(Science Daily) Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events — for example when a ball falls through a table — provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants’ learning processes. What happens in their brains as they learn and integrate new information?
Fracking Study Shows Toxic Chemical Exposure 2,000 Feet From Drilling Sites
(Jordan Davidson) A new multiyear study found that people living or working within 2,000 feet, or nearly half a mile, of a hydraulic fracturing (fracking) drill site may be at a heightened risk of exposure to benzene and other toxic chemicals, according to research released Thursday by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
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Habitual Tea Drinking Modulates Brain Efficiency: Evidence from Brain Connectivity Evaluation
(Science Daily) The researchers recruited healthy older participants to two groups according to their history of tea drinking frequency and investigated both functional and structural networks to reveal the role of tea drinking on brain organization.
Sulforaphane, a Compound in Cruciferous Vegetables, Found to Kill Colon Cancer Cells
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) An increasing number of studies have recently emerged promoting the benefits of eating cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables are not only rich in dietary fiber that supports digestive health, but they are also good sources of phytonutrients that can reduce the risk of cancer.
What Are Personality Disorders and How Are They Treated?
(Justin Deschamps) As one who studies psychology, I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s hardly perfect. Especially on the clinical side, drug companies and other interests have diluted the true power of understanding the nature of our being. This being said, there is much within the accumulated knowledge of psychology we can gain wisdom in studying. With this in mind, consider the following.
Study Reveals Surprising Link Between Your Skin, Gut Health and Food Allergies
(Vicki Batts) The human body is more than the sum of its parts. While mainstream medicine often tends to view each organ as its own “independent” system, the truth is that your body is an interconnected organism — and the health of one organ can very well affect that of another.
Heart Coherence and Earth’s Field: Study Validates Effectiveness of Heart Lock-In Technique
(Heart Math) The Heart Lock-In® Technique, one of HeartMath’s earliest tools, has helped individuals and groups increase heart-rhythm coherence for many years. Now a study* has validated the tool’s effect on synchronization between the heart and geomagnetic activity, which is significant because this synchronization is associated with better health.
Men Are Far More Likely Than Women to Want a Close Encounter With Aliens, Oxford University Study Finds
(Danyal Hussain) Men are more enthusiastic about speaking to aliens than women, new research from the University of Oxford has revealed.
Internet Trolls May be Trained Government Agents According to Leaked Document
(Brian Shilhavy) Glenn Greenwald, a journalist, constitutional lawyer, commentator, and author of three New York Times best-selling books on politics and law, has been working with NBC News in publishing a series of articles on how covert government agents infiltrate the Internet to “manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations.”
New Study Documents Depleted Uranium Impacts on Children in Iraq
(David Swanson) In the years following 2003, the U.S. military dotted Iraq with over 500 military bases, many of them close to Iraqi cities.
Chilling Report Reveals that Just a Handful of Mega Corporations Control the Fate of the World
(Isaac Davis) So much of dystopian science fiction stories feature an all-knowing, all-powerful private corporation as the dominant authority in a tyrannic and soulless world. According to a new study, this vision of the future isn’t all that fictional, as trans-national corporations (TNC’s) are growing at an alarming pace, rapidly consolidating control over major industries, and creating a new type of super-governance in our world.
Study Proving “Definitively” That Fire Didn’t Bring Down WTC Building 7
(Arjun Walia) We are fast approaching the 18th year anniversary of 9/11, and that tragic event is still waking up millions and millions of people. The idea that there were pre planted explosives inside of the building is a thought that’s been pondered by many families of victims, scientists, physicists, engineers, and many more. Franklin Square Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia recently discussed his fire district’s recent passage of a historic resolution supporting a new investigation into events of 9/11.
Profiling via Your Cell Phone: You Move Your Phone Can Reveal Insights Into Your Personality, Creepy Study Finds
(Jacinta Bowler) It may sound strange at first, but a team of researchers in Australia has come up with a method to predict your personality traits using just the accelerometer in your phone.
Research Reveals How Sugar CAUSES Cancer
(Sayer Ji) Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth, packed rooms, and ‘return customers.’
Gut Microbes Protect Against Neurologic Damage from Viral Infections
(Science Daily) Gut microbes produce compounds that prime immune cells to destroy harmful viruses in the brain and nervous system, according to a mouse study.