(Franz Walker) In a bid to find new treatments for diabetes mellitus, Chinese scientists investigated Cordyceps taii, a medicinal mushroom from southern China, to see if it can be used as a possible treatment against the disease.
Brain Memory Signals Linked to Blood Sugar Levels
(Neuroscience News) A set of brain signals known to help memories form may also influence blood sugar levels, finds a new study in rats.
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Study: Clove Extract May Help Improve Blood Sugar Control and Prevent Diabetes
(Virgilio Marin) Cloves are the aromatic buds of the evergreen tree, Syzygium aromaticum. This potent spice is found in both whole and ground forms and is a versatile food ingredient used for seasoning pot roasts and adding flavor to hot beverages and desserts. In Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, clove is used to treat influenza, cough, digestive problems, toothache, nausea and vomiting, among other things.
Consuming Sugary Beverages While Breastfeeding Affects Cognitive Development in Children
(Natural Blaze) A diet high in sugar during adulthood is associated with weight gain, and has also been linked to risk of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease. New research shows that when consumed by moms during the breastfeeding period, a high sugar diet can also impact developmental outcomes during infancy.
Sugary Drinks and Disease: Chugging 2 Sodas per Day Increases Your Risk of Premature Death
(Divina Ramirez) The added sugar in soda makes it one of the unhealthiest drinks in the world. On top of raising blood sugar and contributing to abdominal fat, European researchers found that soda can also lead to an earlier death.
Sugar Spikes the Release of Dopamine in Your Brain in a Similar Way to Cocaine or Prescription Opiates, so How Do You Stop the Cravings?
(S.D. Wells) (Natural News) Just like hard drugs, namely cocaine and heroin, sugar spikes the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens area of your brain. Dopamine is a neurohormone and is created several different ways in the brain, especially when stimulated by drugs like cocaine, nicotine, prescription opiates, and yes, sugar. Regular sugar consumption, it has been scientifically concluded, inhibits the so-called “action” of the dopamine transporter, meaning daily sugar binging eventually reduces how much dopamine is produced and carried through pathways in your brain, including areas responsible for pleasure and reward.
Research Reveals How Sugar CAUSES Cancer
(Sayer Ji) Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth, packed rooms, and ‘return customers.’
Science Says: These 4 Things Happen to Your Body when You Stop Eating Sugar
(Best Folk Medicine) Did you know that around 20 percent of American citizens consume more than 700 calories of sugar on a daily basis? However, this has a major negative impact on one’s overall health and well-being and increases the risk of weight gain.
Train Your Brain to Eat Less Sugar
(Neuroscience News) A new brain training game in which players navigate a grocery store, earning rewards for selecting healthy food options, may help to reduce the desire to give into sugar cravings. Participants who had higher initial preferences for sugary foods lost as much as 3.1% body weight following daily gameplay.
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Fructose Found to Alter Hundreds of Genes in the Brain
(Edsel Cook) A recent study reported that people who consume large amounts of fructose are more likely to develop all kinds of diseases because the sweetener affects numerous genes in the brain. Fructose causes gene alterations that are linked to serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes.
4 Sugar Alternatives That Won’t Poison You
(Sayer Ji) You may think that staying slim and eating healthfully means NO sweets, but guess what? There are natural and delicious sweeteners that won’t wreck your diet, and are even GOOD for you!
How Sugar Keeps You Trapped In A Cycle Of Addiction
(Lisa Egan) I admit it: I’m a little bit addicted to the stuff.
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Have Sweet Drinks on an Empty Stomach
(Ralph Flores) Consuming high amounts of sugary drinks – as well as doing it on an empty stomach – could be linked to problems not only in the liver but also in the gut microbiota, according to a study reported in the journal Cell Metabolism. The researchers, led by Princeton University scientists, revealed that food and drink containing high levels of sugar – in particular, fructose – are mainly processed in the small intestine, with the rest spilling over into the liver and the colon when the small intestine becomes overworked.
Meet The Kid Who’s Never Eaten A Gram Of Sugar In Her Life – Here’s What She Looks Like Today
(Alanna Ketler) There is a good chance that many of you read the headline of this article and scoffed at the idea of not giving your child any sugar. Kids and sugar go hand in hand after all, no? Isn’t being able to offer your children a sweet treat in exchange for being a good boy or good girl a good way to encourage your kids to behave? Kids love sugar, why would anyone in their right mind want to deprive them of something that they love? You might also be thinking of all the candy, chocolate and sweets that you grew up eating and think “I’m fine, surely a little sugar isn’t going to seriously harm anyone?”
Sugar Coated – How the Sugar Industry Managed to Dupe the World for Decades
(Dr. Mercola) Thousands of studies spanning many decades show excess sugar damages your health,1 yet the sugar industry successfully buried the evidence and misdirected the public with manipulated science. According to the sugar industry, sugar is a harmless source of energy and may even be an important part of a healthy “balanced” diet.