(The Vigilant Citizen) An art exhibition in Cremona, Italy used city billboards to display paintings by artist Nicoletta Ceccoli who specializes in disturbing MKULTRA-themed imagery, complete with clear allusions to child abuse. Here’s a look at this horrific display of elite depravation.
Paris Hilton’s Documentary Reveals That She Was Subjected to MKULTRA-Style Abuse
(The Vigilant Citizen) If one recalls the early 2000s, you might remember douchebags wearing Ed Hardy trucker hats and everyone being obsessed with Paris Hilton. Mostly known for wearing sunglasses, and saying “That’s hot”, Paris was the original “why is she famous?” celebrity. The reality TV show The Simple Life crystalized her “spoiled dumb blond” persona as the entire series revolved around her being clueless and expressing that cluelessness with a high-pitched baby voice.
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Former MK Ultra Sex Slave Was Told by Her Deep State Handlers “Trump Is Not One of Us”
(Cathy O’Brien) “Trump is not one of us,” my MK Ultra handler Alex Houston warned as he dropped me off inside the doors of Atlantic City’s most opulent casino. It was 1985, and I was under robotic MK Ultra mind control orders to meet Reagan’s attaché Philip Habib as detailed in TRANCE Formation of America.
The US Government’s Coverup of Mind Control and Child Abuse — Pedogate
(Unknown Author) An FBI Case Agent discovered an email from Hillary Clinton (page 324 of the just released IG Report) that referenced child trafficking, but was told, “We can’t be looking at this.”