(Cristina Laila) Project Veritas released undercover video exposing ‘blatantly racist sh*t’ at ESPN Tuesday night.
Racism Inside ESPN? Project Veritas to Drop Undercover Video Exposing “Blatantly Racist Sh*t” Inside ESPN – Tomorrow at 8 PM EST
(Cristina Laila) Racism at ESPN?
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ABSURD: ESPN Panelist Parrots CCP Propaganda: Claims US Can’t Criticize China’s Ongoing Genocide Because of Voter Security Laws
(Warner Todd Huston) ESPN star J.A. Adande apparently thinks no one in America should criticize China over its outrageous human rights abuses because the U.S. is somehow just as bad.
ESPN Airs Bubba Wallace Documentary On ‘Anniversary’ Of NASCAR Driver’s Hate Hoax
(Cullen McCue) On Tuesday, ESPN shared a clip from a new documentary focusing on the now debunked “noose” incident involving NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. The promotion’s only black driver claimed to have found a noose in his stall prior to an event in June 2020, which he chalked up to racial animosity.
ESPN Rehashes the NASCAR Noose Story That Never Happened
(Townhall) ESPN cannot be serious with this special, can they? Did they ignore the FBI report on this matter? Yes, the FBI devoted an insane number of resources to this fake news story that rocked NASCAR who quickly caved to avoid being engulfed by the ‘woke’ mob. They put out a statement faster than you can say ‘Talladega,’ and it was over nothing. Literally nothing. Bubba Wallace claimed a noose was left hanging at his garage spot. Liberal America bought this hook, line, and sinker—and it was all fake. There was no noose. It was a garage tie that was left there from the previous year. It’s all been documented. Why is ESPN doubling down on something that never happened? It never happened.
“The Most Difficult Decision of My Life”…ESPN Reporter Warns Americans After Leaving Her Job Over Vaccine Mandate [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Allison Williams recently explained to Tucker Carlson about the “most difficult decision” of her life when she decided to quit her job at ESPN because of the vaccine mandate. She explained that this runs much deeper than just being opposed to the vaccine mandate. She believes it’s more sinister than that.
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ESPN Reporter Allison Williams Leaving Company Over Covid Vaccine Mandate (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) ESPN reporter Allison Williams announced this weekend she is leaving the company over the Covid vaccine mandate.
OUTRAGEOUS: ESPN Anchor Sage Steele Off the Air After Questioning Vaccines and Obama’s Roots
(Joe Hoft) Beautiful Sage Steele from ESPN will no longer be on the air after comments she made about the COVID vaccine mandate and former President Barack Obama.
Trump Signs Deal with ESPN to Become a Sports Commentator
(Jack Davis, The Western Journal) Former President Donald Trump, who knows a lot about fighting — within both the moderately polite confines of the boxing ring and the no-holds-barred world of politics — will provide commentary for a boxing event taking place Saturday at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, according to ESPN.
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When the Woke Eat Each Other Alive: ESPN Edition
(Jack Cashill) Back when ESPN was watchable, I confess to having a petite faiblesse for Rachel Nichols. She was cute and congenial, and — unlike many females broadcasting male sports — she rarely pretended to know more than she did. These past weeks, however, Nichols has found herself embroiled in a petite scandale. Her transgression? Objecting to the professional mugging she received at the hand of ESPN’s “diversity” goons.
We Are Witnessing the Decline of LeBron James, Top Sports Analyst Says
(Jack Davis) LeBron James is heading downhill, according to a top sports analyst.