Source – Geopolitics by Staff Writer, October 3rd 2016 The gradual Global Reset continues with the official inclusion of the Chinese Yuan (RMB) as prime alternative to the US dollar as global currency of exchange which should provide a smooth transition away from fiat dollar. While this SDR inclusion was preannounced months ago, still the […]
Lawsuit Filed vs. US Banks Rigging $12.8 Trillion Market
The case listed in the below article could be one data point adding to the growing flood of fraud based disclosures occurring of late. The system is founded on high ideals, yet in application is deceptive and illegitimate. The only reason this pandemic injustice hasn’t been a major point of concern for people everywhere is […]
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China’s Plan to Exit the Fiat Stock Market Confirmed
Right on the heals of last weeks stock market plunged the Chinese make plans to exit the securities market. The implications of this move are huge, suggesting the western and eastern economic powers are battling for dominance. China’s Plan to Exit the Fiat Stock Market Confirmed Related BLACK MONDAY: The First Time EVER The Dow Has […]
The Dollar Is No More? Countries and international groups that have switched from US dollar to national currencies in trade
Short little article discussing the recent agreement between various nations to stop using the dollar in trade and commerce. This seems like one of the major developments that will undoubtedly have major ramifications for Fed controlled nations such as the US. This could be part of the initiative put forth by BRICS and the AIIB. […]
A Sovereign is NOT a Sovereign Citizen | Sovereign Groups And Militia Uprising Alarm US Cabal
For more clarity about what a Sovereign is vs a Sovereign Citizen, please read this essential data. Within legal/lawful system you can not be a Sovereign (self rulership) and Citizen (ruled by another) at the same time. Therefore calling one’s self a Sovereign Citizen is a misnomer and the legal system will take this to […]
Spain, South Korea, Austria Join China-led Investment Bank (AIIB)
For other updates regarding the AIIB click here. – Justin Source – Geopolitics At the moment the number of founding members of the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has reached 41 countries, according to the Chinese Finance Ministry. The United States and Japan have refrained from joining the bank. BEIJING (Sputnik) – Spain, South Korea […]
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Is China Led AIIB a Gift to the World? | End of Federal Reserve Oligarchy?
The AIIB or China-led development bank, is being touted as the savior of the world from the Western Oligarchical systems. Whether this pans out as described remains to be seen. Shifts in financial structures have occurred regularly on earth, about every 70 years or so, as we described in the post RV/Gold Bait and Switch? – Secular Value vs Absolute […]