(Ascent Nutrition) We all know we should be getting fiber in our diet, but believe or not, different fibers can produce amazing effects on the entire body and Larch Arabinogalactan Fiber is one of nature’s miracles. Related Berberine Activates the “Master Metabolic Switch” AMPK and Is a Huge Bio-Hack by Noah Olson, January 24th, 2021 What is Larch […]
gut health
Good Food = Good Mood: The Nutrition and Mental Health Connection
(Ocean Robbins) As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are also experiencing another health challenge: an assault on our mental health. Anxiety is high, and many people are cooped up at home and knocked off their normal routines. Plus, many of us face a loss of control, financial stress, increased social isolation, or even the specter of too much time with family members or roommates, who may be easier to get along with when we have more breathing room.
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You Need to Calm Down: Stressing out Over Gut Inflammation Worsens the Disease, Says Research
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease marked by chronic inflammation and the formation of ulcers in the digestive tract. This disease has no known cure and may even be debilitating or lead to life-threatening complications.
The Gut’s Role in Food Allergies: Scientists Identify Changes in Gut Microbiota That May Prevent or Even Reverse Food Allergies
(Franz Walker) The effects of food allergies can range from simply being annoying or inconvenient, preventing you from eating your favorite food, to life-threatening, like difficulty breathing. While medical means of combating food allergies do exist, a recent study has found a more natural, and potentially more effective, method of fighting food allergies – adjusting gut bacteria.
Doesn’t Stomach Acid Eat Bacteria? Researchers Successfully Identify the Hiding Place of H. Pylori, a Bacteria Linked to Stomach Ulcers, Cancer
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) The bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori is notorious for its ability to colonize humans and cause stomach ulcers. While an H. pylori infection rarely causes any symptoms, there are some cases where the bacterium causes open sores to form in the stomach or triggers severe inflammation — an event that could eventually lead to gastric cancer.
Study Reveals Surprising Link Between Your Skin, Gut Health and Food Allergies
(Vicki Batts) The human body is more than the sum of its parts. While mainstream medicine often tends to view each organ as its own “independent” system, the truth is that your body is an interconnected organism — and the health of one organ can very well affect that of another.
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Humic Acid Benefits: Heal the Gut, Stop Virus Replication and Aid Detoxification?
(Michael Wright) Humic acid is a substance that is extracted from nutrient rich soil that has profound health benefits, including reports of it being able to heal the gut, studies showing that it can stop virus replication as well as it being able to aid significantly with detoxification.
This Common Food Additive Harms Gut Health, Could Trigger Disease
(Natural Blaze) A food additive found in more than 900 food products such as chewing gum and mayonnaise has an impact on the gut microbiota which could trigger diseases. University of Sydney research provides new evidence that nanoparticles, which are present in many food items, may have a substantial and harmful influence on human health.
7 Veggie Burger Recipes to Enjoy for a Plant-Powered Cookout
(Liana Minassian) Moo-ove over hamburgers! These veggie burger recipes are perfect for summer BBQ gatherings or as a mouth-watering meal anytime.