(Ryan DeLarme) Hillary Clinton said in an interview over the weekend that Mark Zuckerberg’s embrace of misinformation on his Facebook platform was “authoritarian.” Clinton also told The Atlantic that there’s a good reason to believe Zuckerberg’s Facebook is “not just going to reelect Trump, but intend[s] to reelect Trump.” This might seem absurd to some and for good reason as countless profiles, posts, and comments have been taken down or shadowbanned for expressing non mainstream views on the guy. You don’t even have to be pro-Trump, even if you’re simply not Anti-Trump you run this risk.
Related MLK’s Niece Defends Donald Trump Against Racism Accusations: ‘All That News Is Absolutely Fake’
by Ryan DeLarme, February 1st, 2020
Clinton was quoted as being “horrified and alarmed” by what she views as Zuckerberg’s unwillingness to battle the spread of disinformation and propaganda on Facebook. Basically if it doesn’t align with what she wants people to think it’s “Disinformation and Propaganda”.
In other Clinton related news, Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for falsely accusing her of being a “Russian Asset” and attempting to damage her campaign. When the process server came to serve Clinton the papers she “hid behind her secret service” essentially avoiding the law. She got on twitter to announce that “In America, no one is above the Law” urging folks to hold the president she so fears accountable. Standing on an internet soap box and claiming that “No one is above the law” while literally avoiding the law, go figure.
The theatrical snoozefest in the senate finally began to heat up a bit this week. We have Pamela Bondi, who served as Florida’s 37th Attorney General out there explaining to the senate on national television how the Impeachment Managers/House Democrats (Who it has been said are carrying out this impeachment to protect themselves) are desperately trying to keep folks from looking further into Ukraine, Bidens, and Burisma, stressing that when one looks into this their entire case “crumbles”.
Even more surprising was that Harvard Law Professor and friend of Hillary Clinton and Jeffery Epstein; Alan Dershowitz is now defending Trump, leading some to believe one of the many sealed indictments has his name on it (Remember Virginia Guiffre who outed Prince Andrew once claimed to have been trafficked to Dershowitz) and was leveled against him, causing him to flip sides and now defend the president out of fear of what they have on him, similar to Rod Rosenstein and others who suddenly changed their tune. This is speculation but the evidence is compelling. Regardless of who he is, who he’s associated himself with, and what he’s been accused of doing, his defense of Trump was well stated. Fast forward to 5:55 to hear what he had to say.
And then we have the IG Atkinson cover-up. Adam Schiff has released the transcripts of all but one of the witnesses who testified before his secret house impeachment hearings. The transcript Adam Schiff is covering up is the testimony provided by Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson who sent along the whistle-blower’s complaint and asked for it to be urgently addressed. This transcript is likely quite relevant to the impeachment charade and should be released immediately. The cover up always gets you in the end, but what is Schiff trying to hide exactly?
The Washington Times reported last Thursday:
“The reason it hasn’t been released is (that) it’s not helpful to Adam Schiff. It is not helpful to the whistle-blower,” said Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican, who took part in the October interview with Mr. Atkinson. “It raises credibility issues about both of them.”
(…)Mr. Atkinson’s briefing for House lawmakers covered the origins of the whistleblower complaint that led to the two articles of impeachment. Mr. Trump’s supporters charge that the whistleblower was part of a scheme to take down the president and that the complaint was coordinated by Mr. Schiff, chairman of the intelligence committee and the lead House impeachment manager prosecuting the case.
Mr. Schiff denies he had contact with the whistleblower, but it was later revealed that his staff met with the whistleblower before the complaint was filed with Mr. Atkinson.
But the closed-door committee session remains a focus of House Republicans with knowledge of the interview.
Mr. Ratcliffe said they have demanded the release of a transcript of the interview, especially because Mr. Atkinson identified other fact witnesses.
“It addresses the issue about contacts between Schiff, his staff and the whistleblower, and what the inspector general knows about that. So those are material facts that should be talked about, but Adam Schiff has prevented that,” Mr. Ratcliffe told The Washington Times.
As with everything, we’ll have to see how this plays out before believing anything, but to those who’ve been paying close attention there seems to be liddle reason to trust Adam Schiff.
UPDATE: It has been an awkward week trying to write this report, particularly concerning the circus going on in the senate. Each day brings a boat load of new talking points and frankly I’m over it. Actually, I think it’s over, though they will try to drag it out another week or so I think it is safe to say that the President has been acquitted.
Onto the Bidens, who I personally am also growing tired of reporting on but the MSM doesn’t want to do its job I guess, apparently there is more money and motivation to be an extension of Hollywood/CIA pop culture fantasy land and mouthpiece of the CFR, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, etc. (Learn More about these extremely influential, clandestine think tanks HERE).
It’s no secret that Joe Biden and Obama were both beholden to these groups, the now popular “Son of a Bitch” video (where Biden essentially lays out his own quid pro quo arrangement with Ukraine) just so happens to take place at a CFR event.
Coronavirus news out of China went from bad to worse on Sunday, as Wuhan’s Mayor not only informed the public that he suspects the number of cases in the city to increase by a considerable margin, but also that some 5 million residents of Wuhan – roughly half of the city’s population – had already left the city before the quarantine was fully implemented. Some left early last week for the Lunar New Year holiday, while others fled after learning about Beijing’s plans to cut off the city from the outside world (except for the flow of personnel and supplies needed to fight the outbreak).
Anybody who tries to leave Wuhan on Sunday will find the roads blocked and guards ordering them to turn back.
This is coming out of zerohedge:
“To try and assuage citizens’ frustration about the virus overshadowing the LNY holiday, Beijing announced an extension of the holiday. That should take a bigger bite out of China’s GDP as factories, offices and government services will remain shuttered – but ideally China’s battered travel and tourism industry might be able to make up for some of the hit. As we noted earlier, Suzhou, a factory hub, was the first city to announce a holiday-like shutdown of industry until Feb. 8. China’s top transportation official confirmed on Sunday that travel has plummeted for the holiday. On Saturday, overall transportation dropped by 28.8% from the same day last year. Railway transportation fell by 41.5%, roads 25% and passenger flights 41.6%.”
- 2082 cases, 56 Official deaths
- Incubation is asymptomatic, contagious, and can be as long as 14 days
- 5M may have left Wuhan for Lunar New Year
- 1st case was Dec 1 NOT Dec 31 so infect pop may be much bigger
- US, Russia, Thailand begin plans for evacuation
- Premier Li Keqiang charged with leading government’s task force
- 3 Beijing hospitals using AIDS drugs to treat virus
This was as of Sunday evening, and will likely have changed by the time of publication. It is important to remember that we have seen these fear mongering claims coming from the same outlets when we were faced with the Ebola outbreak, with the Zika outbreak and just last year with measles. It is likely that this will pan out in a similar fashion.
Now onto one of our favorite topics, the disclosure of classified technology from black budget projects. We reported a few weeks ago about a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum, where US Airforce Secretary Barbara Barret and Mike Rogers; a key member of Congress (Al), agreed that “Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea,” following up the statement by saying “You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.” To the layman this statement may seem like it’s not all that shocking, but to those who have researched the exceptionally shady subject of secret space programs know that even mentioning the existence of “Secretive space programs” from officials at this level is a HUGE deal…
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Hillary Clinton… the worlds most active hypocrite.