(Just the News ) Compared to average bacteria, size of cells “like meeting another human the size of Mount Everest.”
Scientists Discover Covid Vaccine’s ‘Trojan Horse’ Delivery May Lead to Serious Neurological Disorder
(Kyle Becker) A British medical research institute has discovered that the Oxford-developed AstraZeneca vaccine, a jab that uses a ‘trojan horse’ delivery system based on a weakened viral strain, is potentially connected to an uptick in a serious neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).
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31,000 Scientists Say “No Convincing Evidence” On Climate Change
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) 31,000 scientists reject global warming and say “no convincing evidence” that humans can or will cause global warming? But polls show that of scientists working in the field of climate science, and publishing papers on the topic: 97% of the climate scientists surveyed believe “global average temperatures have increased” during the past century; and 97% think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures. What is the significance of these statistics?
Fringe? Tens of Thousands of Scientists and Doctors Signed Declaration to Handle COVID-19 Differently than It Was
(B.N. Frank) Over the past 2+ years, government and medical agencies worldwide have spent countless hours studying COVID-19 and its variants. All along, there have been differing opinions on how to prevent and reduce its spread. This led to some scientists becoming targets of what one of them describes as an “organized propaganda campaign.”
Scientists Look To Create Chimeric mRNA Vaccines That Can Be Deployed Through Food
(Mary Villareal) Scientists have been doing research to create chimeric mRNA and deliver it through food. Research from the University of California Irvine and University of California, Riverside found the future of vaccines to look more like getting a salad than getting a shot in the arm.
Computer Scientists Warn Smart Devices Spy On Us, IoT Violates Privacy, Most Consumer Internet Connected Devices AREN’T Secure
(B.N. Frank) Got wireless tech? Privacy and security experts have warned for years about issues and vulnerabilities associated with “smart” (aka wireless) devices (appliances, wearables, etc.) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. They’ve even warned about expensive, hazardous, and altogether awful utility “Smart” Meters (electric, gas, and water). For those who still aren’t creeped out or freaked out, two computer scientists recently provided more scary warnings.
Not Just Humans: Scientists Say 5G Radiation Is Killing Animals and Wildlife
(Ethan Huff) A lengthy report about 5G exposure has found that this newfound radiation source is damaging the health of creatures that live in the wild.
Make It Stop: Scientists Find Putting Pantyhose on Your Head Creates a Better Seal, Makes Masks Safer
(Cristina Laila) Make. It. Stop.
Why Don’t People “Trust The Science?” Because Scientists Are Often Caught Lying
(Brandon Smith) There has been an unfortunate shift in Western educational practices in the past few decades away from what we used to call “critical thinking.” In fact, critical thinking was once a fundamental staple of US colleges and now it seems as though the concept doesn’t exist anymore; at least not in the way it used to. Instead, another brand of learning has arisen which promotes “right thinking”; a form of indoctrination which encourages and rewards a particular response from students that falls in line with ideology and not necessarily in line with reality.
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Scientists Now Looking at Transparent Nanolayers for Increased Solar Power Production
(Ramon Tomey) A team led by researchers from the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ Jülich) research center in Germany has developed a unique kind of solar cell that uses transparent nanolayers to produce more electricity than conventional solar cells. Their solar cell makes use of a sophisticated design and a nanostructured transparent material for the solar cell’s topmost layer.
BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your COVID Antibodies are Probably Better than the Pfizer Vaccination’ (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Project Veritas on Monday dropped another bombshell.
Now Vaccine-pushing Scientists Want to Turn Your Groceries Into mRNA Vaccines
(Lance D Johnson) The global agenda to inoculate every man, woman and child is coming straight to your dinner plate. A team of scientists from the University of California, Riverside are researching ways to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines. In order to combat “vaccine hesitancy” in the population, these scientists want to distribute coronavirus spike proteins throughout the food supply. This experiment could give rise to a new paradigm of vaccination that gives Big Pharma total control over the food supply, as they venture to genetically alter food to inundate the population with more blood clotting spike proteins.
Scientists Warn About New Hyper-Infectious South African Variant
(Tyler Durden) Scientists in South Africa have identified a new variant that “has all of the signatures of immune escape” and very well could be the source of the next variant-driven wave of COVID cases around the world.
Scientists Announce Landmark Detection of Isotopes in Planet Hundreds of Trillions of Miles Away
(Daniel Payne) Discovery is “really quite special.”
Scientists Say It ‘Remains to Be Addressed’ Whether COVID-19 Leaked from a Lab
(Daniel Payne) Virus’s optimal binding properties suggest possible engineered origin, they claim.