(Cristina Laila) Fox News host Sean Hannity pitched a pardon for Hunter Biden to Trump’s spokeswoman shortly after the January 6 Capitol riot.
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity And Fox News Tried To Force Trump To Surrender The Election Overtime
(Patrick Howley) Fox News host Sean Hannity tried frantically to get President Donald Trump to surrender the presidency during the election overtime period, according to recently released text messages between Hannity and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Hannity betrayed the pro-Trump Election Overtime effort even before the January 6 protest in Washington, D.C. as conservative influencers scrambled to try to force Trump out of office and clear the way for Joe Biden to install his regime. Fox News, which served as a propaganda machine for the disastrous Iraq War, has always been a subversive globalist operation. The cable network showed its true colors on Election Night 2020, when a largely unknown little man named Arnon Mishkin, serving as Fox News’ election expert, called the state of Arizona for Joe Biden with only a tiny fraction of the votes counted. Joe Biden’s former chief of staff Danny O’Brien is the head of government relations at Fox News’ parent company and he actively campaigned for Biden during the 2020 election.
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The Latest on the Discredited, Anti-Trump Dossier
(Sara Carter) Sara Carter with the latest on the fallout from the Durham investigation, and how all roads lead to Hillary Clinton.
VIDEO: “He has lied to Congress”…Sen Rand Paul Announces Criminal Referral for Dr Fauci
(Leisa Audette) Senator Rand Paul just announced to Sean Hannity that he would be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress.
REPORT: Sean Hannity Says President Trump Has Joined Parler
(Jim Hoft) For months supporters have called on President Trump to join Parler.
Sean Hannity To Georgia Voters: ‘We Need You,’ But ‘You Have Every Right To Be Disgusted’
(Paul Bois) In an effort to stop fringe calls to boycott the Georgia runoff elections in January, Fox News host Sean Hannity pleaded with the state’s voters to show up and vote while conceding they have “every right to be disgusted” with the 2020 presidential election.
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Attacks on Hannity and Carlson: Emails and Personal Accounts Invalidate Recent Claims Against Fox News Hosts
(The Daily Reformer) Here we go again. But this time there is a trail of emails belying the latest attacks on Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. This was the headline in Mediaite:
Deep State Invades Your Home: California Official Announces Program to Remove People with COVID-19 From Their Homes to Quarantine Centers (VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) After mentioning that he had just seen former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s memos to Robert Mueller, providing direction in his sham special counsel investigation, Senator Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity dropped some major news on Wednesday night.
IT’S HAPPENING! Sean Hannity Warns Rep. Adam Schiff “Tick-Tock! Today* Will Be the Day the Congenital Liar Is Completely Exposed” (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) On Wednesday night the Department of Justice released the August 2017 Rosenstein Scope Memo.