(Abby Cahoone) Do you find yourself saying yes to things too often? To then get quickly drained from having many commitments? Or maybe you have some people in your life who simply take up a lot of your energy? Who you love and want to please at whatever cost to you. We’ve all probably been there, and if you find yourself feeling this way, it may be time to start putting some boundaries in place.
The 5 Most Common Relationship Problems For Each Zodiac Sign
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a thought-provoking list of potential relationship problems as categorized by zodiac signs. It’s important to realize that these are potential problems, not absolute certainties. We can embody these in our weaker moments, and as such, it’s very useful to know what we could become if we don’t strive to realize a higher ideal, amidst personal hardship. When we get triggered, this is when the worst of us comes out. Thus, by facing this aspect of our shadow, and envisioning a better ideal that works against it, we can walk a path of truth and light, even while feeling like the world is crashing in around us. If we don’t learn this skill, our fears, resentments, and bitterness for life takes over, and we become the hateful alter self that the following list describes.