(Exploring Your Mind) The frequent use of the cell phone has consequences in your daily life at all levels. Let’s take a look.
cell phone
FBI Releases New Footage of Suspect Who Placed Pipe Bombs at DNC, RNC Using Cell Phone… But They Still Can’t ID? (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) The FBI on Wednesday released new footage of the suspect who placed pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters in DC on January 5.
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Vaxxed and Tracked: Oxford Secretly, Illegally Collected Cell Phone Data as Part of Covid Vaccination Study
(Ethan Huff) The government of the United Kingdom has admitted that the University of Oxford, where AstraZeneca’s deadly Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection was developed, illegally and secretly harvested cell phone data from the public as part of its vaccine trials.
Indications the Government May Have All the Data On All the Phones Wiped by Weissmann’s Special Counsel Gang
(Joe Hoft) Recently it was reported that creepy Andrew Weissmann, the kingpin behind the Mueller investigation, and a large group of Mueller gang members all destroyed the information on their phones after the Strzok and Page text messages were uncovered.
QAnon Article: 21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll
(Justin Deschamps) The following article was shared by QAnon in a post yesterday. It details the evidence of 21 million missing cell phone users suggesting that a coverup is taking place.
Study Suggest Your Phone Could Be 10x Dirtier Than A Toilet Seat
(Mayukh Saha) Think of anything, absolutely anything that you use on your body. It either goes for wash afterward or gets thrown or is washed away. Except for your phone. Even when we put it on our sweaty cheek to talk, we never wash our hands before using it or wash the phone. It stays with us, right next to us.
Groundbreaking: Italian Courts Have Ruled that Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors
(Martine Vriens and Dafna Tachover) On January 13, 2020, Turin’s Court of Appeals confirmed a 2017 decision determining that a former Telecom Italia worker’s acoustic neuroma (a benign tumor in the ear) was caused by his mobile phone use. This is the sixth time that an Italian court has affirmed a causal link between cell phone use and brain tumors, including decisions by the High Court of Italy.
MUST READ: FCC Knows Anything Metallic – Braces, Glasses, Hip Replacements, Jewelry, etc. – Can Increase Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Absorption Into Body. Did You?
(B.N. Frank) There’s a song, “Does My Ring Burn Your Finger?” that has nothing to do with metallic jewelry absorbing cell phone and WiFi radiation into the body. Regardless, research says it can and by a considerable amount. The Federal Communication (FCC) has even acknowledged this possibility, made inquiries about it, but has not informed the public. So now I can’t get that song out of my head and I’m really glad that I had my mercury fillings replaced years ago.
New Research Shows What Too Much Screen Time Does To Developing Brains
(Alanna Ketler) Within the past decade or so, the way we live our lives has drastically changed for many of us. Screens (smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions) have become such integral parts of our lives that we don’t even notice how much of our attention has been given to these devices.
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MRI Study Associates Screen Time Exposure In Children To Lower Brain Development
(John Vibes) According to a new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, too much screen time for young children could be linked to slower brain development. The study’s lead author Dr. John Hutton, a pediatrician and clinical researcher at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, says that this is the first known study to examine how screen time affects the actual structure of a child’s growing brain.
How to Identify 4 Common Triggers for Compulsive Phone Use and How to Kick the Habit
(Vicki Batts) Are you using your phone too much? If you have to ask yourself that question, it may be a sign of compulsive phone use. In today’s world of smart phones and other devices, it is easy to become way too attached to technology. Smart devices make technology easy to use and readily accessible — such to the point that many people feel they need to be constantly “on,” and available. Whether we’re talking about work or general social “interactions,” there is an expectation these days that you need to always be ready to answer a text, call or social media post.
Screen-Based Media Associated with Structural Differences in Brains of Young Children
(Science Daily) A new study documents structural differences in the brains of preschool-age children related to screen-based media use.
Students Ditch Their Phones For a Week, Report Feeling Happier & More Refreshed
(Paul Joseph Watson) Students at a university in New York who took part in a test to go without their cellphones for a week reported that they felt refreshed, happier, more focused and more relaxed.
Smartphone Dependency as a Predictor of Loneliness and Depression
(Nikki Harper) If you’ve got teenagers, you probably know how hard it can be to separate them from their smartphones. Statistically, 95% of 17-20 year olds use smartphones [1] and parents might be forgiven for thinking that a good number of those actually have their phones attached to them via some kind of technological umbilicus.
Communications Are DOWN in Parts of California: Radio, TV, Internet, Cell Towers Fall Victim to PG&E Blackouts As Wildfires Rage
(Dagny Taggart) California is burning, and the planned power outages initiated by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) have understandably enraged a lot of residents, particularly due to an unexpected consequence: the blackouts have cut power to many cellphone towers.