(Michael Snyder) Prices are soaring, there are widespread shortages of certain items such as baby formula all over the nation, and at the same time U.S. economic activity appears to be really slowing down. Considering all of that, it makes perfect sense why the American people are feeling so negative about the economy right now. In fact, a whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a recession within the next year. These days, it is virtually impossible to get Americans to overwhelmingly agree about anything, and so the fact that 85 percent of us are anticipating a recession is a really big deal. Just about everyone realizes that economic conditions are going to get worse, but for those of you that still doubt where we are headed here are 11 statistics that show how U.S. consumers are faring in this rapidly deteriorating economy…
The Numbers are Skewed’: Colorado Officials Warn of Inflated COVID Death Statistics
(Just the News) Health officials reportedly continuing to conflate deaths “from” and “with” COVID.
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Crime Statistics: Black Suspects Charged for Nearly Three-Quarters of All Mass Shootings
(Kyle Becker) America’s news media is understandably reluctant to report about mass shootings after two horrific incidents in March failed to fit the ‘racism’ narrative: The Boulder supermarket mass shooting and the Atlanta spa mass shootings.
Biden Didn’t Win, Trump Did. And We Can Prove It
(Vox Day) President Trump did, and now he can prove it.
The Statistical Storm: 4 Reasons “the Party of Science” are Frauds if They Accept 2020 Voting Irregularities
(Vox Day) Although the statistical evidence is rapidly turning into hard physical evidence of ballot fraud, it’s still useful to continue noting the statistical anomalies and how strongly they indicate that there is no shortage of fraud to find by refining the statistical case against Biden:
THE KEY STAT: 43% Of All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Come From 0.6% Of The Population
(Eric A. Blair) In a fascinating new analysis published by Forbes, the researchers find data that supports what The Gateway Pundit has been saying for ages: COVID-19 is very dangerous to the elderly — especially in nursing homes — but not so much for everyone else.
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This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
(Jim Hoft) What is going on? After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly estimates from specialists on the coronavirus, the data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax.
COVID-19: How Does Coronavirus Compare to Other Outbreaks?
(Justin Deschamps) Context matters. Without comparing something to another thing, it’s hard to know what we’re dealing with. The coronavirus pandemic is the latest media-scare that is creating a lot of panic and anxiety. While there is evidence to suggest Covid-19 should be taken seriously, it isn’t nearly as lethal as previous outbreaks, measured as Case Fatality Rates or CFR. The following article compares the coronavirus pandemic to other outbreaks. I think you’ll agree, it isn’t as bad as some think.
Studies Find No Evidence That Assault Weapon Bans Reduce Homicide Rates
(Being Classically Liberal) The studies, data, and examination of the available evidence by scholars suggest that assault weapon bans or buybacks will have little if any effect on rates of violent crime and gun violence.
Gallup: Mentions Of Immigration As Top Problem Surpass Record High
(Zerohedge) After hitting a new high last month, mentions of immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. increased further to 27% in July. Since Gallup began regularly recording mentions of the issue in 1993, immigration has been cited by an average of 6% of Americans, though it has been higher in recent years. There have been occasional, typically short-lived, spikes when major immigration events were occurring.
Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities?
(Exonews) Former high-ranking US defense and intelligence officials, aerospace-industry veterans, academics and others associated with ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ are asking: ‘why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?’ Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “Unidentified.”
47 UFO Sightings Reported In Illinois In 2019 So Far
(Shannon Antinori) After reports that Navy pilots were encountering UFOs at hypersonic speeds, Patch took a peek at the most recent sightings in Illinois.
Publication Bias: Understanding How and Why Science Can Be Wrong
(Exploring your Mind) Where does publication bias come from? It seems that, in medical literature, bias towards publishing striking results originates from journal editors.
How Empires Fall: Moral Decay
(Charles Hugh Smith) Moral decay is an interesting phenomenon: we spot it easily in our partisan-politics opponents and BAU (business as usual) government/private-sector dealings (are those $3,000 Pentagon hammers now $5,000 each or $10,000 each? It’s hard to keep current…), and we’re suitably indignant when non-partisan corruption is discovered in supposed meritocracies such as the college admissions process.
ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported
(Humans are Free) With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice to throw some cold hard facts on the firestorm currently raging in the measles debate.