(Hearth Math) Welcome to the Special Care Focus – Collective Compassion. In order for everyone around the world to participate in a synchronized Care Focus, on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, we have chosen three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*. Please join with others on the Global Coherence App. We will do a special care focus every Wednesday until the Coronavirus pandemic subsides. Thank you for being with us.
The Important Difference Between Pity and Compassion
(Exploring Your Mind) To look at those who suffer with pity is to condemn them to continue suffering. However, doing it with compassion means helping them get ahead. We show you the differences between these two emotions.
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Heart Warming: Disheartened by News Reports, Café Owner Withdraws $10,000 in Cash to Give Away to Unemployed Strangers
(McKinley Corbley) A 62-year-old Australian café owner has been affectionately nicknamed “Generous Pete” after he spent his afternoon handing out $100 bills to people left unemployed by the COVID-19 shutdowns.
Australia is Dropping Vegetables From Choppers to Feed Wildlife Starved by Fires
(Elias Marat) Helicopters are dropping thousands of pounds of food for animals starving to death amid Australia’s fires.
Lessons on Compassion: Why It’s Good for Us and How We Can Do More of It
(Beth Kurland, Ph.D.) A Story of Compassion
The Importance of Apologizing to Children — Help Heal Core Wounds with Compassion and Empathy
(Exploring Your Mind) Apologizing to a child is responsible. As a father, a mother, or a teacher, if you fail a child, you need to be able to apologize to them. Lead by example and teach children that everybody makes mistakes.
8 Common Habits of Highly Compassionate People
(Debi Allison) What defines compassion? If you have ever met a truly compassionate person, they likely stuck out to you like a sore thumb, and even more likely, this person had a way of being that truly stuck out to you, from their habits to their mannerisms.
Willie Nelson Rescued 70 Horses From a Slaughterhouse and Let Them Roam Free on His Ranch
(Amanda Froelich) As if you need another reason to love Willie Nelson, news has recently surfaced that the musician and marijuana activist is also a horse lover. He’s so fond of them that he rescued 70 horses from being slaughtered. They now roam on his 700-acre ranch in Texas.
Elation: The Amazing Effect of Witnessing Acts of Kindness
(Steve Taylor, Ph.D.) I have a friend who used to live in Pakistan, where he was an animal rights activist. One day, he was walking through his home city when he saw a crowd gathered around the stall of a bird seller. A man had bought some myna birds — a popular caged bird in Pakistan, because […]
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Church Goes Against War on the Homeless, Allows Them To Sleep Overnight, Gives Them Blankets
(Adam Goldberg) Every day, good deeds go unreported. There are people out there who have been silently making a difference, just spreading good in the most basic way possible, helping people get what they need and reach the place they need to be in life.
Hugging After A Fight Can Make Everyone Feel Better, A New Study Says
(Carolyn de Lorenzo) Let’s face it: Relationships have their ups and downs. Even in the best scenarios, disagreements, misunderstandings, and conflict can flare up from time to time. There’s also pretty much no one who doesn’t encounter various forms of stress on a semi-regular basis. And everyone encountering this kind of distress is 100 percent looking for something that can make them feel better after the fact. Well, according to a new study from the Department of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, something as simple as a hug can help calm you down after encountering a fight or stressful situation. Isn’t that just a breath of fresh air? I think so, too.