(Justin Deschamps) Romanticism, according to author Alain De Botton, introduced the idea of love, romance, and soul mates into modern culture. Before that, marriage was more about business and procreation, not so much about personal fulfillment. Surely, there are some good things that came from romantic thinking, like the idea that love should be a guiding force inn relationships. But it also introduced several ideas that to this day cause the modern man and women a lot of problems.
pair bonding
Cultivating Depth & Meaning For True Intimacy
(Jack Adam Weber) Sex is easy, and can provide a form of instant intimacy. But it’s not enough for deeper connection. Related How our Mind Plays a Critical Role in Healing our Body Source – Collective Evolution by Jack Adam Weber, March 17th, 2020 While good sex alone can’t sustain a soulful relationship, a lack of […]
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Ep 4: Love | Master Plan | How the Cabal Took Control of the Earth (Video)
Ep 4: Love | Master Plan | How the Cabal Took Control of the Earth (Video)
Making Decisions as a Couple: What’s the Best Way Forward? | Psychology
(Exploring Your Mind) Making decisions as a couple is a delicate balancing act. In this article, we show you how to do it the best possible way.
Jealousy and Passive-Aggressiveness | Psychology
(Exploring Your Mind) Possessiveness and control shouldn’t ever be part of loving another person. However, jealousy often triggers passive-aggressive behaviors in couples, which can lead to hyper vigilance, mistrust, and even blackmail.
Power Struggles in Personal Relationships
(Exploring Your Mind) In relationships, both partners need to have power. You need to make decisions and, many times, people won’t share the same needs, preferences, or desires. In cases like these, power struggles manifest themselves.
Assertive Communication for Couples — Why Bravely Speaking Your Truth Makes a Good Relationship
(Exploring Your Mind) Assertive communication is a fundamental element for couples. In fact, it’s the basis of any relationship. But how can you improve it and the role you play in yours?
Social Engineering of the Male Female Dynamic [Part 1/2] | Justin Deschamps and Adam Riva
Social Engineering of the Male Female Dynamic [Part 1/2] | Justin Deschamps and Adam Riva
Pornosexuality – What Is It? The Known and Costly Price of Online Porn Use
(Justin Deschamps) As one who studies consciousness, through many venues, such as psychology, philosophy, sociology, and socio-biology, it is clear that porn affects us deeply. Studies continue to demonstrate, presented in the below book, that a great many psychological issues can form as a result of chronic porn use. The following article describes what’s called pornosexuality, or a term for those who’ve had their sexual process distorted through pornography, making them incapable of experiencing normal sex with another person.
The Five Most Desirable Male Entities Used in Female Pornography, According to Google
(Justin Deschamps) An archetype is a term referring to an influence on consciousness that crosses cultural divides. For instance, the fact men and women seek each other out for the purpose of sex, romance, and fellowship is an archetypal human experience—it doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe, the drive to pair-bond is a human drive. Psychologically, archetypes have an instinctual or biological aspect, wherein certain drives are “hardwired” in the human psyche, such as the desire to survive, to love and be loved, and to seek out joy and play. Within human sexuality, there are ancient drives that influence both men and women.
Trust, Generosity, Affection: The Benefits of Oxytocin
(Exploring Your Mind) Oxytocin does everything from encourage maternal and paternal feelings to increase trust and sexual intimacy. Psychologist Marcelo Ceberio tells us more about the “love hormone”.
Competitive Sperm: Study Reveals It Performs Better in the Presence of Sexual Rivals
(Edsel Cook) Competition tends to bring out the best in people. Turns out, that saying applies to sperm as well. Spanish and Swedish researchers found that spermatozoa can alter themselves to compete with rival sperms from another male of the same species.
The Four Principles of Attraction According to H. T. Reis
(Exploring Your Mind) Many times, we find it difficult to identify what makes another person attractive to us. We may even make the wrong attribution. To understand this, H.T. Reis defined four principles of attraction, which help explain the mysterious magnetism two human beings can feel.
How to Have a Loving Relationship When You Don’t Know How
(Ronald Frederick, Ph.D) By the time I was 20, I already understood that there was more to this thing called love than meets the eye. While falling in love was easy, the staying there and making it work proved elusive.
Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship — Embrace the Call to Adventure
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In our increasingly technology-driven world, group activities have become too structured. Our need for adventure, excitement, and novel stimulation often comes through passive means, like binge-watching Netflix, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. One of the greatest joys in life is the adventure of learning how to play […]