(Arjun Walia) Grover Cleveland Backster Jr., was an interrogation specialist for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He became well known for his experiments with plants using a lie-detector machine. Through his research, he believed that plants feel pain and have extrasensory perception (ESP).
12 Plants that Will Surely Deter Trespassers
(Tim Makay) Keeping trespassers off your property and intruders out of your home is always to your benefit, but traditional barriers like fences, gates and bars are eyesores and can be expensive.
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Home Gardening Tips: 17 Veggies You Can Grow in Buckets
(Zoey Sky) If you live in a small home or a cramped apartment, you don’t need to give up your dreams of having your own garden. You can start your journey to self-sufficiency by growing nutritious vegetables in a bucket garden
Study Reveals Pectin Can Stop Aluminum From Accumulating in Plants
(Divina Ramirez) A type of fiber called pectin can protect plants from soil aluminum, according to a recent study led by researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan.
Green Scream: Plants Emit “Ultrasonic Squeals” When Stressed by Drought or Physical Damage
(Virgilio Marin) Plants let out “ultrasonic squeals” when they are damaged or stressed by drought. Researchers at Tel Aviv Universityin Israel discovered this after placing microphones near tomato and tobacco plants. Thanks to the microphones, the researchers were able to detect distinct sounds emanating from the plants.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Found to Reduce Hypertension Risk in Postmenopausal Women
(Ralph Flores) An international study by researchers from the U.S. and Iran has found that pumpkin seed oil can potentially reduce the risk of hypertension in women. In their study, published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, the team looked at how supplementing with pumpkin seed oil can impact vascular function in postmenopausal women.
9 Air-Purifying Houseplants for Your Living Room
(Virgilio Marin) If you like to keep it green, there’s no better way of purifying the air in your living room than through houseplants. Houseplants can improve air quality and make your living space healthier.
Home Gardening Basics: Harvesting and Storing Seeds from Garden Plants
(Michael Alexander) After managing a vegetable garden for a full season, the next logical step is to harvest your fruits and vegetables, as well as other produce from your beloved plants. But before you start thinking about how to use your harvest in your next meal, you should also think of harvesting the seeds – and preparing them for the next season.
Amazing Petrified Tree up to 20 Million Years Old Found Intact in Lesbos
(Strange Sounds) First came the tree, all 19.5 metres of it, with roots and branches and leaves. Then, weeks later, the discovery of 150 fossilised logs, one on top of the other, a short distance away.
Everyone in England is Planting Wildflower Meadows
(Andy Corbley) When Prince Charles of Great Britain read Plantlife UK‘s annual 2012 report, he was astonished to find that England had lost 97% of all its natural wildflower meadowland.
Gardening is Booming During This Pandemic – and You Can Still Start Planting in July
(Good News Network) Gardening businesses have been booming during the coronavirus lockdowns, and nurseries have busily tried to keep up with the unexpected—and unprecedented—demand.
Plants Can Secretly Send Underground Electrical Signals. Here’s How They Do It
(David Nield) A new study offers a better understanding of the hidden network of underground electrical signals being transmitted from plant to plant – a network that has previously been shown to use the Mycorrhizal fungi in soil as a sort of electrical circuit.
Your Vegetable Garden Is Magical and Conscious
(Megan Edwards) An interesting source of healing information to come along in recent years is “Medical Medium.” He says your vegetable garden is magical and conscious.
Studies Show Having Plants Around Reduces Stress And Improves Cognitive Skills
(John Vibes) According to a study published by the American Society for Horticultural Science in December of 2019, having plants around your home or office could reduce your stress levels. In the study, 63 office workers at an electric company in Japan were monitored during their day to day activities to test how their pulse rates were affected by plants.
Studies on Plants Suggest Consciousness Exists As A Separate Entity From The Brain
(Arjun Walia) When it comes to the topic of consciousness, it’s something, in my opinion, all living life forms possess. Including plants, and I believe there is conclusive evidence for that. In fact, the question of whether consciousness is something that resides outside of the brain, or is a product of it, has long been the subject of scientific debate.