(Activist Post) The latest observation of how China aims to use artificial intelligence to conquer the Pacific is the launching of the world’s first autonomous drone carrier.
DHS Coordinated with Chinese Drone Company to Create the First Totally Surveilled City in America
(Matt Agorist) Inside San Diego’s metropolitan area, the second largest city, home to some 275,000 residents, has made the history books. Chula Vista hasn’t cured cancer or discovered perpetual energy; instead, their mark on history will be a dark one as they become the first city in America to be completely monitored by spy drones.
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Watch: Autonomous Chinese Drone Swarm Flies Through Forest While Hunting For Humans
(Activist Post) A swarm of micro-drones autonomously navigated a dense bamboo forest in China without GPS, able to avoid trees, branches, and brush. The incredible footage suggests these drones could one day be used for search and rescue efforts or even put to sinister use: hunting humans.
Good Omen? Bald Eagle Attacks Government Drone, Sending It Plummeting Into Lake Michigan
(Elias Marat) A bald eagle launched an attack on a drone belonging to a Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) pilot last month, sending the drone plummeting to the depths of Lake Michigan.
12 Videos Prove Police Use Drones to Ticket and Surveil the Public
(Activist Post) Here is a nice compilation of the high-tech police state in action. One can only imagine when this gets combined with facial recognition, health databases, social distancing, contact tracing and all the rest – oh, wait, they’re already doing some of that in these videos.
Extensive Drone Footage Captures Bizarre Details Of Jeffrey Epstein’s Private “Pedophile Island”
(Tea Party) Little St. James, known colloquially as “pedophile island” or “orgy island” is the US Virgin Islands residents of one Jeffrey Epstein, the mysterious financier and friend to the rich and famous who currently stands charged of child sex trafficking and has long been known to engage in the illicit prostitution of underage human flesh.