(Ramon Tomey) Former Google software engineer turned whistleblower Zach Vorhies joined the April 11, 2022 edition of “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV. He warned program host and Reawaken America Tour founder Clay Clark that Google and its parent company Alphabet is creating God using artificial intelligence (AI).
Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah
(Neenah Payne) The star-studded 94th Academy Awards was held on March 27. All the glamorous nominees were hoping to go home with an Oscar. However, few people know what this coveted symbol stands for.
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What Evil Fears Most is Being Remembered by People Everywhere
(Justin Deschamps) When you truly understand the law, there can be only one reaction to unlawful tyrannical forces violating the rights of citizens in the name of “safety and security.” A great remembering is taking place that will one day stop evil and the corrupt.
“There Is Only One True Answer to the Depth and Evil that We Saw on 9-11. It is God.” President Trump Shares the Answer to All our Problems
(Joe Hoft) On September 11, President Trump encouraged Americans to pray for our country for the next 21 days.
Interview with Justin Deschamps | American Vigilance
Interview with Justin Deschamps | American Vigilance
Was This All God’s Plan?
(A. Welderson) Let me be honest from the start of this. I’m not religious. I’m an agnostic. That is, I cannot say with any degree of certainty whether God exists or not. That would be any God, Christian, Muslim, or take your pick. My belief is much like a coin, flipped into the air to land, improbably, on edge and stand there. Perhaps wobbling and teetering a bit, but not ready to take that leap of faith one way or the other.
Belief in God is now rising among Generation Z amid COVID-19 pandemic
(End Time Headlines) COVID-19 has led to a rise in the number of young people in the U.K. who are seeking and believing in God, according to a survey, challenging trends indicating that Gen Zers are the most irreligious generation.
There’s A Lot to Be Hopeful About, Don’t Despair
(Justin Deschamps) I think we have a great deal to be hopeful for, even happy about.
How ‘Gods’ Created Mankind, According to the Popol Vuh, the Sacred Book of the Maya
(Janice Friedman) The Popol Vuh which is translated as the Book of the community or Book of advice is an ancient work of literature, a collection of legendary and historical narratives of the K’iche ‘people, the Guatemalan Maya people.
Physics Has Essentially Discovered the Mind of God, They Just Don’t Know it Yet
(Vox Play) Sooner or later, the physicists are bound to follow the philosophers in gradually coming to recognize the need to choose between Christianity and nihilism.
COMPLETE (Uncensored & Digitally Unredacted) Ghislaine Maxwell Documents 1,796 Pages — Download and Share Before They Get Removed
(Justin Deschamps) I was able to find a complete copy of the unsealed Ghislaine Maxwell documents that I was able to unredact and put the data in this post.
Anarchy, An Enlightened Society, and the Difference Between Chaos and Order | Just In Stillness
(Justin Deschamps) In my view, there seems to be only one non-destructive interpretation of Anarchy—no tyrants, but valid rule under true law (God)—an Enlightened Republic of sovereigns who agree to create trusts and bodies to protect their rights—a government.
Many Americans See the Hand of God at Work in Current Events
(Michael Snyder) 2020 has been an incredibly bizarre year up to this point, and this has many people wondering if the hand of God is at work. And the worse things get, the more this sort of speculation will heat up. When things get crazy, people search for answers, and that can be a good thing. Because the truth is that during normal times most of us are way too self-absorbed and most of us spend far too little time thinking about the things that really matter. 2020 has really shaken up a large portion of the U.S. population, and we should hope that all of this shaking ultimately moves our society in a more positive direction.
“President Trump Will ‘Lead America Back to God,’ According to 1983 Prophecy “
(Prepare For Change) Tom Zimmer was a World War II veteran who moved to Loreto, Italy to live a life of prayer and sacrifice. In 1983, he told Dr. Claude Curran that ‘right now, in the United States, there’s a man who has the hand of God on him…and God is going to use him in the future…his name is Donald Trump.’
RESTORE THE RULE OF LAW, EXPLODES IN POPULARITY: FOX News’ Tucker Carlson Sets Record for Largest Audience in Cable News History by Calling for Equal Justice Under the Law and Free Speech
(Justin Deschamps) The restoration of the true rule of law, in my opinion, is the single most important aspect of what we as a people are facing. This is not only true for the issues we face today but has also been true for every epoch wherein humanity suffers under tyranny, as I will briefly explain shortly. In what might be the most uplifting aspect of the current events, Tucker Carlson’s show about equal justice under the law (which is the true rule of law) set the record for the largest audience in cable news history. This is a huge and sweeping indication that indeed a Great Awakening is upon us, and finally, we might be able to secure lasting peace and prosperity for our world, which has suffered cycles of encroaching darkness and freedom for all of known human history.