(Ellen Nakashima and Greg Bensinger) The Justice Department has charged two former Twitter employees with spying for Saudi Arabia by accessing the company’s information on dissidents who use the platform, marking the first time federal prosecutors have publicly accused the kingdom of running agents in the United States.
Smart TVs Caught Sending Sensitive User Data To Facebook And Netflix
(Zero Hedge) A study by researchers from Northeastern University and Imperial College London found that many popular smart TV models, including models by Samsung and LG, as well as streaming dongles Roku and Amazon FireTV, are leaking sensitive user data to advertisers.
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Shocking, Apple Blackmail? Siri “Regularly” Listens In On Your Sexual Encounters, Apple Insists “Only For A Few Seconds”
(Zero Hedge) Should it come as any surprise? And yet the details are shocking and outrageous. A whistleblower working for Apple has revealed to The Guardian that its popular voice activated spying device helpful virtual assistant Siri, now in millions of households, “regularly” records people having sex, and captures other “countless” invasive moments which it promptly sends to Apple contractors for their listening pleasure”quality control”: