(Mike Adams) The joke of the day is that after analyzing the DNA of the “human remains” found at the scene of the Nashville bomb, the FBI has just declared the bomber “died of covid.”
Updated: Trump Pushes For The Biggest Emergency Economic Stimulus in History — Mass Arrests, NESARA, Financial Reset Initiated?
(Justin Deschamps) In an unprecedented move, President Donald Trump announced today that he will be spearheading the largest emergency economic stimulus package in US history.
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GLOBAL RESET NEWS: This is Why Central Banks Are Now Hoarding Gold
GLOBAL RESET NEWS: This is Why Central Banks Are Now Hoarding Gold
Kent Dunn: Chimera E.T.s In Brazil and Africa, Washington D.C. Nuke Defused, Russian Plane, RV/GCR, Obama Clones & More
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information, please send it to me. This is yet another update by Dunn that seems to pull from other data sources, such as Cobra, Corey Goode, […]
Video: Gary Larrabee — Kent Dunn Reports RV Being Delayed by ‘Sabre Rattling’ Against Russia by Obama
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. – Justin Source – Operation Disclosure https://youtu.be/KkF06EONQfc _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error […]
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — October 24th 2016: Mass arrests and extrajudicial killings going on as part of cabal takedown
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from October 24th, 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] There is also a huge information […]
Benjamin Fulford — October 24th 2016: Mass arrests and extrajudicial killings going on as part of cabal takedown
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report. This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday. Updated: The full report has been added below. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford […]
What Will The Global Economy Look Like After The ‘Great Reset’?
Image Source. Related The Secret Global Reset Agreement | ISIS, Putin, Russia, Turkey, Federal Reserve Related How and Why “The Money Masters” Took Control (Full Documentary) Source – Alt-Market by Brandon Smith A very common phrase used over the past couple years by the International Monetary Fund’s Christine Lagarde as well as other globalist mouthpieces is the […]
Neil Keenan Update | Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress [?] Brief Commentary by Justin
For those who may be interested… I can not confirm the claims of what is provided below by Neil Keenan and his team GroupK. Of course, the rumors of currency revaluations have been spreading on the internet like wildfire for years, all of which lack any substance it seems. Keenan claims below that the US was […]
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COBRA | Event Situation Update: Has not started yet, Notes from Ascension Conference Partially Wrong
For those who may be interested… Related [Cobra] Notes from the Ascension Conference in Switzerland on 17th April 2016 – Justin Source – 2012 The Portal Rumors have been circulating across the blogospehere lately that the Event / Reset / RV / Restoration of the Republic has begun or is already happening. Those rumors are NOT […]
Benjamin Fulford Email Q and A: Chinese have ET Backers Ready to “interfere in the workings of this planet,” Iraqi Dinar is a Bush/Clinton Scam
This is an email exchange between Richardo Montalban and Benjamin Fulford from the 28th of this month. For those interested in the Chinese connections to extraterrestrials, the financial reset, the crash of Flydubui flight 737 last week, and the alleged Iraqi Dinar revaluation — Fulford offers comment below. Related Benjamin Fulford – March 28th 2016: […]
BRICS Internet | WTF, Russia’s domestic Internet traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese routers
This data is supporting the long discussed BRICS alliance maybe begining greater actions. This goes well with the post Digging up the Past and Digging into the dirt: RV, GCR, New financial system Updates and Fulfords update from November 11th 2014. – Justin Source – American Kabuki This is significant news…this means the BRICS are now separating […]
Digging up the Past and Digging into the dirt: RV, GCR, New financial system Updates
I am happy to hear that Dani is reinvigorated and pouring her energy into deciphering this time in our history. The Financial system has been the source of so much strife and confusion and her insights will be revealing I am sure. I have been working on the SITS Diary for the past year over […]
D Responding to Zap Responding to D Responding to Zap: colour coding is essential, lol OFFICE OF POOFNESS 3-31-14
Source – Removing the Shackles Before I begin, I have to profusely thank KP for the amount of work he put into getting this article sorted out, colour coding the various comments and keeping it readably organized- this is a daunting task!! Love you KP!!So, apparently someone forwarded an article I wrote last week, responding to […]
The Latest Heist: US Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
Source – 21stCenturyWire.com As the dust settles in Kiev, another money trail has been revealed… According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial […]