(Marc Slavo) DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is looking for a large underground facility and they need it within days. Known for their secretive and ominous projects, DARPA explained in a tweet that the ideal location would be “several city blocks with complex layouts and multiple stories.”
Why the US Government Spent Millions Trying to Weaponize Memes
(Michael R. McBride) July 14th, 2011 — The US Department of Defense put out a press release that went widely unnoticed, buried in a poorly formatted government website. DARPA was forming a new initiative: SMISC, Social Media in Strategic Communications.
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Mainstream Media Denies Mental Health Problems and Video Games Contribute to Mass Shootings, Tries to Blame Guns
(Justin Deschamps) The following article showcases the opinions of psychologists who seem to assert that mass shootings don’t have any meaningful connections to mental illness or video games. But this presentation in the following article is itself rather dubious, as there are many mental health professionals who recognize that mental health plays a role in mass violence.
Who Created Facebook? New Letter from Alleged Insider Claims Zuckerberg is a Frontman for Military Intelligence
(Makia Freeman) Many people have wondered about the true origins of the social media giant which has gone from a Harvard startup to the company with almost the most users in the world – around 2.38 billion as of the first quarter of 2019. This is an astonishing figure which is inching its way to 1/3 (one third) of the entire global population. Are we supposed to believe the “geek genius” cover story that is used so often to describe the origins of Big Tech / Silicon Valley companies – or is there something more to the story?
Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment
(Zero Hedge) There was such as vast public response to the mystery objects spotted over Kansas City that none other than the National Weather Service of Kansas City felt compelled to tweet on Thursday, June 20 that “we honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City,” along with a sub-tweet of an image showing two “floating objects” in the sky.
DARPA Wants to Create Mind-Controlled Weapons of War
(Dagny Taggart) Last year, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that it was seeking noninvasive ways “to achieve high levels of brain-system communications without surgery.” The techniques would “allow precise, high-quality connections to specific neurons or groups of neurons.”
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Designer Nanobots Changing Humanity
(Rosanne Lindsay) What is smaller than a breadbox and can carry 8,000 times its weight? If you guessed an ant, think smaller. Nanobots are so small they function on the same level as viruses and bacteria. A nano is a millionth of a millimeter, or 40,000 times smaller than the thickness of human hair.
Declassified Documents Reveal Shocking Government Projects, Including Research on Warp Drives and High-energy Laser Weapons
(Ethan Huff) Your tax dollars, believe it or not, are (or at least were) being used by the federal government to research crazy sci-fi concepts like “warp drives,” wormhole travel, high-energy laser weapons, and invisibility cloaking, newly-declassified documents reveal.
Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses
(Matt Agorist) A scathing report was published in Science Magazine this week that accuses DARPA of developing a bioweapon that uses swarms of modified insects to deliver viruses.
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The Pentagon Is Building Technology That Would Allow Troops to Control Machines With Their Minds
(Ethan Huff) Transhumanism is well on its way to becoming a reality in the United States military, as the Pentagon has announced that it’s working on a new “neural interface” technology that would connect human brains directly to machines as a way to control them.
Qanon: Facebook Was Created By DARPA
FB outages today? @Jack Shadowbans lifted [24]? Legal cover pre_testimony? “Twitter denies the ‘current’ adoption of ‘shadowbanning’ re: political viewpoints etc…..no discrimination etc…..pride ourselves re: no censorship etc……open and transparent etc…..” >Twitter re_engages ‘shadowbanning’ across entire platform…. You’ve been a BAD boy [NP].
MicroBots Can Now be Released by the Military During Natural Disasters
(Markab Algedi) You’re probably familiar with the mad science division of the Pentagon, DARPA. They have spearheaded efforts and made research grants toward such things as self guided smart bullets, robots of war, weaponized artificial intelligence, and just about everything in-between.
DARPA Researching Mind-Controlled Troops Connected to Weapons Systems
(Nicolas West) By now it’s not exactly news that the U.S. military would love nothing more than to create mind-controlled soldiers. Since the inception of Activist Post we’ve been reporting about technologies such as transcranial magnetic stimulation that could be added to soldiers’ helmets as a way of altering their brain activity.
Victimization Through Directed Energy Weapon Mind Control Technology
(Paul A Philips) Not satisfied with controlling the masses through guns, taxes, mass media brainwashing and by dumbing down… the government is using its agencies such as the CIA or DARPA as cover sources for secret energy weapon mind control technology.
Former DARPA Exec to Head Shady Facebook Project Called “Building 8” Centered Around Augmented Reality and Brain-scanning Technology
(Ethan Huff) As if things weren’t already bad enough for Mark Zuckerberg’s baby, Facebook (the world’s least trusted company at this point), now they are apparently working on a secret project behind the scenes that has nothing to do with social media, and everything to do with scanning people’s brains as part of a sinister artificial intelligence (AI) endeavor.