(Green Med Info) Hundreds of millions of adults and children are now either in quarantine in their homes, or engaged in “essential” travel in the public sphere, while maintaining an unnatural distance from one another, because they have been told this is the best way to protect their individual and the public health from a deadly virus.
Medical Researcher Says Coronavirus Tests Based on RNA Are Misleading — Op-Ed: Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?
(David Crowe) The Coronavirus scare that emanated from Wuhan, China in December of 2019 is an epidemic of testing. There is no proof that a virus is being detected by the test and there is absolutely no concern about whether there are a significant number of false positives on the test. What is being published in medical journals is not science, every paper has the goal of enhancing the panic by interpreting the data only in ways that benefit the viral theory, even when the data is confusing or contradictory. In other words, the medical papers are propaganda.
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Scientist: Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG
(Sayer Ji) Germ theory is an immensely powerful force on this planet, affecting everyday interactions from a handshake, all the way up the ladder to national vaccination agendas and global eradication campaigns.
Childhood Trauma May Lead to Adult Disease
(GreenMedInfo Research Group) A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found a link between childhood adversity and adult illnesses such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, depression and heart disease, leading researchers and health officials to suggest a reduction in childhood trauma could reduce the growing rate of adult chronic illness.
Whistleblower Breaks Down How Google Set Out to Literally Program Our Minds
(Maryam Henein) Google’s beginnings start in Room 380 of the Gates building on the Stanford campus. It was there that founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (described as ‘nice guys’) aimed to find relevant information on the Internet, by rapidly downloading, indexing, and searching the entire Internet using low-cost personal computers. It was 1998, and they had their eyes on out-searching Altavista.
The Spice That Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain
(Sayer Ji) Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising…
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Research Reveals How Sugar CAUSES Cancer
(Sayer Ji) Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth, packed rooms, and ‘return customers.’
Why a Walnut Resembles the Brain It Nourishes
(Sayer Ji) Nothing could be more beautiful or poetic than when a healing food actually looks like the organ system it nourishes and heals in the body.
Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its Search Results; Whistleblower Explains How and Why
(Sayer Ji, Founder) Earlier this month, in one devastating algorithmic stroke, Google removed many of the top natural health and health freedom websites from their organic search results — some losing as much as 99% of their traffic.
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5 Food-Medicines That Could Quite Possibly Save Your Life
(Sayer Ji) Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease.
Tylenol Damages the Brains of Children, Research Reveals
(William Parker, Ph.D.) Millions use Tylenol on a daily basis without concern, but it has a wide range of toxic side effects you should be aware of, especially if you are pregnant or use it with your children.
Revisioning Cellular Bioenergetics: Food As Information and The Light-Driven Body
(Sayer Ji, Founder and Ali Le Vere) What if everything you ever thought was true about the body, and how it produces energy and communicates, was WRONG? Related Photobiology: How Therapeutic Use of Full-Spectrum Light Can Improve Your Health Source – Green Med Info by Sayer Ji, Founder and Ali Le Vere, November 29th, 2018 Food, while being prerequisite for the possibility […]
4 Sugar Alternatives That Won’t Poison You
(Sayer Ji) You may think that staying slim and eating healthfully means NO sweets, but guess what? There are natural and delicious sweeteners that won’t wreck your diet, and are even GOOD for you!
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
(Sayer Ji) No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of his profession. You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty; he wrote the textbooks. The Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases, Infection and Autoimmunity, Cancer and Autoimmunity – the list is 25 titles long and some of them are cornerstones of clinical practice. Hardly surprising that Shoenfeld has been called the “Godfather of Autoimmunology” – the study of the immune system turned on itself in a wide array of diseases from type 1 diabetes to ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis.
Leonardo da Vinci & the New Biology
(Sayer Ji) Biological Science has been under the spell of Newton’s atomistic view of the universe since the late 17th century. Yet revolutionary new discoveries in molecular biology reveal a connectivity and proportionality embedded within our bodies and the biosphere as a whole reminiscent of ideas once held by visionaries like Leonardo da Vinci.