(Jim Hoft) Fascists loyal to totalitarian Justin Trudeau published the names, addresses, and amounts donated of all of the Ontario donors to the Freedom Convoy protests.
Local Ontario Dairy Queen Dared To Show Their Support For Truckers…Here’s How The Intolerant Left Responded
(Adam Wilson) Protests have broken out across Canada to bring an end to the country’s authoritarian vaccine mandates and covid restrictions. Alberta and Saskatchewan have already caved and lifted their vaccine mandates while Ottawa plans to lift its restrictions on private gatherings next month. Efforts have been made by the liberal media and politicians to silence and intimidate Freedom Convoy protesters.
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Ontario Schools Will No Longer Require Teachers to 3ass Math Proficiency Test Due to ‘Racial Disparities’
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has deemed math proficiency tests for teachers “unconstitutional” due to “racial disparities.”
Canadian Protesters Chant “F*ck Trudeau!” and “Lock Him Up!” at His Ontario Campaign Stop (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) It was a rough day for Canadian Prime Minister and infamous soy boy Justin Trudeau.