(Andrea Germanos) A new USA Today investigation offers a searing indictment of maternal care in the United States, and says the country “is the most dangerous place in the developed world to give birth.”
medical conspiracy
75% Of Physicians in The World Refuse Chemotherapy for Themselves
(Real Farmacy ) Doctors used to think that if they drained a sick person’s blood it would purge the “evil” infection or disease right out of the body, but all that did was make the ill person much weaker, unable to fight off whatever was invading their body, and the patient was then highly likely to lose the battle for life, and in less time.
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World Mercury Project Video Banned by Facebook Now Available at Real.Video – See “Epidemic – the Science”
(Mike Adams) A video that has been censored by Facebook is now available at this REAL.video link. The video, featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the World Mercury Project, warns about the epidemic of vaccine-induced degenerative disease that’s sweeping across developed nations.
Does Chemotherapy Even Work?
(David) Curative and Adjuvant Cytotoxic Chemotherapy with 97% Failure Rate
Who Owns Diseases?
(Jon Rappoport) —All right, look, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll take a few general symptoms like fatigue, fever, and swelling, and we’ll invent one new disease label that covers them. We’ll say this is a specific new disease and we’re looking for the cause. Of course, there is no single cause because this isn’t a single disease. It’s a vague generality. But since we control the disease label, the name, we can convince everyone that this is a specific and real disease. It’s a total con, but we can sell it—
Shocking Truth | Health Basics QUIZ: Which Kills More Americans, Cancer or Chemotherapy?
(S.D. Wells) One in every three Americans will “contract” some form of cancer in their lifetime, and only about 50 percent will survive that attack. Those are some grim statistics, huh? Now get this: Has any doctor reviewed with you or your loved ones the odds of chemotherapy actually working, or what the statistics are for Americans getting killed by the now infamous chemical medicine that’s supposedly “designed” to kill the cancer?
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MUST READ — Epidemiology Versus Biology: The REAL Statistical Difference In Vaccine Studies
(Catherine J. Frompovich) The CDC whistleblower regarding the fraudulent 2004 MMR DeStefano et al vaccine study that excluded pertinent epidemiological information regarding young black boys less than three years of age, epidemiologist Dr. William Thompson, PhD, apparently has gone out of his way to comment on a ‘study’ performed by a student working on his Master’s degree in Medicine in 2014, Luke E. Taylor, “a ‘Pediatric Registrar’ at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney, Australia.” [1]
These 47 Common Medications Are Linked to Memory Loss
(The Hearty Soul) These 46 common medications are linked to memory loss. Stop using them immediately or follow these steps if you need to use them:
Removing Children’s Tonsils and Adenoids Increases Risk for 28 Diseases, Study Finds
(Sayer Ji) While the conventional medical establishment calls for the removal of “broken” or “defective” body parts, a watershed study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy and adenoid removal calls into question the propriety of this surgery, performed on nearly half-a-million children in the United States each year.
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New Study Proves the FDA Is Actively Suppressing Information About the Harmful Effects of Gardasil
(Lance D Johnson) Young, healthy women who experience amenorrhea, ovarian failure, and infertility have likely been damaged by Merck’s HPV vaccine.
EXPLOSIVE Research: Chickenpox Vaccine Linked to Widespread Increase in Shingles
(Isabelle Z.) If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and looking for some relief.
Gene Therapy and the Trans-Human Agenda
(Jon Rappoport) Researchers say they’re well on the way to curing thousands of diseases by tinkering with human genes. But is that true?