(Ethan Huff) The latest threat to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic agenda is betadine, an iodine-based nasal spray that is helping people to stay safe and protected against the Chinese Infection.
How Fluoride (A Toxin) Got in Our Water, and Iodine (A Critical Nutrient) Disappeared from Medical School Textbooks
(Thomasina Copenhaver) If you were a woman with painful, cystic breasts who lived in the 1800’s—your doctor might have advised you to “paint your breasts” with iodine. Some doctors even injected iodine directly into the breasts or ovaries to heal cysts.
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Iodine Is a Crucial Trace Mineral That’s Necessary for Optimal Health
(Kristine Payne) Iodine is one of nature’s most important trace minerals for human health, but it’s also one of the most frequently overlooked. Though iodine deficiency was once rare in North America, where we typically enjoy a wealth of healthy foods, it’s now a growing problem across the planet. Today, up to one-third of the world’s population is at risk of iodine deficiency. (Disclaimer: This article contains in-house links to related iodine products that help support our publishing operations.)
Healing With Iodine: Supplementation is Essential for Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer
(Dr Mark Sircus) We knew a hundred years ago that we needed more iodine and governments started putting a tiny bit in table salt. It was not enough and after the nuclear accident at Fukushima, we need more because of the radioactive iodine released into the environment.
A Guide to Iodine for Women’s Health: Breast Health, Pregnancy, and More
(Dr. Edward F. Group) Iodine is a critically important nutrient that we all need. In women and men, iodine is used by the thyroid to produce T3 and T4 hormones, which manage metabolism. Iodine also supports digestion, bone development, muscle control, and heart and brain function.