(Cara Castronuova) Calling all Patriots!
Rally Wednesday at DC Federal Courthouse from 1-3 as American Political Prisoner Jake Lang Appears in Federal Court
(Jim Hoft) American political prisoner Jake Lang is serving time without trial in Washington DC for his actions on Jan. 6, 2021. He has been imprisoned with no rights for over a year now. Islamic terrorists who murdered Americans have more rights than Jake Lang. The DC elites and corrupt fake news media agree with stripping Americans of their rights.
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‘More People Here Than at Biden’s Inauguration’: Sea of Patriots Floods DC for ‘Defeat the Mandates’ Rally
(Jack Davis) Calls for unfettered freedom rang off the hallowed Lincoln Memorial on Sunday as a crowd of about 35,000 turned out in Washington to call for an end to vaccine mandates.
“For the First Time We Were All Able to Sing the Star-Spangled Banner Together, We Sang it Loud and Proud” – Exclusive: Patriots Speak Out from the Inside of DC “GITMO” – One Year After January 6
(Jim Hoft) One year after January 6th, we remember the American citizens who marched on the Capitol in peaceful protest only to be brutally attacked by the Capitol and Metro Police, entrapped by federal operatives, and smeared across the nation.
After TGP Reported on Spokane Food Program Officials Requiring Proof of Vaccine for Christmas Meal – Local Patriots Step In and Feed Everyone Instead
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Patriots launched a “No Vaccine Canteen” after the Spokane, Washington, Christmas Bureau food assistance program opted to only feed those with a vaccine card or negative COVID test result.
Read January 6 Political Prisoner Nathan DeGrave’s Horrifying Letter From D.C. Jail, Where Patriots Are Tortured
(Patrick Howley) The government is torturing Americans.
A Day of Reckoning Is Coming In Michigan As Patriots Have Been Working Behind The Scenes To Uncover Election Fraud
(Dr. Rebecca Behrends) Election Fraud Investigation Hesitancy in Michigan
GOP Fundraising Text: You’re A ‘Traitor’ And ‘Deserter’ Who Must ‘Prove Your Loyalty’ To Trump By Sending Cash To NRCC
(Gabriel Keane) “Your Trump patriot Status is INCOMPLETE. We’re worried you’ve abandoned Trump. CHECK this box to CONFIRM your Trump Patriot Status and prove you’re a TRUE PATRIOT.”
Patriots Are Fighting Back Against Restaurants And Businesses That Require Vaccines To Enter [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) Patriots are not going to be told what they must or must not put into their own bodies for the “privilege” of dining out.
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Republican Leaders Are Missing in Action As Patriots Rot in Jail – Horrific Letter Released from Jan. 6 Protester
(Larry Johnson) The unjust political imprisonment of American citizens who entered the Capitol on January 6, many at the invitation of Capitol Police, continues and it is a horror show. There are a few Republican politicians denouncing this injustice, but the leadership is as mute as Helen Keller. These Americans are being held without bail while actual criminals guilty of murder, assault and theft are allowed to walk around.
Roger Stone EXCLUSIVE: The Freedom Crisis In Cuba and The Top 6 Leading Cuban-American Patriots to Watch
(Joe Hoft) With the recent uprisings in Cuba, the American people have been reminded about the deadly costs of socialism and marxists ideologies.
Patriots Urge DeSantis To Use The Constitution To STOP Capitol Police From Moving To Florida
(Patrick Howley) Patriots are working overtime to provide Constitutional legal justification for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to block the United States Capitol Police from building their new planned field office in Tampa, Florida. The D.C.-based police force is planning to open field offices in Tampa and also in San Francisco, California to surveil for supposed threats emanating from supposed domestic insurgents following the January 6 protest for Election Integrity in Washington, D.C. But patriots are resisting this “intrusion,” and they are adamant that the Capitol Police cannot expand to Florida without DeSantis’ authorization. Some patriots are urging their fellow freedom-lovers to send a letter to the governor explaining how he can stop the intrusion. The Republican Party of Hillsborough County has submitted the letter to DeSantis.
VIDEO: RINO Arizona Senator Who Voted Against Election Integrity Bill Heckled Off The Stage by 5,000 Angry Patriots
(Leisa Audette) Arizona Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita was one of two Republicans who voted with Democrats to kill the election integrity bill in the Arizona Senate. She had been scheduled to speak at the Turning Point Action event today. When she began to give her speech, the fed-up Americans in the audience got louder and louder with their disapproval.
Patriots In Walmart Join Together to Sing National Anthem!
(Kristin) In an epic display of patriotism, a group of shoppers broke out in unison to sing the United States National Anthem.
EXPLOSIVE: Patriot Leaders Explain Strategy To Get Audits in TEN DIFFERENT STATES
(Patrick Howley) Patriot Insiders Are Just Getting Started.