(Sophie Mann) The case is the first of a woman being cured of the virus, and third person to date.
Nigerian Study Shows The Use of Ivermectin Alone in Treating COVID-19 as Effective as Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Ivermectin Combination
(Jim Hoft) A recent study in Nigeria shows that using Ivermectin-only (IVM) to treat COVID-19 patients is equally as effective as using the HIA triple therapy (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Azithromycin Combination) in all inflammatory, virological, and respiratory endpoints.
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CURES for COVID-19, Confirmed by Medical Experts
(Derek Knauss) ‘There is no cure for COVID-19. Therefore, we have to make your life impossible with unhealthy face masks, horrible social distancing and destructive lockdowns, and… get everyone injected with an unsafe vaccine as soon as possible!’ That is the message of the mainstream media and political leaders.
Delhi-Based Institute Claims to ‘Cure’ Covid-19 Through Cosmic Sound Therapy
(Somrita Ghosh) Vibrational frequencies of coronavirus and two enzymes were decoded, and since each of them have different frequencies, the three sound waves have been designed to deal with each of them.
Vitamin D identified as the “survival nutrient” against covid-19… could cut mortality rate in HALF, say researchers
(Mike Adams) For three months, we’ve been urging our readers to pursue sensible nutritional strategies to boost immune function and protect against infections. Now a study carried out by Northwestern University has found that higher vitamin D levels result in lower mortality rates from covid-19 infections.
Breakthrough Prostate Cancer Treatment Uses Ultrasound Waves To Eliminate Tumors
(Elias Marat) Doctors have made a tremendous step forward in the fight against prostate cancer, using targeted ultrasound pulses to successfully eliminate the disease entirely in 65 percent of cases with few side effects.
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“The Success Is Clear”: We Finally Have A Cure For Ebola
(Zero Hedge) It looks like we finally have a cure for Ebola, according to Wired.