(Svali) Q: Can the Illuminati’s family trees be traced back to specific towns in Europe?
svali speaks
Illuminati Insider | Therapists Speak Out on Ritual Abuse
(Svali) Several months ago, I sent a questionnaire out to the professional community to find out the opinions of therapists who work with ritual abuse. I contacted the ISSD as well as several therapists whom I had heard of in the field. Why? Because I wanted a chance for the dedicated professionals who work in this field to have a chance to speak out, and I was also interested in their opinions.
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Illuminati Insider | Therapists Speak Out on Healing
(Svali) Healing. That is the goal in the journey of healing from abuse, and I have a confession to make. The question I asked therapists in this article was totally self serving. I really wanted to hear what they had to say on healing, what helps, and what doesn’t. As a survivor, I was extremely interested in the answers.
Illuminati Insider | Breaking Free of the Cult
(Svali) One of the most important but also one of the most difficult steps that a survivor of generational cult abuse can make is the decision to leave the group that they were raised in.
Illuminati Insider | Complex Polyfragmentation: A Coping Mechanism for the Survivor
(Svali ) In order to survive ritual abuse, a child will often learn to dissociate, and dissociate heavily. The child has undergone some of the most horrific abuse humanly imaginable, and most find a way to cope. One of the ways that is encouraged in certain groups, such as the Illuminati, is to create an elaborate defensive system. In psychological terms, the child fragments, then fragments again. Eventually, the child has polyfragmented.
Illuminati Insider | Survivors Speak Out on Remembering: Part Two
(Svali) Survivors of ritual abuse come from all over the world. This is not a phenomenon limited to the United States or Europe.
Illuminati Insider | Survivors Speak Out on Remembering: Part One
(Svali) Part one: **Important: part of this article contains discussion of survivor memories. If you are a survivor of ritual abuse, please be aware that reading about it may be triggering, and do not read if you become uncomfortable**
Illuminati Insider | Why the Cult Doesn’t Get Caught
(Svali) When confronted with the possibility that ritual abuse may occur, one of the first questions people ask is: “But if it’s real, why aren’t they caught?”. In other words, how can an organized society meet and execute rituals in secret, yet not leave any incriminating evidence which may lead to a conviction? How can such secrecy possibly be maintained in this day and age? Surely they would leave behind a ‘trail’ that would alert others as to what was happening.
Illuminati Insider | Ritual Abuse: Modern Hysteria or Ancient Practice?
(Svali) In this article, I will be discussing ritual abuse in a historical context. Later articles will share about ritual abuse from the perspective of its effects on the survivor as well as significant others.
Illuminati Insider | Ritual abuse: The Under-Recognized Problem
(Svali) **If you are a survivor of ritual abuse, please be aware that reading about it may be triggering. Please take care of yourself, and be in a safe place before reading
Surviving an Illuminati Cult — A Survivor Speaks On Having Needs
(Svali) This is a guest article by someone who has written expressively and eloquently on how the survivor of cult abuse feels. Her name is niid la’i and she speaks for many of us about the isolation and loss of identity, the need to protect oneself after a lifetime of betrayals. The desire to learn to trust and be open. She calls it:
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Fifteen: Core splits, Denial programming, the last Five Steps of Discipline
(Svali) Virtual Reality Programming
Virtual reality programming (VR) is a form of programming that has become more and more widely used in the past few decades. It involves the person being placed in VR headsets and suit while a cult created VR disk is used to run the program. It can be used to create 3D and holographic images, and especially is useful in scripted programming, and target practice sequences for assassin training. Under hypnosis , the person will really believe they are in the scene.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Fourteen: Spiritual Programming
(Svali) Note: this chapter includes discussion of both cult and Christian spirituality; do not read if these themes are triggering***
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Thirteen: Shell programming, Internal Councils, Human Experimentation, Function Codes
(Svali) Parts of this chapter could be extremely triggering, please read with caution and only with a therapist if a survivor.
Illuminati Insider | Chapter Twelve: Preventing Re-accessing of the Survivor
(Svali) This is by far one of the most important chapters I have written in this book. Why?