(S.D. Wells) The year was 2013, and it was a widely-known conspiracy theory to say that the US government was spying on its own citizens via Google, Yahoo, Apple, Skype, YouTube, phone calls, emails and all social media posts. Then came Edward Snowden, a contractor who walked out of NSA with a thumb drive that changed the world forever, proving the “conspiracy theory” was true all along.
edward snowden
Did Edward Snowden Commit Crimes In Releasing Information on the Deep State’s Illegal Collection of Data on Americans?
(Joe Hoft) Many are calling for the pardon of Edward Snowden for uncovering the spying of all Americans by the Deep State.
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Computer Science Prof & Edward Snowden Explain How Easily Voting Machines Can Be Hacked
(Arjun Walia) Exploring the 2020 election aftermath can be confusing. A slew of partisan perspectives, mainstream media holding to a lockstep narrative, and much of alt media sitting on the other end of the extreme. But where can we get election information we can trust? That’s a good question, and one we feel will be answered as a bit more time passes. We are preparing a report on what factual election fraud we’ve found, but for now, we’ll start here.
Trump to Pardon Edward Snowden?
(Zero Hedge) In surprising comments during an interview with the New York Post this week, President Trump mused: “There are a lot of people that think that he is not being treated fairly. I mean, I hear that.”
Edward Snowden’s Warning: Surveillance Measures Will Outlast The Pandemic
(Mac Salvo) Edward Snowden has a warning for those who are giving up liberty for a false sense of security: the temporary mass surveillance measures put in place will be anything but temporary. Snowden says that these measures are not worth giving up even more liberty.
Edward Snowden’s Tweet That Exposed What Our TV’s Are Doing To Us
(Kalee Brown) Years ago, Edward Snowden accomplished one of the most significant intelligence leaks in U.S. history, confirming to the world that the government really does spy on you. Two years later, Samsung casually warned the public that their Smart TVs could record their living room banter.
Edward Snowden Says He Used His Classified Access to Look for Proof of Aliens
(Jake Anderson) Joe Rogan, whose interest in UFOs is well known, pressed Snowden on the topic of aliens during a recent interview.
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. 5G
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. 5G
Edward Snowden on the Joe Rogan Podcast – Says US Government Could Have Prevented 9/11
(Vic Bishop) Since 2013 the real government whistleblower, Edward Snowden, has been in political asylum in Russia, where he continues to write books and tell his story of how as an employee of the NSA he discovered that the government was breaking the law in constructing a massive surveillance state. Today, the surveillance is such a ubiquitous par of our lives, that people have come to see it as a normal part of everyday life, and hardly any politician bothers to work against it. It’s here to stay, sadly.
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Edward Snowden Releases Tell-All Book, Promptly Notes He’s NOT Planning to Kill Himself
(Matt Agorist) “This is important for the record. I am not now, nor have I ever been suicidal,” Snowden says. “If I happen to fall out of a window, you can be sure I was pushed.”
DOJ Sues Edward Snowden, Seeks To Freeze Memoir Revenues Over ‘Illegal Disclosures’
(Zero Hedge) On the very day Edward Snowden’s new memoir, “Permanent Record,” hit bookshelves, the US government has filed a lawsuit which could end in the Department of Justice (DOJ) freezing the book’s revenue.
Tusli Gabbard Says She’d Drop All Charges Against Assange And Snowden
(Zero Hedge) In the midst of an interesting and wide-ranging discussion on the Joe Rogan Experience, Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said that if elected president she would drop all charges against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Hypocrisy Defined: The Same Gov’t That Spies on Its Citizens is Lecturing Facebook CEO for Same Thing
(Rachel Blevins) While Congress lectures Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the importance of respecting user privacy, they ignore the fact that they are responsible for allowing illegal spying on millions of American citizens.
26 Reasons Why You Need to Start Paying Attention to Edward Snowden
(Carey Wedler) In June of 2013, Edward Snowden was the most wanted man in the world as the U.S. government and others frantically attempted to arrest him for leaking documents that exposed the breadth of surveillance imposed upon the public. The Portuguese government even forced a plane carrying Bolivia’s president to be grounded because of rumors that Snowden might be on board.
New Snowden Documents Reveal NSA Has Been Tracking Bitcoin Users Since 2013
(Zero Hedge) During his 2015 trial, Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht’s defense attorneys raised questions about the government’s case that, although they were ultimately disregarded by the jury, have continued to bother crypto users with an affinity for so-called “conspiracy theories.” They pointed out vagaries in the FBI’s account of its years-long pursuit of Ulbricht, and questioned whether the bureau had truly discovered Ulbricht’s involvement on its own, or whether it had help from other deep state elements, namely the National Security Agency.