(Gregg Prescott, M.S.) According to Robert Morning Sky, just about everything you have been taught is a lie, including your true galactic lineage, religion and following the light upon death. Robert’s Hopi and Apache lineage ties together the missing pieces of what our indoctrination facilities (schools and churches) do not tell us and do NOT want us to know!
New Jim Carrey Video – Completely Awakened!
(Gregg Prescott) New video footage has arisen showing how actor/comedian Jim Carrey is using his huge platform to further the awakening process in an interview on The Wrap. Unfortunately, the interviewer was completely clueless about the awakening process. Related Jim Carrey Framed for Killing Girlfriend After Exposing Illuminati Secrets Source – In5D by Gregg Prescott, January 11th, 2018 I […]
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Our 6 Basic Types Of Dreams
(Joy Jackson) Even if one does not typically recall her/his dreams once after waking, dreaming is something everyone one of us does. There are six basic types of dreams: clearing, teaching, problem solving, precognitive, prophetic/visionary, and outside interference. Most of us will recall glimpses from our dreams after waking, and as we begin to recall and […]
Synthetic Telepathy And Psychotronic Weapon Tortures Used By 100,000 Secret Spies
(in5D) The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defense Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ], Cointelpro or Counter Intelligence Program unit has extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave transceivers, infra-sound and ultrasound transceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the telephone.
An Introduction To The 7 Universal Soul Archetypes
(Joy Jackson) Just as there are seven hues in a rainbow, our souls cast light as through a prism to embody seven soul archetypes. These soul archetypes — at least for purposes of this discussion — can be thought of as quintessential models of distinct and specific patterns of spiritual existence. Related: Tackling the Tarot – What […]
Empathy Leads To Telepathy – Telepathy Leads To Oneness
(Olga Star) A lot of abilities or super-senses if you like, overlap, compliment or add to one another. The same with empathy, telepathy and Oneness. While all three are subjects of many discussions, confrontations and even a subject of worship (in case of Oneness), it is important to underline how one leads to another, not quite […]
Parenting Tips for Starseeds
(Nadine Alexander) Let’s clear the air before I proceed with the topic at hand please. I struggle with titles like the one for this article. For starters, I do not have all the answers. I don’t think that I am the epitome of perfect parenting. My desire is to offer insight into my life – and […]
A Guide to Earth’s Extraterrestrial Races
(Michelle Walling) Lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the Draco species as well their negative Grays and Reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda.
Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing
(Naomi Cook) ‘Coming out’ as Starseed is the new Gay – loads of us are doing it and it can be a healing process to do so, here’s why: Related Soul Origin, Life Purpose and Volunteer Incarnations | The Final Wave of Souls is Here & It’s Going to Change Everything Source – In5D by Naomi Cook, […]
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Timeline Fractures and Etheric Parasites with Eric Raines on the Cosmic Awakening Show
(In5d) In this episode of the Cosmic Awakening Show, host Michelle Walling interviews returning guest Eric Raines. After an intense energetic activation in 2012, Eric Raines became aware of the implantation and parasitic construct in a very real way. His subsequent search for answers about this experience, led him on a journey to self discovery. This […]
Disclosure Process Is Accelerating: Message from a Recent Crop Circle
(Jelelle Awen) “We are ascending through a collective experience of disclosure that grows from within.” I was offered THAT during meditation recently by my guides/aspects. I was in a pretty high UP place energetically in which it becomes difficult to mentally track what I am experiencing and being offered. It becomes challenging to even remember much […]
OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) While there is an abundance of evidence to confirm geoengineering, I cannot confirm if the below testimony is valid. If anyone has any information that refutes the story of “Blue Jay 1,” please send it to me. – Justin Related Best Methods to Detox From Fluoride, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Etc.. (Video) […]
How Transmuting Dark Energies Will Heal the Universe
(Michelle Walling) If you think about everything that is happening in the world, doesn’t it seem like you attract more of the dark as you raise your vibration? Perhaps that is because the archons negative energy yearns for healing just as much as we do. Related Light Workers and The Lost Art of Transmuting Fear into Love — The Path […]
This Is What Malevolent ETs Are Doing To Humans
(Ed Cushman) I’ve lived on this planet for over 75 years, thus I have some experience, and it tells me things aren’t right. Being retired, I have lots of time to spend on the computer keeping up on what’s going on and not being said in the news media. I should probably say, what they’re not […]
Are You a Starseed? — Traits and Tendencies
(Ginny Marston) Starseeds are beings that have experienced life outside of the universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than the earth, although they may have had previous lifetimes on earth. There are 3 categories of star seeds: Related “I Can Heal Water.” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!” […]