(Ethan Huff) A new BBC documentary has exposed Nestlé for deliberately polluting the food supplies of those who live in the Amazon rainforest, causing an epidemic of childhood obesity.
Hershey, Nestlé and Other Chocolate Makers Sued for Child Slavery
(Ethan Huff) A human rights group has filed a lawsuit against some of the biggest names in the chocolate industry for allegedly trafficking children across national borders to harvest cocoa.
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Modern Day Slave Trade: Nestle Says Requirement to Report Use of Slave Labor Would Cost Consumers More Money
(Matt Agorist) While the Free Thought Project often reports on the megacorp Nestle and their rampant abuse and exploitation of drinking water supplies across the nation, few are aware that the company has been found using slave labor. What’s more, as governments across the world attempt to crack down the use of slave labor by requiring companies to report on its use, Nestle is fighting it, saying that it will end up costing consumers at the register.