recommendations, and mandates that destroyed the lives of many people.
Change is always uncomfortable, but when it happens slowly, it’s not so bad. When it happens quickly, it can hurt like hell. A lot of things have happened and changed over the last two years, which is a relatively quick time-frame. But did all the things that happened have to occur? Some would say yes, and some would say no.
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What has The Canadian Freedom Convoy shown us?
The exact size of The Freedom Convoy seems a bit hard to nail down, and estimates are all over the place. Numbers as low as a few hundred to as high as thousands are scattered from one source to another. Regardless of the size, the convoy has certainly gained a lot of attention and news.
Unlike other displays of protest, The Freedom Convoy has not burned down or defaced one building. They have not sectioned off a part of the city and set up their own rule of law. They are not trying to make their point known through the use of violence and fear. By all accounts, they have been completely peaceful. They have even been picking up trash and clearing the snow from sidewalks.
But of course, certain people don’t like this. They don’t like that such a large force of people can gather, standing united in such a positive manner—all to tell those in charge what should and shouldn’t be done.
In response to the convoy, threats of arrests have been made to those wanting to join, help, or even if you honk your horn too much in a show of support. Property has also been stolen as police rounded up fuel containers that the convey members were using, although it appears that the fuel may have been returned. A GoFundMe page was also set up in which money could be donated to the cause, and millions of dollars in donations were taken away from the page at the request of police forces.
Who is government for?
For as long as I can remember, the people in charge, our “leaders,” have been the ones with the bigger stick. At least that’s the illusion they want you to believe. In reality, it’s us, the people.
It’s the people who have the numbers. It’s the people that are the gears that allow the machine at large to keep churning. It’s the people that are the ones that literally pave the roads, grow the crops, dig in the muck, process the food, and build and produce everything else that everyone could need or want. And most of those products are made available to people both high and low by way of the trucker.
How do we get back to freedom?
Change is uncomfortable, and it can hurt like hell, at least for the population at large. If you haven’t been paying attention, then you might want to start, because what this convoy has done – is doing – is the way to enact change in the right direction. Learn from it. Be inspired by it to stand up, proudly, and above all, to be united.
Thanks for reading, and take a moment to think about what you would stand up for.
What do you think about The Freedom Convoy? What have you learned from it, or what is your takeaway message? Let us know by leaving your thoughts in the comment section below.
About The Author
Bryan Lynch is the author of two books, Swiss Army Knife Camping And Outdoor Survival Guide, and Paracord Projects For Camping And Outdoor Survival. He has also written hundreds of articles about prepping, emergency preparedness, self-reliance, and gear reviews. Through his writing, his hope to help educate people and get them interested in these topics so that they are better prepared for an emergency.
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– Justin
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The People’s Convoy, starting out of Kalifornia, should be on the lookout for deep state operatives, antfa fbi goons, etc.