(Marie Huillet) The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is sending letters to crypto investors to clarify crypto tax filing requirements and, in certain cases, compel them to pay back taxes. The IRS announced its letter campaign in a press release on July 26.
Cash-Strapped Cities Are Turning Citizens Into Ticket Vigilantes
(MassPrivateI) Washington, D.C. plans to join a growing list of cash-strapped cities that turn citizens into ticket vigilantes.
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Amazon Will Pay $0 in Taxes on $11,2B in Profit for 2018
(Kristin Myers) While some people have received some surprise tax bills when filing their returns, corporations continue to avoid paying tax — thanks to a cocktail of tax credits, loopholes, and exemptions.
The IRS Actually Works for Satan: Tax-Exempt Status Granted to Satanic Orgs, but Denied to Christian Groups
(JD Heyes) Okay, so it’s not uncommon for our government to come down on the wrong side of liberty and freedom, but things are getting out of hand. Rarely one to ‘do the right thing’ by taxpayers and citizens, the Internal Revenue Service is looking to earn a new moniker: The Inferno Revenue Service after granting tax-exempt status to satanic ‘religious’ groups while denying the same status to Christian and conservative organizations for years during the Obama reign of unconstitutionality and terror.
Multiple Investigations Reveal Secrets About Where US Tax Dollars Are Really Going
(Arjun Walia) It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each paycheck, and how much money multiple small and big businesses pay. We are told that it’s necessary; that this is the money going towards various programs that are responsible for building our schools, employing people for necessary services and infrastructure, among many other things. It’s truly amazing how much money governments rake in from taxes.
The Income Tax: Still the Root of All Evil
(Gary M. Galles) February 25 is a momentous day in American history. It is the day in 1913 the 16th Amendment, authorizing a federal income tax, took effect with the certification of Secretary of State Philander C. Knox.
The Economic Argument for a Carbon Tax Is a Work of Fiction
(Robert P. Murphy) We live in strange times indeed when an environmental reporter for The New York Times writes that we should stop pushing for a carbon tax, just a few weeks before dozens of distinguished economists sign a letter to the Wall Street Journal calling for a carbon tax. Yet despite the prestige behind the impressive list of signers, the […]
5 Legal Strategies To Reduce Your Tax Burden
(Nicholas West) While people feel compelled to continue debating the government shutdown, the reality remains that tax collection is expected to continue uninterrupted. The old maxim that the two great inescapable realities are death and taxes should come as an affront to the liberty-minded, however. The mandatory payment of taxes is as unnatural as death is natural, and is a human construct that is a historically recent phenomenon.
Good News: H.R.24 and H.R.25 Bills Submitted to US 116th Congress (2019-2020) Call For A Full Audit of The FED System & Abolishing the IRS by repealing All Taxes!
(Edward Morgan) On January 3rd, 2019 H.R.24 and H.R.25 Bills were Submitted to the US Congress House Committee:
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Top Dem Candidate Openly Supports Taxing Families With More Than 2 Kids for ‘Irresponsible Breeding’
(Mac Slavo) A democrat congressional candidate in Pennsylvania has desires to tax parents who have more than two children as “irresponsible breeders.” Scott Wallace is a population control zealot who has donated over $7 million to population control groups.
Thousands Refuse to Pay Up on Tax Day Because it Funds War—Give Money to Charity Instead
(John Vibes) A group of activists, who are openly refusing to pay their taxes to the IRS, are instead donating the money to humanitarian programs.
Facts About Taxation (Video)
Facts About Taxation (Video)
Damning Study Shows Govts Rob Taxpayers $5 Trillion a Year to Keep Fossil Fuel Industry Going
(Justin Gardner) As the global energy paradigm is undergoing the next great transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, a new report shows that fossil fuels continue to be propped up by governments with staggering amounts of subsidies. Source – The Free Thought Project by Justin Gardner, August 10th, 2017 A study published in the World Development […]
Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet — Tax Evasion Blockchain Fear, Censorship of Free Speech | Armstrong Economics
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Martin Armstrong is arguably one of the most influential and successful economists in contemporary times. I was recently turned on to Armstrong’s blog by a colleague. In the past, Armstrong developed an incredibly effective forecasting model that allowed him to essentially predict stock market trends with great precision. He was […]