SHOCKING: Biden & Vaccines During 1st Prime-Time Address, VACCINE PASSPORTS INC (Video)
social engineering
Secrets of How the THEY Make You Believe Fake News & How to Stop It Part 2 (Video)
How do they make you and other people believe lies? What’s the psychology propaganda? How did the government and CIA learn how to hijack your emotions to make you believe almost anything? How do you use critical thinking and discernment to activate one of the greatest powers of all time? Discover all this and more.
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Hegelian Dialectic: A Tool To Enslave Humanity
(Collective Evolution) Hegelian thinking affects our entire social and political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution.
The Pentagon and 5g
(Joseph P. Farrell) Most regular readers of this site are well aware that there’s a debate going on about the real vs the stated purposes of the 5G rollout, and most are also probably aware that there are serious health and environmental impact concerns about the technology. As I’ve blogged about the subject on previous occasions, one thing that has always stood out to me was its potential for weaponization. After all, with antennae all over the landscape, it would be possible to convert the antennae in a region, or for that matter, over the whole country, into a very large phased array antennae system, for the purposes of multiwave interferometry in a particular place, and to use it in a variety of nasty ways, from induction of disease, to mind manipulation, “crowd control”, and worse. Some people even hypothesize that it could be used to vaporize bodies, though that would take an extraordinary amount of energy. But my point in raising these topics is to reinforce my point that there could very well be a hidden purpose to the whole thing.
Cathy O’Brian: The Great Unmasking — Masks as Mind Control
(Cathy O’Brien) Masks are an obvious mind control device, and I am disturbed so many people are complying on a global scale.
The Plan To Control The Whole World
(Prepare For Change) In the midst of the global pandemic of Covid-19, a ray of light breaks through: an age old medicine called hydroxychloroquine is healing thousands of Covid-19 patients. There are no side effects, no hospitalizations and virtually no deaths. World renown scientists like professor Didier Raoult from France, who is named ‘the rockstar of science’, publicly declared:
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The Siamese Twins Of Technocracy And Transhumanism
(Patrick Wood) Technocracy and Transhumanism have always been joined at the hip. Technocracy uses its “science of social engineering” to merge technology and society. Transhumanism uses its field of NBIC to merge technology directly into humans.
Testing the Most Effective Method to Manipulate Minds
(Dr. Mercola) By the looks of it, we are about to face one of the most aggressive vaccine campaigns ever created. According to Reuters,1 the U.S. government is planning to launch an “overwhelming” COVID-19 vaccine campaign come November, provided the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gives one or more vaccine candidates the green light.
3 Ways Human Psychology is Being Exploited to Create an Obedient, Self-Policing Society
(Dylan Charles) Things are changing. Rapidly. So, get used to it, and don’t look back, because as we march into this brave new world together, the pressure and stress of the situation is going to affect people’s mental health and personalities in more dramatic ways.
Vatican Insider Says COVID Is A “Colossal Operation of Social Engineering”
(Arjun Walia) It’s amazing to observe just how much perspectives have changed regarding Covid-19. It’s also quite something to observe how almost every global crisis that seems to emerge every single year is surrounded by controversy and what seems to be clear misinformation.
Former KGB Propagandist Explains How America was Destabilized and Why Socialism and Unrest Are Spreading Like Fire
(Phillip Schneider) Yuri Bezmenov is a Soviet defector and former propagandist for the KGB. In the early-1980’s, he was interviewed to discuss the Soviet plan to indoctrinate American citizens into Marxism, a plan he believes was a success.
Another Reason Why This ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like A Social Engineering Experiment
(Richard Enos) When something is repeated over and over, it often has the capacity to put us to sleep. But occasionally, it has the opposite effect. Sometimes in the wake of redundant messaging our senses are aroused to a bitter taste or a stale odor that tells us something is just not right.
New Cambridge Analytica Leaks Reveal Psychological Manipulation of Global Population
(Derrick Broze) On New Year’s Day 2020, Twitter account @HindsightFiles began posting documents from data firm Cambridge Analytica (CA) which expose the extensive infrastructure used to manipulate voters on a global scale.
Time Magazine Offers Guide on How Parents Can Brainwash Their Kids on Iran
(Paul Joseph Watson) Suggests Soleimani was not a terrorist.
Why You Can’t Stop Clicking — How Big Tech Hijacked Your Brain and Need for Community Through Social Media
(Justin Deschamps) As we’ve discussed on Stillness in the Storm, understanding our nature and the physical reality we inhabit is essential. Of which, the biological rewards were preprogrammed with are inescapable aspects of human life. Specifically, your body and brain is designed to reward you when you maintain social connections. Big tech, via the powers that be, has created a technological system that hijacks this ancient social reward system in your brain. It’s called social media. Maybe you’ve heard of it.