(Michael Snyder) All over the globe, the mood is turning sour. Anger and frustration are bubbling over, and protests are becoming violent in major cities all across the planet. In some cases economic pain is driving the protests and in other cases political matters are motivating the protesters, and it has been a very long time since we have seen so many angry protests happening all over the world simultaneously. Unfortunately, many believe that what we have seen so far is just the beginning.
divide and conquer
Tribal Mentality: How Fear of Feeling Out is Holding Us Back
(Niraj Soma Naik) When I was a pharmacist, a fellow pharmacist who was from Nigeria told me how tribal culture had historically held back progress in some parts of Africa. The king of the tribe (usually the most dominant/alpha/territorial character) would kill off anyone who came up with a new invention out of fear that they would become the new king.
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Trump Derangement Syndrome Is SO BAD They Wish For The Death Of People In Florida, Hurricane Dorian
Trump Derangement Syndrome Is SO BAD They Wish For The Death Of People In Florida, Hurricane Dorian
Dems Forced To Apologize After Mock Assassination Of Trump Enacted At Fundraiser
(Steve Watson) Pictures show ‘assault weapon’ being pointed at likeness of the president
MAGA Supporters Clean 12 Tons Of Trash From West Baltimore Streets
(Zero Hedge) Update: Who could have guessed? The left is angry that a Trump-supporter would dare to visit Baltimore and help improve the situation
Bombshell: Mass Shooting Events Follow Pattern of “FBI Terror Plots” Documented by the New York Times… Agents Recruit Social Media Extremists to Frame as Scapegoats for Engineered Violence
(Mike Adams) The mass shooting events that have rocked America over the past two days follow the pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times and the Kansas City Star (see sources, below) as being created and carried out by FBI agents.
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Milo Yiannopoulos Named Grand Marshall Of Straight Pride Parade??!
(Justin Deschamps) Identity politics and divide and conquer techniques are employed by the powers that be with great effect. Currently, this agenda plays out in many different arenas, in this case, the world of gender identity and sexual expression. Pride parades, according to some, started because the LGBTQ community is being oppressed in various ways, and the event provided a venue where awareness could be spread about hardships suffered. A straight pride parade obviously can’t make the same claim, as heterosexual gender-normatives aren’t oppressed in the same way. Some people are criticizing the very idea of a straight pride parade, saying it is a jab at the LGBTQ community. On this score, I can understand the reaction, but I think there’s an opportunity for unity here.
CIVIL WAR 2.0 Is OVERDUE According To Strauss-Howe Theory
CIVIL WAR 2.0 Is OVERDUE According To Strauss-Howe Theory
CNN’s “White Privilege” FAIL Shows Hypocrisy Of Regressive Left
CNN’s “White Privilege” FAIL Shows Hypocrisy Of Regressive Left
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The Deep State Says “Don’t Read This, Stay Ignorant” | Spectacular and Amusing UFO Hoaxes That Fooled Everyone
(Justin Deschamps) The Deep State regularly participates in hoaxes, designed to destroy a believers reputation once the truth comes out, thereby making them a social outcast. A good example of this is the flat earth theory, whose proponents are often immediately labeled crazy for their views. The Deep State wants this because they know, for most people, once they reveal their beliefs to the world, they will defend them with irrational fervor, even if later these beliefs are discovered to be false. Most people have a difficult time admitting they were wrong because it feels unsettling. Thus, the Deep State tactic of instilling belief in falsehoods creates a double bind situation—a person has to make a choice to defend their reputation, or admit they were wrong and restore their image. In most cases, people dig their heels in, continue to promote bogus information and suffer social ostracization as a result, which is what they want.
How to Spot Misleading Statistics in the Gun Control Debate
(Foundation for Economic Education) The academic debate over gun control consists mainly of a war of statistics. New studies come out every few weeks, and as a result, both sides are constantly locking horns over the validity or invalidity of this-or-that study in this-or-that country.
Change is Coming | Martin Armstrong Predicts Civil Unrest for 2018/2019 Post Election Cycle
QUESTION: I have followed you for many years and read you daily. To the point, I was looking at the riots in LA 1n 1965 and then the riots in 1992, that being 27 years so I divided that by 8.6 and got 3.14, so I backtested 27 years and found more race-related riots etc. Does this mean we will see riots in 2019?
The Many Things That Were Wrong With Aretha Franklin’s Funeral
(Vigilant Citizen) The funeral of Aretha Franklin was a public event that was attended by a slew of celebrities such as Ariana Grande and the Clintons. And they made it weird. Here are some of the things that were wrong about the funeral.
Yet Another Liar Fakes a Hate Crime to Make Trump Supporters Look like Racist Bigots
(JD Heyes) It’s not enough that the Left-wing establishment media mischaracterizes POTUS Donald Trump and all of his supporters as hateful, racist, bigoted Nazis; those on the perpetually triggered Left have to go to the extreme to “prove” those things, even if such “proof” is made up.
Divide & Conquer on Full Display as Media Devotes Days of Attention to 20 White Nationalists in DC
(Matt Agorist) For days, the mainstream media has been devoted to promoting the protest of 20 white nationalists in D.C. showing their relentless attempt to push divide on Americans.