(Rachel Horton White) In this time, bringing in light to envelope the world is essential to eliminate the control by those who want to create dystopian totalitarianism.
CCP Virus
Study: Social Isolation Leads to Higher Death Rates than Smoking or High Blood Pressure
(Green Med Info) Hundreds of millions of adults and children are now either in quarantine in their homes, or engaged in “essential” travel in the public sphere, while maintaining an unnatural distance from one another, because they have been told this is the best way to protect their individual and the public health from a deadly virus.
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Bill Gates Funding MIT Development Of Micro Implants To Automatically Give Babies Vaccines
(Jay Syrmopoulos) A new discovery could revolutionize the way childhood vaccines are administered, as engineers at MIT have invented a way for multiple doses of a vaccine or drug to be given over an extended period of time with only one injection.
As Protests Mount Across the US, Multiple Sheriffs Openly Stand Against Lockdown
(Matt Agorist) On Wednesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a warning and urged governments to take action as global societal unrest is on the horizon.
Bill Gates’ Latest Instagram Post Has Been Bombarded With Accusations & Comments Against Vaccines
(Arjun Walia) The facts: Bill Gates’ latest instagram post has been littered with comments accusing him of crimes against humanity and other accusations, expressing concerns about vaccinations and more. Many comments seem to continually get deleted. Reflect On: Is humanity waking up? Are there more people who are questioning, doing their own research and thinking for themselves instead of letting big corporations/philanthropists think for them and telling them what is necessary?
How the Military-Industrial Complex Is Using the Coronavirus
(The Nation) Arms industry lobbyists are addressing this pandemic and preparing for the next by pushing weapons sales.
UNVERIFIED CLAIM: Bill Gates’ Vaccine Crime Record: 496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More
(Humans Are Free) Indian doctors blame Gates for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialled back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.
Beaches Reopen in Jacksonville, Florida as Coronavirus Cases Continue to Rise
(The Mind Unleashed) Less than 24 hours after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis relaxed restrictions on social distancing in the state, clearing the way for beaches and parks in some areas to reopen, the city of Jacksonville announced Friday its beaches would reopen at 5pm.
Conspiracy Truthists Are Causing Problems for the NWO: The Paper Of Record Says Feel Sorry For Bill Gates, Who’s Been Targeted With Conspiracy Theories
(Zero Hedge) The Wall Street Journal’s Deepa Seetharaman wants us to know that while poor billionaire Bill Gates has ‘long been a target for online trolls,’ that ‘the social-media attacks have intensified’ as the Micrrosoft co-founder and World Health Organization (WHO) benefactor has become the left’s de-facto coronavirus czar.
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More Americans Are Turning to Grow Their Own Food and Seed Companies Can’t Keep Up
(Mayukh Saha) With the pandemic locking us all inside our homes, many hobbies are surging. There is an increase in gaming, and people are finally trying to read the book that was gathering dust on their bookshelves. There have been strange panic buying trends as well. People have felt the shortages of baker’s yeast to even toilet paper. And now, there is a shortage of seeds. Perhaps, this might be due to the rise of pandemic gardens.
COVID: The Chinese Regime, Sun Tzu and The Art of War
(Jon Rappoport) My longer-term readers know my position on the pandemic: an unproven claim of having discovered a new virus; diagnostic tests which are worthless, but open the door to the phony escalation of case numbers; the gathering and corralling of people who have DIFFERENT traditional diseases (and perhaps a few new non-viral conditions) under the meaningless umbrella term, “COVID-19”; the plan to introduce a toxic vaccine as the “solution.”
FINALLY: Trump Lays Out Three-Phase Plan To Reopen Economy
(Eric A. Blair) President Donald Trump on Thursday laid out a three-phase road map to reopening the U.S. economy, closed for weeks after a virus from China invaded America.
Joe Biden: Coronavirus Crisis an ‘Opportunity’ to Enact Green New Deal Policies
(Charlie Speiring) Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday on CNN the Chinese coronavirus crisis was an “opportunity” to enact major climate change programs found in the Green New Deal.
Fauci Admits US Was “Given Incorrect Information From The Start”
(Just the News) The U.S. was given inaccurate information about the coronavirus at the beginning of the crisis Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Saturday.
Creating the Illusion of a Pandemic Through Diagnostic Tests
(Humans are Free) Nailed them, with their own words. In this article, I’ll present quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic test for the coronavirus. I’m talking about fatal flaws in the test. Because case numbers are based on those tests (or no tests at all), the whole “pandemic effect” has been created out of fake science.