(Jim Hoft) Choose your side– The Satanic Temple joined Democrats in their battle against the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade.
Video: Residents ANNOYED At Parents Protesting SATAN CLUB For Kids
(Nwo Report) “One homeowner parked her van on the sidewalk to block the group”
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Doing Satan’s Work: Pentagon Orders Company to Stop Making Faith-Based Dog Tags (Video)
(Jim Hoft) The company has been making the tags for 20 years. But the Pentagon got one complaint and ordered the company to stop making the faith-based dog tags.
“It Was Demonic” – AstroWorld Concert-Goers Claim Show That Killed 8 People Was Like a Satanic Ritual (Video)
(Alicia Powe) The “Astroworld” concert, where 8 people died and over 300 other concert-goers were injured during rapper Travis Scott’s performance, was like a satanic ritual, attendees of the concert claim.
“Satan’s Power Was Defeated Tonight” – High School Football Team Defies Godless School Board – Gathers for Team Prayer on Field Following Game (Video)
(Jim Hoft) The Putnam County school board warned students and coaches last week not to pray together following their football games.
VMA Ratings Tank After Top Award Goes to ‘Artist’ Who Pole Danced for Satan in Music Video
(Kipp Jones, The Western Journal) The MTV Video Music Awards managed to bring in record low numbers in viewership on Sunday as the previously relevant awards show embraced peak “wokeness” and awarded its top honor to a gay rapper who made news this year for releasing a satanic video.
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Satanic Prayer on Hating White People Included in New “Prayer Book” Being Sold at Target (Video)
(Jim Hoft) A new prayer book being sold at Target and written by Sarah Bessey features a prayer from Chanequa Walker-Barnes that begs the Lord to help her “hate white people” and the “nice ones, the Fox News-loving, Trump-supporting voters who ‘don’t see color’ but who make thinly veiled racist comments about ‘those people..
The Occult Meaning of Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO” and the Symbolism of His “Satan Shoes”
(Staff Writer) In the video “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)”, Lil Nas X descends to hell and literally grinds on Satan. The rapper also released custom “Satan shoes” which contain actual human blood and limited to 666 pairs. Related Eurovision Song “El Diablo” Sparks Protests for its Satanic Message Source – Vigilant Citizen by Vigilant Citizen, […]
An Experience With Satanic Attachments And How To Clear Them Out
(The Spiritual Warrior) I am a health intuitive, only with an education! It’s not enough to know what you have, you must also know how to fix the problems that you find. I receive messages from my higher self and spirit.
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Houska Castle the Gateway to Hell — Site of Occult Rituals?
(Robert Sehepr) Located in the forests, about 30 miles north of Prague, is the mysterious Gothic Houska Castle.
The IRS Actually Works for Satan: Tax-Exempt Status Granted to Satanic Orgs, but Denied to Christian Groups
(JD Heyes) Okay, so it’s not uncommon for our government to come down on the wrong side of liberty and freedom, but things are getting out of hand. Rarely one to ‘do the right thing’ by taxpayers and citizens, the Internal Revenue Service is looking to earn a new moniker: The Inferno Revenue Service after granting tax-exempt status to satanic ‘religious’ groups while denying the same status to Christian and conservative organizations for years during the Obama reign of unconstitutionality and terror.
Who is Satan? — A Historical Analysis That Suggests Satan was a Real Person
(Justin Deschamps) The following article provides a historical overview of the concept of Satan. It is not a complete presentation but it does offer less well known nuggets.
How ‘Elite’ Bloodlines and Secret Societies Are Controlling the World
(Humans Are Free) In the West, we’ve all been spoon fed the idea that we are free citizens of sovereign countries, where our democratically elected governments rule according to the peoples’ wishes. Related: The Astor Bloodline: One of the Satanic (Illuminati) Bloodlines that Rule the World Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, December 16th, 2017 […]
The Dark Secrets Behind The Pope’s Audience Hall (It’s a Giant Reptilian) (video)
(Joe Martino) When I first realized the true magnitude of what the Pope’s Audience Hall design reveals, I was shocked. Despite 10 years of research into the elite, occult, Illuminati, consciousness, and more, this stuck out as something I just HAD to write about. Related: Pope Francis Gives A Surprise TED Talk Calling For A “Revolution Of […]
How Some of the World’s Elite Use Black Magic Rituals To Conjure Up Entities For More Power
(Arjun Walia) “The underlying, primary psychic reality is so inconceivably complex that it can be grasped only at the farthest reach of intuition, and then but very dimly. That is why it needs symbols.”– Carl Jung Related: Dutch Elite Banker Blows the Whistle on the Illuminati Banking System (Video and Transcript) Source – Collective Evolution by Arjun Walia, […]