(Joe Hoft) State Defense Forces Are Needed To Counter The Use Of The U.S. Military Against Americans.
u.s. military
The Occult History of the U.S. Military’s PSYOPS and its Highly Symbolic Recruitment Video
(The Vigilant Citizen) A video produced by the 4th PSYOP hints at the various ways mass media is used to wage psychological warfare on the public. Here’s a look at this symbolic video and the strange (occult) history of PSYOPS.
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International Community Demanding Probe of Russia for “War Crimes” But Not U.S. For Funding Multiple Bioweapons Labs Around the World
(JD Heyes) As Russian forces continue to stream into neighboring Ukraine, they have begun using heavier weapons and ramping up bombing and missile attacks, but in doing so, Vladimir Putin’s troops may have violated international law governing warfare.
Taliban Holds Parade Featuring U.S. Military Weapons and Vehicles
(Colton Salaz) The Taliban held a military parade in Kabul over the weekend, showcasing American-made military vehicles, as well as Russian-made and other nations’ technology that was left behind in Afghanistan.
Soldiers Sue Pentagon Over Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates
(Mary Villareal) The Department of Defense (DoD) recently announced that they would require U.S. military personnel to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by September 15, 2021, and those who refuse to do so will be subject to punishment up to and including court-martial.
Biden’s Cover Up: Deep State Wipes Online Records of U.S. Military Equipment Given to Afghan Forces; Public Links to Reports About Quantities and Billions in Costs Are GONE
(Julian Conradson) Several webpage links – detailing the cost and inventory of billions in high-tech weaponry that was handed to the Taliban – have been removed from federal websites at the request of the corrupt Biden regime.
Getting Some Perspective on Afghanistan after 20 Years of War
(Larry Johnson) The numbers tell the story. After 20 years in Afghanistan a total of 2448 members of the U.S. military were killed in action. I know those losses are incalculable for the families who lost a son, daughter, husband or wife. But that equals the number of U.S. soldiers who died on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
EXPLOSIVE: China has Infiltrated the U.S. Military Biodefense Program at Fort Detrick
(Joe Hoft) The shocking story of how China has infiltrated the U.S. military biodefense program at Fort Detrick.
Praying Medic: Limited Communications – What Happens Next?
(Staff Writer) The 8th in a series of messages about where America may be headed following the 2020 election.
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Incredible Steve Pieczenik on U.S. Military Coup and Arrests Plus Juan O’Savin and Twitterings
(Kat) Enclose a transcript from an explosive interview with Steve Pieczenik about what is happening right now in America and what is to come in the next few days. It was recorded on 1-16-21.
Biden Claims More Than 6,000 Members of US Military Died From Coronavirus – The Actual Number is 7 (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden falsely claimed on Wednesday during his Michigan speech that more than 6,000 members of the US military died from Coronavirus.