(Justin Deschamps) Answering the question: Why do people do bad things? is important. There’s a lot to unpack, and frankly, we’re still trying to figure this out. But we know enough to draw some pretty good and well-established conclusions. When people feel like their values, dreams, or life is threatened, they tend to react aggressively. If this reaction becomes chronic, blended with paranoid delusions and an environment where the individual is actually suffering, or being harmed by others, it’s much more likely they’ll eventually snap and start hurting people.
mass shooting
“Active Shooter” Drills Are a Form of Police State Terrorism Against Children… Shock and Awe to Give Kids PTSD
(Lance D Johnson) It was a normal December 8, 2018 at Lake Brantley High School in Altamonte Springs, Florida. Students were settling into their seats and teachers were going about their lesson plans, when a voice came over the PA system. Suddenly the school was placed under a “code red” lock-down. The voice stated, “This is not a drill.” Suddenly, every teacher in the school received a text message alerting that an active shooter was on the premises.
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Psych Drugs and Mass Shootings: All the SSRI Drug Retailers Who Sell Psych Drugs That Lead to Mass Shootings Are Now Banning Customers from Carrying Legal Firearms for Self-Defense
(Ethan Huff) A slew of national drug dealers has announced plans to cease allowing customers to maintain their Second Amendment rights while shopping in stores.
US Military Warns of Mass Shooting at New Joker Film, Premieres October 4th 2019
(Justin Deschamps) Earlier this week, the US military issued a warning that a mass shooting could take place on or around the premiere of the latest Joker film on October 4th. Given the use of mass shootings by the Deep State to further gun control and other agendas, could this be a sign of another manipulated event on the horizon?
5 Dead, At Least 20 Injured In Another Texas Mass Shooting, Suspect Shot & Killed
5 Dead, At Least 20 Injured In Another Texas Mass Shooting, Suspect Shot & Killed
Antidepressants AGAIN: Dayton shooter found to have mind-altering SSRI drugs in his system
(Ethan Huff) Just like we’ve long speculated, the latest news reports about “Dayton shooter” Connor Betts reveal that the now-deceased 24-year-old did, in fact, have SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant pharmaceuticals in his system at the time when he’s said to have gone on a mass shooting spree, killing his sister, her boyfriend, and seven other people before allegedly killing himself.
Here’s What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966
(Zero Hedge) Last weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton (following the devastation in Gilroy the weekend before) prompted the usual evidence-free avalanche of political point-scoring, blaming “the other side” for all the world’s woes.
FBI Foreknowledge of El Paso Shooting Leaves Unanswered Questions
(Whitney Webb) As a series of recent mass shootings have brought renewed demands for the U.S. government to do something to address the spike in “lone wolf” violence, the Trump administration’s decision to blame internet privacy, controversial websites like 8chan, and social media for the shootings has raised eyebrows from across the political spectrum, particularly in light of claims that Trump’s recent rhetoric about immigrants may have incited some of the shooters.
The Most Important Piece of Evidence That’s Missing from Nearly Every Mass Shooting in America
(S.D. Wells) Considering most American’s infinite inability to think, it’s not surprising that nobody is looking for the obvious evidence that tells the real “truth” about how the latest mass shootings really went down.
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Coincidence? 3 Who Survived Gilroy Shooting Also Lived Through Las Vegas Mass Shooting
(Sacramento CBS) After surviving the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, three friends were not expecting history to repeat itself two years later.
John McAfee Has Some Questions About This Weekend’s Mass Shootings
(Zero Hedge) With markets melting down on Monday in one of the biggest intraday point drops for the Dow in recent memory, bitcoin and crypto received an intense safe-haven bid, with the benchmark crypto token rallying nearly 10% intraday.
Dayton Shooter Was Reportedly a Satanist, Antifa Supporter and a Fan of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders
(Sean Walton) More information is being reported on Connor Betts, 24, the deceased gunman who shot and killed nine people and wounded 27 others in a mass shooting early Sunday morning.
Walmart Dayton Shooter CONFIRMED Leftist Pro Antifa, Motive Still unclear
Walmart Dayton Shooter CONFIRMED Leftist Pro Antifa, Motive Still unclear
Police in America Have Killed 12.8 Times More Citizens Than Mass Shooters In Just The Last 4 Years
(Matt Agorist) Tragically, in America, mass shootings — in which murdering psychopaths go on rampages in public spaces — have claimed the lives of 339 people since 2015. While this number is certainly shocking and far too high, during this same time frame, police in America have claimed the lives of 4,355 citizens.
New Zealand To Change Gun Laws After Mosque Shooting
(Zero Hedge) Less than a day after a terrorist attack at two mosques that left 49 people dead and several fighting for their lives, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she will change gun laws of the country, with the prime minister noting that the New Zealand government is now looking at banning semi-automatic weapons.