(Neuroscience News) A University of Calgary study has found promising results for the generic drug hydroxychloroquine when used to treat the evolution of disability of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), the least treatable form of the autoimmune disease.
Nigerian Study Shows The Use of Ivermectin Alone in Treating COVID-19 as Effective as Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Ivermectin Combination
(Jim Hoft) A recent study in Nigeria shows that using Ivermectin-only (IVM) to treat COVID-19 patients is equally as effective as using the HIA triple therapy (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Azithromycin Combination) in all inflammatory, virological, and respiratory endpoints.
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WHISTLEBLOWER: Doctors Prevented From Treating COVID With Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, ‘Lots Of People Will Die’
(Andrew White) Doctors in the US are being threatened with the loss of their careers over using alternatives to treat COVID-19 such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, a doctor-turned-whistleblower told radio host Stew Peters.
Finnish Firm Scores US Patent for Nasal Spray Drug That Includes Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin
(daniel_g) The suppression of safe and effective COVID-19 treatments to secure record profits for Big Pharma cronies will go down as one of the greatest crimes against humanity.
COVID Origins Obscured, Cures Neglected from the Outset Imply Virus was Intentionally Spread
(Ryan DeLarme) It seems that we have had not only the prevention for Covid-CCP but also the cure from the very beginning. Insider trading and politicization aside, there were quite a lot of convenient aspects to this virus for certain powerful individuals, which begs the question: was the Virus allowed to spread intentionally? If so, then who is to blame? The Davos crowd and the World Economic Forum are beginning to look more and more suspicious.
Fauci Busted: Top Immunologist Was Told Two Drugs Could Help Curb the Spread of Covid-19 but He Ignored It to Push Vaccines
(JD Heyes) Dr. Anthony Fauci has become the poster boy for what is wrong with our government, as evidenced by the massive emerging scandal involving his so-called “leadership” during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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SMOKING GUN: FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED — Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 But Lied to Public Instead Despite the Science #FauciEmails
(Jim Hoft) It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat. It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down. Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth. All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.
COVID-19 Cases Plummet in India as They Distribute Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine
(The COVID Blog) India has received the baton for title of COVID Capitol of the World after China, Italy and the United States held it for much of last year.
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
(Tom Pappert) Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
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As Biden Became President, Medical Journal Quietly Retracted Study That Claimed Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective
(Frank Salvato) Their retraction-admission validates what President Trump stated in the very beginning of the pandemic
Pharmaceutical Factory That Manufactures Hydroxychloroquine Mysteriously Bursts into Flames, Explodes
(Ethan Huff) On Dec. 20, an SCI Pharmtech manufacturing facility in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, burst into flames and exploded, leaving two people injured.
Countries That Used Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID-19 Saw a 73% Lower Fatality Rate
(Clear News Wire) An ongoing study that keeps track of how the nations of the world are faring with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) contains some eye-opening revelations about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
Two-Tiered Medicine: Why Is Hydroxychloroquine Being Censored and Politicized?
(Waking Times) In 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) induced a global panic—a dress rehearsal, as it were, for Covid-19 in 2020. Although SARS fatalities rapidly petered out (with an eventual worldwide tally of just 774 deaths), concerns about the potential for future spread of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) left doctors eager to identify effective drugs for treatment and prevention. In short order, researchers in Europe (2003 and 2004) and at the Special Pathogens Branch of the CDC (2005) published theoretical models and detailed in vitro findings about a drug offering likely “prophylactic and therapeutic advantage”: chloroquine (CQ).
Bokhari: By Suppressing Medical Debate, It Is Twitter That Endangers Americans
(Allum Bokhari) Twitter has once again acted as judge, jury, and executioner. For four days, Twitter prevented the @BreitbartNews twitter account from posting, only restoring its permissions earlier today. This is in no small part because Twitter dragged its feet on Breitbart News’s appeal
COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”
(Edward Morgan) ER Editor: Hydroxy, or the banning of it by the medical establishment, is really key to the whole plandemic.