(Cristina Laila) A San Diego grand jury indicted 11 Antifa and BLM militants for attacking Trump supporters during a “Patriot March” demonstration in Pacific Beach last year.
VIDEO: BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues
(Brock Simmons) Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
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Leftist Militants Bully, Physically Attack Portland Tv News Reporter, Videographer Who Dared to Enter Their ‘Autonomous Zone’ – Theblaze
(DaveUrbanski) ‘Call the cops!’ one leftist taunted the journalists as they were forced out. ‘Go file a police report and see how useful they are!’